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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Always a happy day when I can earn some sats via Fountain app. Never giving up is key.
What podcasts do you all listen to on Fountain?
sometimes I would listen to those what @DarthCoin boosted. 🤫
Continuing to hack on ML ingest for search. On the sample I made yesterday it was a pretty significant improvement. The ingest keeps choking though due to tensor size even though I'm truncating the input significantly ... so much glue.
Update: found a model that truncates for me!
My wife is eating four slices of wheat bread dipped in hot sauce......
Not sure if she's pregnant, or just plebbin it until the god candles appear.
I just saw her reach for more hot sauce. She looked inside the bottle after killing it, not sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Dont trust verify freaks!
I would have said that live-tweeting it might not have been the best move, but it's now two hours later, you can follow up.
I've never seen another human being eat bread dipped in hot sauce. I'm down to start a support group #onefreakatatime
Getting my 🤠
Congrats! May it last long.
Tomorrow is my 20th day with the cowboy hat. New record!
Congrats! It’s a wild ride!
Hang on tight!
[SNIP] When we are in wild west mode, posts should be labeled With something
Listening to Bitcoin podcasts while shoveling out in the Midwest blizzard!
Last chance to throw your hat in the ring for 2k sats NFL wildcard weekend bounty.
wow, first time receiving sats boom from @sn 🥳 now I see why so many comments on Meme Monday and fun fact Friday!
The weekend has arrived my friends and what a great feeling it is to finally get some well deserved rest, after putting a lot of effort, energy and focus on our goals it's time to get a treat, doesn't have to be food, it can be anything you want, perhaps you saw a nice shirt or a pair of shorts, a cap, a dress, a bouquet of nice flowers for the wife or husband, maybe a nice walk on the park or at the beach, anything my friend, you deserve it, you're worthy of it and don't you forget that. You're important and you matter, also because you're awesome, so there's that! I wish you all a phenomenal weekend, may it be filled with love, joy and success. As always my good friend, stay frosty.
Howdy Cowboys!
Have a great weekend and don't sell your bitcoin to BlackRock!
Stack Sats and stay humble.
music of today
and fun fact
People don't call each other with Mr or Miss in Turkey, but use Bey for male and Hanım for female, so it would be Ekzyis Bey for @ekzyis, David Bey for @davidw 😂🤓 much exotic!
That's cool. Reminds me when everyone goes around calling their other halves 'bae'
bey is more fun! 😂
@ekzyis Thank you for the referral to Mr. Robot via one of your posts. I really enjoyed the first season! Just began season 2, so no spoilers please! ;)
No worries and glad that you like it! Now I can say I had an impact in the life of @WeAreAllSatoshi, lol :)
I also want to talk more about Mr. Robot with others since it's one of my favorite shows (it probably is my favorite show). Should have started talking about Mr. Robot on here a lot sooner! I thought everyone must have already seen it because it was that good, lol
We can reply to each other a lot of times and then you can tell me what happened in season 1 since we can use view replies as some kind of spoiler warning for other stackers, lol
I forgot what happened in season 1. It's all mixed up in my brain. It's been some time.
I had to wait for the edit window to close because I know you too well lol
Good idea about using the deep comments for spoiler support. That just might work!
I had heard of the show by name but I just never looked into what it was about so I never knew I’d like it. It seems like a show that would be very popular among the SN crowd.
I got a couple more PRs merged into opcode-explained this week. Happy to be able to make doc improvements while I have limited free time, still contributing to the Bitcoin open source community!
Join us at 11:00am CST for the first TopBuilder workshop.
  • How to Apply and Succeed at Wolf by Brian Atchure
  • Top Builder Roadmap Ahead by Car González
  • Building with LLM's with Marcus Workman
Come to PlebLab or watch online:
Announcing Austin Kelsay from plebdevs as a TopBuilder mentor.
Join us today at 11:00am CST for TopBuilder kick off: https://buff.ly/3SdIWrP
I've reached something of an equilibrium in my initial search for the optimal default zap. For a couple weeks now, I've been hovering around 270.
Now I want to refine my approach.
Rather than just zapping everything I like 1/1000th of my wallet balance, I'd like to add some nuance. Here are the terms of my next experiment:
  • Normal/small comments get 1/10,000 of my balance (currently 27 sats)
  • Normal/short posts or insightful comments get 1/1000 of my balance (currently 270 sats)
  • Longer thoughtful posts get 1/100 of my balance (currently 2700 sats)
I'll be utilizing the turbo zaps feature for this, so watch out for accidentally large zaps!
How are other people's (@ekzyis and @elvismercury) current zap experiments going?
How are other people's (@ekzyis and @elvismercury) current zap experiments going?
Am I not writing every day how my current zap experiment is going? :)
But I guess you are right, I kind of lost to share what I learned in these posts like I did in the beginning.
Will think more about this and reply here or create a post or just add them to my next Z2Z post.
I just meant quick takeaways. How has your experiment changed your own zapping behavior? Have you noticed changes in other users? How have your rewards been affected? That kind of stuff.
Food for thought…..
I like this method a lot -- I'll steal it, or something like it, after January. I'm slowly bleeding out from 1k zaps, and it's produced a couple of informal effects on myself: I zap zero in cases where I would have zapped my old default of 22x. There's a serious friction to the floor being 4x more than your old floor. I could, with great effort, over-ride it, but part of the game was to see what would happen, and that's what's happening.
Based on @ekzyis's kick-ass reporting, I suspect that I could be slightly in the black if I posted a lot, but I just don't have the time to do that. This needs greater investigation, since it's at tension with another thing I believe 100%, which is the outsized benefits of action. But the type of action matters a lot: in the time I devote to SN, I spend it overwhelmingly on comments, and I spend a lot of mental effort on them. But a comment is extremely unlikely to get you enough zaps to keep you in the black; so it's clear where effort should be allocated if you're looking to not get rekt.
Anyway, I think I'll get through January without blowing my balance to zero, and while this isn't about making money, I don't have unlimited appetite to lose money, either, so maybe your methodology will help with that, along with more effort at posting [1].
The thing I cared the most about -- to show people who are producing things that I think are undervalued that they are seen and cared for, with the hope of inspiring them to do more of it -- seems to have not manifested. Still a negligible number of link posts with good descriptions -- you and @siggy47 are the main exceptions that come to mind. Still very little experimentation in form or different perspectives besides the obvious btc ones. But a ship like that will turn slowly, if at all, so I haven't given up. I think the bigger lever for this is modeling. @ekzyis and @davidw have been burning it up on this one lately, and if I find it inspiring and thought-provoking, I'm sure others do, too.
[1] Ironically, this should probably have been an interim report post. So meta.
I zap zero in cases where I would have zapped my old default of 22x
I've noticed myself doing this a little bit with comments that aren't nothing, but also where 270 seemed a bit rich. Someone mentioned having a low zap that basically just acknowledges the other person. So 27 from me is sort of a "don't leave me hanging" zap.
a comment is extremely unlikely to get you enough zaps to keep you in the black; so it's clear where effort should be allocated if you're looking to not get rekt.
I'd love to make great comments competitive with great posts. Comments on home aren't great feng shui, but maybe we can surface hot global comments some other way.
That would be cool -- the context thing would be an interesting challenge, though a fun one, and it would help w/ notifications, too. You wrap the thing you're being notified about in a bundle of context so it can be interpreted.
(Perhaps could also incentivize people to make their comments more 'sovereign' in that they contain enough ingredients to be interpretable with minimal other context.)
You could always just have a feed of "hot comments" treated as a territory? If you wanted to not do something bespoke. But what the hell do I know. Well, I know that such a thing would probably be more interesting to me than the post-centric version, as I can dig into any conversational cul-de-sac regardless of topic if it's hopping, but many things I won't see because the post's topic is not a particular interest of mine.
This might be a good example of what you're talking about.
No one would have any reason to suspect this interesting little chat, that belonged in ~meta, was in a ~Stacker_Sports post, but it would have been nice for more people to have weighted in on it.
Perfect illustration, thanks for providing one. It's fun to imagine how one could display this on some kind of feed, and how its candidacy for such a feed could be determined. First thing that comes to mind is a weighted-subtree thing, e.g., sum up the zaps of the whole subtree, and then show the highest ones; or the subtree up to some depth, or only top-level sub-trees bc the first thing I said is computationally unfeasible...
And then what to show for it? The parent comment? An LLM-summary of the subtree? The parent comment + a summary? Lots of cool things you could pilot. Harder to figure out how to do user influence on top of it, though -- graph embeddings beyond my paygrade, but maybe some simpler way would be 60% as good.
I like that idea, the tricky thing is comments require more context. So if there were a way to make it as “top conversations” than just comments, I think it might have more success.
Most people are not aware that ranking for upvoting top comments is WAY easier than ranking for upvoting posts. To me that’s plenty of incentive already to engage with comments and a way for them to compete with posts.
Comments can be extremely detailed and valuable, but there is plenty of work in posts, especially those generally speaking with more sats & longer word counts.
I know it's already part of how things become "hot", but maybe there could be another feed specifically for hot conversations that only weighs the zaps to comments. (or, something like that)
I just realised I edited my comment to say the exact same thing as yours 😂
Now that's a great comment.
I think the bigger lever for this is modeling
what do you mean with modeling?
Illustrating a principle with a concrete act, e.g., if you want to see more posts that surface old content and add value to it, provide commentary that synthesizes things, etc., then you should create those things yourself and model it for others.
Ahh, I see. Related to this quote:
Be the change you want to see in the world
I feel like a web crawler that exclusively crawls SN for good content to include in these Z2Z posts.
stole that acronym from @davidw here
I disabled turbo zap because... you said it. Yes. Accidental clicks will happen. You will see 😅 To zap custom amount you can hold the button and then enter a custom amount there or click the buttons of previous zap amounts. It is safer than turbo zap but slower.
safer than turbo zap but slower
There are no solutions, only tradeoffs. I want the speed...for now.
So the day I get 2700 sats from you is the day I know I have made it as a content creator 😆
Or it's just the day you got an accidental double click. Now, if you ever get 27,000 sats, you can be pretty sure I was trying to zap you 2700 for a great post.
lol. Btw how did you come to the conclusion that 270 sats is the optimal zap for you, rather than raising it higher to say, 388 sats?
It's not inherently fixed here. I explained my search procedure in this post.
Basically, I was looking for the amount that caused me to break even, on average, with my SN usage. That amount happened to be about 270 sats.
Thanks! I read your post before but reading it again made me float over to DarthCoin’s comment and learn that if you donate sats to the pool, you may just receive back your donation (and more) the next day. Gonna try that haha
Interesting experiment, reminds me of the saying a penny for your thoughts. Trying to think of a clever saying for satoshis.
or "plant the seed to stack precious sats"
"One thousandth of my custodial wallet balance for your thoughts isn't pithiness for you?"
the default zap for me is 210 atm, and the other zapping depends on my mood, so I'm a mood based zapper ( also depends on how much interaction I've with that stacker ) probably not so "good" in terms for the rewards wise, but it's more fun. 🤔
and where's the SSL from yesterday? @ekzyis
Beginning of Secret Sauce Live? I still have 10min to proofread before posting (and another 10min after posting) because I just posted this and I don't want to pay 33% of my wallet to post this post.
Your mood has probably served you better than whatever strategy most of the other stackers are using.
Your mood [and authenticity]
maybe no strategy is the best strategy? 🤔
feel the force:) and I def noticed that there are more energy in SN some days, but sometimes are really quiet.
It's hard for most bitcoiners to fight their own stinginess, even when it would clearly benefit them. Without a strategy most of our purse strings get tight.
but Bitcoiners should be mostly rationalists? and according to conservation of energy
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.
so zapping sats to someone, something else should be back right? maybe not in sats, but in other forms, it could be new knowledge, fun or something else...🤔
Seems like a local minimum in mempool fees right now... might be a good time to make some txns if you've been waiting?
Shhhh you wake up the monster!!! hahaha.
Day 26 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 711 sats on 12Jan2024! Running total: 20,523 sats!
Enjoying linden tea with fresh ginger on SATurday.
I've been pulling some stats off SN this last few hours.
Analysing the top stackers but in a new way. Seeing who is top of the pops for 'sats per write' and who is the best 'conversation keeper' with their posts. Not sure how best to present all the tables & keep it in a readable format. Perhaps a vertical PDF. Will try and wrap it up for early next week.
This will be so cool to see! Based on your work, I know I don't need to say this, but I am nothing if not redundant, and so: please post methodology when you 'release' the big one!
Cool! Any sneak-peak takeaways yet?

Posting on particular Day of Week

Posting at Time of Day (Eastern time)

This is taking data from posts over 5k with over sats total (that were not "Satsraisers"). Goes to show posting early for the European market & when people wake-up State-side pays off. Waiting a few more hours leads to more discussion/comments. Time shown is in U.S. Eastern time. Wednesdays, Thursdays (and surprisingly Sundays) have been popular too.
cc. @Natalia if posting just once a week, something to bear in mind 😀
🤠 One more follow-up....
People who are NOT currently cowboys/cowgirls have bigger peaks & troughs. (Current) cowboys continue to stack consistently throughout the week...
Whereas the opposite is true for comments from cowboys. Way more discussion on their posts, perhaps suggesting we could do more to get "dippers' to engage after posting something of value on SN. They seem extremely active on Sundays, which is a nice opportunity for us to skew the rewards that day perhaps.
(Note: data still from posts with over 5k sats).
How I can become a cowboy? :)
Be both curious and generous with your time. Proof of work will see to it that you are rewarded.
interesting, but there are quiet some undergrounds 🤓 did you count them in?
perhaps suggesting we could do more to get "dippers' to engage after posting something of value on SN
what dat mean 🤔 the easiest and best way is do a shoutout in saloon once post something:)
My bad, with poor English. Dipping into something, I use it like it’s temporary. In and out quickly.
When non-cowboys post something (at least this is my interpretation) there’s naturally a little less discussion from everyone. I suspect a big portion of comments from cowboy posts, are from cowboys themselves.
The chart is telling me that others have less time/willingness to be able to do it during the week, which makes sense.
I also like posting either in Wed or Thur, works great for my schedule too, and nothing need to stressed about when it's in the middle of the week!
this "Sats Per Post - Posted at Time of Day" is quite interesting.
Definitely is. Something I had witnessed/felt when posting ~6am Eastern but hadn't proven until now. Now I wonder how many sats I have left on the table posting later in the day, once I finally finish editing (versus waiting the extra day).
for me, I noticed the best is 6-10am Eastern time.
Now I wonder how many sats I have left on the table posting later in the day, once I finally finish editing (versus waiting the extra day).
yea, you always post in my late nights 😆
also one more bonus of posting "early" is that you could easily rank into the top post with more zap ranks.
this is the real SSL here @ekzyis
Fun Fact Not-Friday... @Natalia has more comments on her posts on average than even @sn (58.2 vs 57.1)
I've been pulling some stats off SN this last few hours
wow, impressive - how did you get those data 👀 is it the SQL that @ekzyis trying to pill me in?
The stats don't take into consideration every post on the site.
I made a python script that pulls any post above 1k sats in rewards and dumps the details into a local spreadsheet for now.
this's one of those skills I lack, would be so nice if get to see it in action. 🤔
You're seeing very similar skills in action right now, lol :)
But I know what you mean. More posts!
I'll try to use my automation skills to get faster with my ZtZ posts so I still have time for other things lol
I'm still doing a lot manual.
Off to cvs to get some household goods.
🤠- What are you excited about today?
crafting some fun for next week:)
Good morning, good afternoon, good night wherever you are
Day 273 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 73 push-ups. (20 - 20 - 33)
Day 54 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 2 minutes (Don't want to exert too much before the big day, tomorrow.)
max push-ups: 33
Nice push to finish!
Where the snail at? We at 100k already…??
it seems weekends are quite quiet.
‘Too quiet…’
deleted by author
Maybe @nemo is still hungover from Christmas
or as ChatGPT would put it:
@nemo might still be experiencing the effects of Christmas festivities.
For the record @nemo messaged me the other day, and it seems like he wants to take a break from the internet for a while. I don't blame him, this ecosystem does get crazy sometimes.
That’s just what we need… lol
let a man sleep
If I’m awake the least the snail can be doing is pushing out some press ups! lol (we are actually in the same time zone so I know what time it is)
I m going to walk to the beach with my wife and eat outside as today it s a sunny day and it s the week end :) Wish you a nice one
what's with this photo? I don't quite get it.
The lady is cleaning the floor manually in an irobot store
oh hahah - maybe she is a more advanced robot? ( joking! ) 😂
She Is, for sure. Not joking
Did you ever wonder how these beautiful ceramics are being made? well, I did! so I went to see and learn about the process. 👀
And one interesting thing in common I've noticed in these traditional arts is that many motifs are being passed down or accumulated throughout the years, so you don't really need to do everything from scratch. All you need is to be patient and focus and learn from the past, with those good practices and avoid mistakes, then you slowly level up to discover your own unique style, which reminds me, isn't our life the same - learning from history/people who had walked before, avoiding those mistakes, and forging our own unique path, then you pass down your knowledge to others.
Love reading about stuff like this. Would you consider writing a post about what you learnt during each craft making session?
could do 👀 then I would never run out of things to write about:)
I really don't understand why so many people have writer's block, I mean all you need is keep doing interesting thing then write about them right? simple hack it is!
Second in, woohoo!
Day 23 keeping the cowboy hat. What about you?
deleted by author