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89,715 sats stacked
stacking since: #300062longest cowboy streak: 2
My Bitcoin story:
1st chapter:
I heard about BTC first time ever in 2010. On this time I was registered on many PTC sites (Pay to Click) to earn some money on my free time. Once, when I wanted to cash out from one of these sites the amount of $9 (nine US dollar), the site suggested me to create a BTC wallet, and swap my $9 to 500 BTC (five hundred Bitcoin) instantly, and they will send this amount of BTC directly to my wallet. I thought "what the hell is BTC", I have read 1 article about BTC, and the first page from litepaper...but I thought it is a scam for sure, and remained with my original plan, and cashed out $9. This was the first BIG MISTAKE!
2nd chapter:
Secondly... I started to read about BTC on 2015. After our wedding with my wife I tried to convience her to buy some BTC from our wedding money. I would have liked it to buy 10 BTC (price was around $250 / BTC), but my wife didn't believed in, and most probably I was not enough convincing. Important to note, that on this time I thought about BTC strictly as a short / middle investment to make more money.
3rd chapter:
In May 2021 I was on my brother's bachelor party, with a lot of friends, and some unknown peoples for me (these were my brother's classmates). I started to talk with one of these "unknown people" about finances, and he told me about BTC. We talked a lot, and he explained me the real utility of BTC, that is not just a financial device, but much more than that: it is the key to own your freedom, and to not depend on financial institutions. After this party, I maded a Binance account, and bought a middle pack of BTC, and started to read and learn about. This learning process is still continues even now.
Conclusion: BTC will change our life, we just need to be patient, and wait!
Bitcoin lover & crypto enthusiast
This sounds more like a shitcoiner pretending to be a bitcoiner. You should review your "intentions"...
based on the latest edit of the bio, the user has reviewed his intentions =)
Welcome to the Final Frontier!
Welcome aboard!
Quality over quantity, @kurszusz, I see you spam posting almost every minute, with copy-pastas or kinda low-effort posts. I understand that you may want to stack sats and you find SN an easy path to do that, but stay humble, high-effort posts will reward you better.
OK. Understand. Thanks for your advice!
Yet, more than a year later, you still steal other people's content: #894517
Do i see fellow Poles here?
ok one Hungarian and one Pole
Yes mate, I'm Hungarian. But you need to know that Hungarians have traditional good friendship with Polish peoples.
„Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki.”
oba zuchy, oba żwawi, niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi
Welcome. Stay humble, stack sats.
Welcome to the sat party! It’s groovy
stack sats and stay humble