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Ok, I will go first, but before I do, some non-supplement-taking people when they hear about supplements etc, have the knee-jerk reaction to immediately let the world know that they don't take supplements as a flex. if this is you, I am very happy for you.
second thing, I typically go get my blood checked in a private lab (very affordable in Bulagria) so i can be sure that what i am taking is working and my markers are in the range i want them to be.
third thing, each supplement has its place in my regime, and if you are interested in why a particular one is there, lmk and i will answer.
without further ado
*whey protein
  • creatine
  • 2000-3000mg fish oil, highest DHA (and microplastics) as I can get
  • Timed released/buffered vitamin C (can usually stop a cold dead in its tracks if i double or triple dose when i start feeling sick)
  • zinc chelate
  • magnesium
  • glucosamine + chondroitin
  • curcumin
  • Quercitin
  • coQ10
  • vitamin k2+d3 (probably the most important one IMO)
I may add extra things if certain blood levels come back sub-optimal, things are usually stable on this stack though
bonus - things that I can no longer afford to take thanks to inflation
Astaxanthin D-ribose Berberin (just started taking metformin instead, way cheaper)
To some people this might seem a lot, although it's been so many years that i'm used to it and it seems quite conservative lol
I can’t even brush my teeth in the afternoon. Just reading your list makes me feel tired. Your discipline is amazing haha.
And recently I make it a point to drink probiotic drinks to improve my gut health. Already I’m giving myself enthusiastic pats on my shoulder, but your list puts me to shame.
Do you think your cognitive function has improved as a result of those fish oils?
i just put them in a little pill box and pound them with a shake, like any habit, it's automatic. probiotics are excellent too, i don't get enough fermented foods i
as for brain function, hard to say because as a rule what wrecks by brain function is being tired. DHA (in fish oil) is the primary component of brain cell membranes, particularly in the gray matter and neuronal synapses, so just by taking it, i feel like I'm doing something good for my brain.
i can say that at almost 40, i don't feel like I'm cognitively slower or impaired. i might even be at peak brain performance
Cool. It sounds obvious, now that you say it, but I didn’t think of shakes.
What brand of fish oil do you use? It’s my baby step in regard to looking into supplements.
32 sats \ 0 replies \ @Miranda 12h
excellent posolgia of products for the quality of life, it is good to supplement since in large portions we do not find all these products in the common food and if we have a routine of muscle growth, we must help the reserves of the body to not cause stress but a good metabolism. in good time. in my case, I only take vitamins in the morning on an empty stomach, water as soon as I get up. after my dark routine, breakfast and to produce. thanks. sats for everyone.
Nice list -
*whey protein
  • creatine
  • 2000-3000mg fish oil
  • glucosamine + chondroitin
  • one a day vitamin
that's a classic stack right there, very manageable too
Thanks! Looking to add as supplements needed. Just turned 45. I run ~6 miles a day outside, pushups(100), planks(1 minute), pull-ups(50)daily, weights (3x weekly).
Oh I also take some beet juice, and daily smoothies! 3 eggs a daily with plenty of meat and protein
That sounds like a good routine, just consider adding in stuff based on any blood tests or feels, joint pain, things like that
Thanks! Have you listened to this? They talk about a company measuring all that stuff for you. I’m debating it. Any downside?
Peter Diamandis is the Founder & Curator of Abundance360 and the Founder & Executive Chairman of XPRIZE. He is also the author of “Longevity Guidebook: How to Slow, Stop, and Reverse Aging — and not die from Something Stupid. In this conversation we discuss, his keys to longevity, sleep, morning routine, futuristic technology, the power of mindsets, XPRIZE Foundation, what longevity escape velocity is, and more.
Nice routine, bro! Not a lot at all.
Let me share some of my daily routine
  1. Vit D- 10K IU with K2
  2. Benfotiamine
  3. N-Acetyl Cysteine
  4. Zinc Citrate
  5. Bovine Colostrum
  6. Liver supplement
  7. Magnesium citrate
  8. D-Ribose
  9. Creatine
  10. Whey Isolate
  11. Fish Oil
  12. Ubiquinol
For sleep:
  1. GABA
  2. L-Theanine
If I catch an illness
  1. High Dose of Vit C(3-10gms)
  2. High dose of Vit D(60K IU daily for a few days)
I'm happy to field your questions as well, if any.
nice, i have a few Qs
what do your serum D levels sit at at 10k iu - mine hover in the 90 mg/ml level at 10k is
are you taking benfotiamine for nerve support or for fighting AGEs (or both)
are you taking NAC due to any liver issues or just as a general-purpose support supp?
any reason for ubiquinol over coq10? just absorption?
My vitamin D is at 150, and I'm good with it. My LDL cholesterol is high as well (150), but low triglycerides (<70) and high HDL(60+). I aim for high cholesterol and low triglycerides.
Benfotiamine is necessary for the absorption of all the other B vitamins; B1 is a powerhouse that powers metabolic processes in ATP. Its essential to tackle fatigue and fight illness. People focus a lot on B12 but forget with B1, you wont get any Bx as that's the foundation vitamin and the first B vitamin discovered. Forgot to mention I take Vit A(Retinol Palmitate) when I fall as its crucial for IgA(mucosal) immunity. Ubiquinol is more bioavailable, have heard CoQ10 is an end product so better to take Ubiquinol for getting better CoQ10. NAC is a great antioxidant. It breaks down mucus, keeping the lungs clean. I take milk thistle for the liver, which I forgot to mention above.
i am going to do a post on my cholesterol at some point, my LDL was always quite high and i couldn't get it into range. i wasn't super bothered but becuase i couldn't get detailed labs on the sub-particles i decided to get it into range, just in case.
any thoughts on the links between vitamin A and risk of some cancers? (haven't looked deeply into this, but seen headlines pop up)
also, isn't it weird nac is a banned supplement in the US?
I've been all over the place on supplementing, but now I'm a supplement minimalist. I try to get everything I need from diet.
The one supplement I do take regularly (at least in winter) is vitamin D, because that's not something you can get enough of through food. I still try to get as much as I can through Sun exposure, but that's tough in the winter.
what were some of your previous supps before going minimalist?
The other one I do take occasionally still is B-12. Even trying to eat lots of fermented foods, I'm not sure modern diets can reach the optimal level. B-12 is made by bacteria, so modern sanitation and hygiene have greatly reduced the amount we consume.
I definitely took multivitamins. My preference is for the food based ones over the synthetic ones.
I took CoQ10 while recovering from a joint injury. That's more treatment than supplement, though.
I know at various times I've taken B-complex supplements, fish oil, algal oil, iodine, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin E, and probably a few others.
sounds liek some good experimentation!
nice thing about B supplements is they are not too expensive. my wife gets chronic B deficiencies seemingly ever since giving birth a decade ago and a daily B complex is a literal game changer for her.
Shit, dude's not fucking around.
I only take lýsi (for oils and vitamin D) and magnesium (for migraines)
it started out small lol
32 sats \ 6 replies \ @Aardvark 15h
I just take creatine daily. Although when I'm cutting weight (like right now) I don't eat any red meat and tend to get low in iron to the point that I'll get dizzy when standing up, so I supplement iron too.
I used to take fish oil and a multivitamin too, but I'm lazy.
If you're getting dizzy you might want to look at electrolytes for better hydration. Also, worth looking at blood pressure fluctuations and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome(POTS). POTS is diagnosed when your heart rates crosses 30BPM whole going from lying down to standing. I'm curious why your blaming it on iron deficiency. Is your hemoglobin also down? Instead of iron supplement better to consider things like Lactoferrin. Also, if you have low stomach acid that leads to iron not absorbed properly in the GI system. Maybe look at some enzyme and hydrochloric acid supplements to see how you do on the iron front
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @Aardvark 13h
The main reason I blame it on iron is thst it quits happening when I supplement with iron.
It could be something else, but anecdotally iron always does the trick.
that's pretty crazy, us men don't usually get low iron because we don't menstruate lol one thing i would say with iron supps is be careful as iron deficiency is one of the key signs of possible internal bleeding in things like colon cancer. supping it can mask an important symptom.
just an FYI for anyone who reads this, a poop sample along with blood tests will put your mind at ease
what's your main protein source without the red meat? chicken and pork?
14 sats \ 2 replies \ @Aardvark 14h
Yogurt, cheese, ground turkey etc. (Approximately 200g per day)
This happens every time I lose weight so I'm sure it's dietary.
probably, once you've done it a few times you get used to how your body reacts. gotta put the info out there for future fitness stackers though :)
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @tomlaies 11h
second thing, I typically go get my blood checked in a private lab (very affordable in Bulagria) so i can be sure that what i am taking is working and my markers are in the range i want them to be.
4real? A lab told you your Quercitin (what even is that) was a little low? I thought labs were only really confident in high level stuff like iron or magnesium. Maybe I'm out of the loop.
i should have specified, i actually don't check that specifically because there isn't a level for it, it's generally considered a heart health supplement and is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-supporting supp. it's more of a fuck-it-why-not supplement
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @SatsMate 12h
Compared to Bryan Johnson this is very small! As long as your are aware of what you are taking on to a T, I think it is fine to take all of these.
It gets dangerous when you start taking supplements and vitamins without knowing the second and third order effects decades down the road.
quite literally a poor man's Brian Johnson lol
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @LowK3y19 14h
Creatine all the way to bulk up
I like having an * for whey protein and not even explaining why u don’t consider it a supplement. I agree it’s just protein! Still funny
I’ve done creatine I think it’s the most natural of doing supplementation but the benefits only last 8 weeks then it’s a new normal
I’m surprised gelatin didn’t make this list. Or glutamine to help with muscle recovery.
No casein right before bed? 😅
Magnesium sometimes to ease muscle pain sure, but all the time? Any diarrhea? Use it as an oil to rub on your back?
Where’s the pre-workout or supplementing with caffeine pills? Haha!
Thanks for sharing! Does this regime come with any goals in particular?
actually that was just because protein didn't format in a bullet like the others lol
i am a zero response to creatine, but it has cognitive benefits so i take it usually 3 months on and 3 months off
for glutamine, i used to take it , but generally, i don't have issues with recovery.
casein, back in my bulking days i did actually take casein before bed lol
magnesium is mostly to help relax nervous system and muscles, good for heart health (when my wife takes it, it calms her down and she falls asleep lol). you wont get the shits on a normal dose, but if you do, then you know the dose is too high
i don't take stims because they don't work on me, i used to have an online supplement store and tried all kinds of pre-workouts and none of them did anything. i don't know what it is, but nothing gives me any kind of buzz
as for general goals, mostly optimal health and longevity, stay alive to stack sats and not die to lose all the sats lol
Nothing gives u a buzz?? Pound two Red Bulls right before bed to help fall asleep?
i can drink an energy drink and take a nap, if i had two red bulls i would probably just get heart palpitations and shit myself lol no buzz would be had tho
sounds like a good time 🤓
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @ama 15h
I take hidroferol once a month, because I have a deficiency of vitamin D, and I drink magnesium disolved in water when I take long hikes to prevent muscle cramps or puls.
When following a healthy diet, there's no need to take any supplements at all if you're healthy and have no deficiencies.
generally yes, although most people in a modern context are not healthy at all, they just don't run blood tests to actually see whats happening
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ogi099 9h
For me its creatine, D3 and magnesium. I'm much more focused on my diet though