Typically, I'm not fond of HOAs. I'm in one, there's no getting around that, and a vast majority of the people here want to be in an HOA - that's their right, so I'm going to try to help myself (while I'm here) and the other citizens avoid any future raises in assessment since inflation is running rampant. We recently had our monthly HOA fees raise from $85/month to $110/month.
The Board members may be willing to let me do a Zoom meeting to explain why I think we should put 5% of our treasury into Bitcoin and if that is approved: why we should also let residents pay in Bitcoin, possibly with a discount (I'll be shilling Strike to help with this). In my initial email, I gave them some reasons as to why, just enough to sew curiosity.
Often, in one-on-one situations with someone who is Bitcoin-curious, I have a pretty high orange-pill rate. This Board is mostly boomers, so my strategy may need to be slightly different.
Have you orange-pilled someone, especially a company? What were the best strategies or resources that you used in doing so?