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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @libertas OP 26 Nov 2024 \ parent \ on: Help me orange-pill my HOA bitcoin
That's typically part of my strategy so I'll probably pre-draw & pre-write what I normally do
My liberal brother-in-law said he was going to move to Mexico if Trump was re-elected. Except he's not.
I dated her best friend (at the time) many years before we re-kindled in the flu shot line at work before we were anti-vax pilled. We are both RNs.
Caveat: I'm on the board and am good friends with the treasurer. After sending a proposal to the other members, she is the one that suggested I do an unofficial zoom meeting with the rest of the board.
Yesterday, I convinced two coworkers to start buying & holding Bitcoin through Strike. They're 50+ female nurses.
I also convinced another 20-something female coworker to sell all of her cryptos and put it into Bitcoin. Unfortunately she's been using Robinhood but at least they offer withdrawals now.
Yeah, they're unfortunately using custodial services. Hoping I can find (or provide) them an Uncle Jim scenario at some point because they're not advanced enough to learn self-custody yet.
Oh, and this past weekend, I talked to my mom's husband and his millionaire boss about it. Seems they will both be "investing" at some point. The boss specifically said he'd be getting in touch with me.
Fuck off with your communist bullshit, you statist twat. You're the exact type of person this post is referring to. I don't have a duty to do a damn thing for anyone, nor would I willingly subject myself to a community who believes otherwise.
Hoo boy, wait until you get a hold of US attorneys and the US court system. They don't even follow their own rules or understand what a constitution is supposed to do!
There is a difference between those who want to learn and those who refuse it. No one changed my mind but myself - pursuing it of my own accord. If someone comes to me genuinely, I am more likely to speak nicely about it, but those who come for the sake of argument will receive dogma.
I will, however, forgive no one that wished me to lose my job or wished ill upon myself or my family.
If I told you I'd give you $10 million today, but tomorrow you'd be dead, would you take it?
Of course not. You likely value your time on Earth more than that.
I would assume that was definitely the case. Knowing what I know now, I would have drastically increased the fat and possibly lowered the protein. I was getting 200-300g/protein per day and should have been around 120-150g at most. Given that I was eating mostly ribeye with the occasional strip steak, my fat:protein ratio was probably 1:1 at best.
My response to the intrinsic argument is something more like this:
Very few things have actual intrinsic value. Sunlight and water are some of the only things on earth that have naturally-occurring value to all living things because they wouldn’t survive without it. Food (used generally) could be considered to have intrinsic value for the same reason. Outside of that, each individual human values things differently, so the value each individual human gives something depends on its usefulness to them. Some people may consider gold valuable as a money, some may find it valuable in electronics, others may not find it valuable at all.