but Bitcoiners should be mostly rationalists? and according to conservation of energy
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.
so zapping sats to someone, something else should be back right? maybe not in sats, but in other forms, it could be new knowledge, fun or something else...🤔
People aren't rational most of the time. They develop heuristics and operate off of those. The "HODL" mentality is deeply ingrained in the community and it anchors people towards stinginess, even in circumstances where generosity is highly rewarded.
reminds me of a discussion I had with someone - do you know why some chefs are more well-known than others? Not because they actually cook the best, but because they are sharing their "recipes."
sharing often leads to more happiness, e.g. when it comes to food, there are different feelings when you are sharing with others VS eating alone, even with the same food.
so what good does that do even if you got all the Bitcoin in the world but no one there to share with?
That made me think of the psychology research that shows people enjoy doing favors for others more than they enjoy having favors done for them.
I guess it's quite a nice feeling being able to give:)