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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kurszusz 21h \ on: Stacker Saloon
What's the "cowboy hat" and "horse"?
How I can get it, and how I lose it? I get the cowboy hat multiple times, but in some days after (usually 1 day) I lose it...The horse I get first time today.
Thanks for reply
Ancient Rome was just an idea...you can choose planets, countries, intresting places, different historical places, etc, etc... the possibilities are almost endless
Nothing special during this week...only on weekend...will be busy
Saturday will be our last time of "family-skating" this season, Saturday at afternoon I will go with my son to a laser-tag "competition", because I promised...
And on Sunday we will go to Mc, or KFC (we're eating 1 times/month on a fast-food, and this weekend was picked for March)
So...100% family weekend :)
During the week...I work, kids are in school, and wife at home :)
What if....you choose 3 categories...for example famous peoples, animals, and locations.
Make a 10 row list of each, and organise a poll.
The most voted from each category will forms the theme of the contest ;)
Ex: Michael Saylor, monkeys (as you said), in ancient Rome
The Fed will follow also. I think there will be a 2-3 month soft landing, then a sudden crash in interest rates. I don't exclude the possibility of a global event.
Unpopular opinion...
I'll be honest...I don't believe such statistics, I think the data is not realistic (at least in our country they completely distorted the reality during the virus).
I specifically know of a case where the hospital offered money to the relatives of a deceased person (he died in the hospital) to write covid as the cause of death on his medical record.
is this a live kitten? it's like a plush. It's cute, but I wouldn't keep one at home...the kids would confuse it with their toy kittens :P
It was not really a meme, but I burnt hard...
Invested on an "early project"....all was good until the listing...listing was delayed for more than 1 years, because "market conditions" :D
And from $0.0065 private sale price goes down to $0.0002 :P But team "of course we don't sell"...
Btw...it was EVLD :)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the first." - Albert Einstein-
If you are a shareholder, it means you believe in the company, and you are thinking long term.
Just because a company doesn't pay dividends this year doesn't mean it won't in the future.
Every year, companies collectively decide whether to distribute the previous year's profits as dividends or reinvest them back into the company.
Think of it this way: by reinvesting this year's profits, the company is developing, so you can expect more dividends in the future :)
But this is just my humble opinion.
I just Googled it, that Norvan Falls is in Canada. Intresting thing that certain mushroom species are very similar / the same as here in Europe. For example the 3rd picture is delicious porcini mushrooms (idk if translation is good) (https://www.google.com/search?q=izletes+varganya&sca_esv=9cb432d0935eb54f&udm=2&biw=1536&bih=702&sxsrf=AHTn8zodgSR1RCbjuISO-NEyUvviVGFxSQ%3A1741601912490&ei=eLzOZ-PMHZ2N9u8P2tWh0A0&ved=0ahUKEwjj6NXapP-LAxWdhv0HHdpqCNoQ4dUDCBE&uact=5&oq=izletes+varganya&gs_lp=EgNpbWciEGl6bGV0ZXMgdmFyZ2FueWEyBBAAGB5ImBxQ-wZYiBtwA3gAkAEAmAG2AaAB5w6qAQQ0LjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIToALuD8ICBhAAGAcYHsICBxAAGIAEGArCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHpgDAIgGAZIHBDMuMTagB6Es&sclient=img) is one of the most delicious types of mushrooms. It can be eaten fried, dried, pickled, or as a spice, making it a great addition to certain dishes.
How old is your daughter? If I had to guess based on the drawing, I would say 10-12
The drawing is excellent though
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
On the other hand, not paying dividends can be a good company policy