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186,901 sats stacked
stacking since: #432090longest cowboy streak: 47
Hey All,
I am a passionate Bitcoiner who loves trying out new wallets, traveling and sharing my experience with different merchants, and also educating others on how I believe hard money like Bitcoin can help change the world. I visited El Salvador on Bitcoin Day 9/7/2021 (documentary below), and it was one of the best experiences of my life to see a country that was once broken and destitute now have a glimmer of hope due to financial inclusion.
I strongly believe Bitcoin will help change the world, and moreso help individuals who were previously denied access to our current financial system. Looking forward to a bright orange future!
Bitcoin Day Documentary: https://youtu.be/68PA155PX9s
https://zbd.gg/GalmaDuFria This is my personal QR code. It allows anyone to send me Bitcoin and messages directly to my ZEBEDEE. lnurl1dp68gurn8ghj7ctsdyh85etzv4jx2efwd9hj7a3s9aex2ut4v4ehgttnw3shg6tr943ksctjvajhxtmpxuurjcmxxvuz6wf58q6z6drpv5uj6c3jvy6z6epexe3ryd3kxe3kvcnr7y2uzj


Referral to Stacker News: Circular economy with bitcoin discussions involved!  https://stacker.news/r/SatsMate

Primary Bitcoin Buys Through Strike: The primary place I go to buy Bitcoin. https://invite.strike.me/2MSTYG 

Secondary Bitcoin Buys Through Fold: A nice exchange w/ rewards & bitcoin buys.

Lolli Rewards: Earn sats by using a linked card at participating vendors https://lolli.com/share/PQFAMM
Why didn't you post your bio earlier? You needed a grand welcome here.
Okay. It's belated. But it's a huge welcome from me. Your posts are amazing.. thanks for joining all of us.
Much appreciated! I may have been a noobie to stacker news when I started and didn't know I had a bio :D
It's good that you're here, thank you for sharing with us the video and your experiences in El Salvador!
Ty ty!!! El Salvador is the GOAT. Can't wait to go back.
Nice mini documentary! Is important to show the world the life with Bitcoin in El Salvador.
Ty ty! Would like to do another couple in my lifetime.
It’s a little late for a “welcome”, so instead I’ll say
“I’m glad you’ve joined us here on Stacker News.”
Thanks @Undisciplined! Loving the community & topics over the past couple of months!
63 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 29 Jun 2024
Howdy @SatsMate, glad to see you're one of the most prolific stackers around and a proud cowboy!
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy and sell your products or services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay tuned, stack sats ;)
Ty, Ty @AG! Will definitely look into this :)
Stack Sats and stay humble.
Always good sir!
You should remove all that crap shitcoining from video description...
Great callout, 2020 I went down the wrong path, starting on bitcoin day I saw the true path, Bitcoin
Loved your experience, bitcoin power. Bitcoin unite.
Welcome to SN!
Keep adding great value to the community and platform. Much appreciated!
Ty, the highlights of my day!
Welcome aboard!
Hard Core Nostrich, Welcome to the decentralized web. Get started on your journey to the future with the guides below. Share your journey here and everywhere on Nostr.
First time (nostriches) start here! #535829 Would you like a purple crumpet❓ #543258 Content Creator Tools for writers + mini guide setting up Obsidian #560581
Thanks for sharing @Hamstr !!!