So the day I get 2700 sats from you is the day I know I have made it as a content creator 😆
Or it's just the day you got an accidental double click. Now, if you ever get 27,000 sats, you can be pretty sure I was trying to zap you 2700 for a great post.
lol. Btw how did you come to the conclusion that 270 sats is the optimal zap for you, rather than raising it higher to say, 388 sats?
It's not inherently fixed here. I explained my search procedure in this post.
Basically, I was looking for the amount that caused me to break even, on average, with my SN usage. That amount happened to be about 270 sats.
Thanks! I read your post before but reading it again made me float over to DarthCoin’s comment and learn that if you donate sats to the pool, you may just receive back your donation (and more) the next day. Gonna try that haha
Let me know how it goes.
Just donated 50 sats to the pool haha. I’ll see how things turn out