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🤠 One more follow-up....
People who are NOT currently cowboys/cowgirls have bigger peaks & troughs. (Current) cowboys continue to stack consistently throughout the week...
Whereas the opposite is true for comments from cowboys. Way more discussion on their posts, perhaps suggesting we could do more to get "dippers' to engage after posting something of value on SN. They seem extremely active on Sundays, which is a nice opportunity for us to skew the rewards that day perhaps.
(Note: data still from posts with over 5k sats).
How I can become a cowboy? :)
Be both curious and generous with your time. Proof of work will see to it that you are rewarded.
interesting, but there are quiet some undergrounds 🤓 did you count them in?
perhaps suggesting we could do more to get "dippers' to engage after posting something of value on SN
what dat mean 🤔 the easiest and best way is do a shoutout in saloon once post something:)
My bad, with poor English. Dipping into something, I use it like it’s temporary. In and out quickly.
When non-cowboys post something (at least this is my interpretation) there’s naturally a little less discussion from everyone. I suspect a big portion of comments from cowboy posts, are from cowboys themselves.
The chart is telling me that others have less time/willingness to be able to do it during the week, which makes sense.
and @Undisciplined is signaling that he is watching us. 😂
When non-cowboys post something (at least this is my interpretation) there’s naturally a little less discussion from everyone. I suspect a big portion of comments from cowboy posts, are from cowboys themselves.
hmmmm, especially when @nemo in town, more fun - dancing in everyone's post, taking all the street!
Just a gentle nudge for you to keep this interesting conversation going. Pretend like I'm not even here.
@nemo must be enjoying the reef right now. The only way I can keep this going is by posting more charts...

Sats per post - current cowboys vs not

when would you post this fun piece?
also, here are some tiny things that could be improved in the charts
  • format of dates - I guess you mean Mons, Tues, Weds, etc, get rid of 1-7 then.
  • the colors - yellow and orange is hard to tell apart, same for pinkish and dark red.
  • it would be even nicer to include the numbers like how many cowboys and noncowboys in this data collection, how many posts in total etc.
Hope to get it out Tuesday/Wednesday.
Thanks for the feedback, the numbers on the x axis were to make sure they were ordered correctly left to right.