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Daryl Davis converted over 300 KKK members by talking g to them. Ghandi also comes to mind. There was also Jesus....
People have absolutely changed the world by being kind, forgiving, and talking logically.
Did anyone change your mind by being dogmatic and unforgiving? Because it seems to me that it's that exact behavior that's had an opposite effect on you.
There is a difference between those who want to learn and those who refuse it. No one changed my mind but myself - pursuing it of my own accord. If someone comes to me genuinely, I am more likely to speak nicely about it, but those who come for the sake of argument will receive dogma.
I will, however, forgive no one that wished me to lose my job or wished ill upon myself or my family.
No one changed my mind but myself
You didn't read any books, listen to any podcasts or any arguments from anyone else? You came up with everything on your own? I get that you mentioned this to show the difference between you and other people, but I am mentioning this because I think you're not aware how easy it is to get subconsciously influenced.
For example, people tend to think that advertisement doesn't affect them but when it comes to the split-second decision if you buy X or Y, you will buy the thing you have already seen before and you won't even notice that you made this decision.
If someone comes to me genuinely, I am more likely to speak nicely about it, but those who come for the sake of argument will receive dogma.
Mhh, okay, that's a nuance I can get behind. See? You convinced me by not being dogmatic and explaining the details, lol.
I will, however, forgive no one that wished me to lose my job or wished ill upon myself or my family.
I get that but you don't have to get down to the same level and embrace dogmas yourself
good territory choice btw, this post is definitely ~based
The global scientific communities overwhelming consensus is that we should be afraid. That we need to take urgent and collective action to prevent devastating changes in the climate. Libertarians prefer to deny all the science and evidence than accept a situation where government might have an essential role in preserving a safe global environment.
You mean the psycos dressed as doctors? There's virtually zero science being their claims.
Anyone with a pair of neurons should always deny "science" and "evidence", aka propaganda.
All for healthy skepticism but not so much blind cynicism. The evidence is overwhelming that climate change is real and dangerous...and caused by humans.
Great sources no doubt.
Correlation is not causation. I would recommend educating yourself about numbers and stats as a tool of deception and astronomical phenomena that could MAYBE rethink your faith in our cherished fiat science.
The science of GHGs causing climate change is over 100 years old...and very firmly established. It is now demonstrable and evidenced in the world. The bounds of Libertarian denial of facts and science seems unlimited. Skepticism is healthy but cynicism can be blind and dangerous.