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what were some of your previous supps before going minimalist?
The other one I do take occasionally still is B-12. Even trying to eat lots of fermented foods, I'm not sure modern diets can reach the optimal level. B-12 is made by bacteria, so modern sanitation and hygiene have greatly reduced the amount we consume.
I definitely took multivitamins. My preference is for the food based ones over the synthetic ones.
I took CoQ10 while recovering from a joint injury. That's more treatment than supplement, though.
I know at various times I've taken B-complex supplements, fish oil, algal oil, iodine, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin E, and probably a few others.
sounds liek some good experimentation!
nice thing about B supplements is they are not too expensive. my wife gets chronic B deficiencies seemingly ever since giving birth a decade ago and a daily B complex is a literal game changer for her.