I had much respect for you but this is way over... you are just a warmonger shill. FUCK OFF WARMONGER! You lost all my respect for you as a Bitcoin contributor!
Nostr note here: note1fzm4ym97tjykvxzkr9jk6yc2wdlwj2p5sfrqjf696xal3xkp9puscwvghq btw njump really sucks and do not handle universal nostr notes
@petertodd you've just wiped out all your reputation as a bitcoiner. SHAME ON YOU!
Ah yes, I'm a warmonger for... not wanting myself and friends of mine to be murdered by Russian invaders?
People I personally know had their homes taken during the initial stages of the invasion. Russian forces looted their homes, taking everything of value. Many of the people who didn't flee in time were simply murdered - a common way to die was to have Russians throw grenades into your basement window. And for that matter, lots of the women and girls who didn't flee in time were raped.
How did those people I personally know get their homes back? Not through diplomacy or negotiations or dialog. They got their homes back because Ukrainian society organized a defense, and killed those Russians in large enough numbers that they abandoned those parts of Ukraine, and went back to the border. Unfortunately not every home - I also know people whose homes are still in occupied territory. But in time, this theft of land and resources can be entirely reversed.
It's not "warmongering" to defend yourself. It's no "warmongering" to help other's defend themselves. What is warmongering, indirectly, is to try to stop others from being able to defend themselves. You, @DarthCoin, are warmongering by the fact that you are setting up conditions where future, genuine, warmongerers like Russia will be able to profitably repeat wars against defenseless targets.
When you get down to it, what Russia is doing is ultimately the same as common thieves and murderers. Russia is invading land, and killing and subjugating the population, and stealing their property and resources. Any sane, intelligent, person supports the use of violence to stop murder and theft. You are not such a person.
May I point out that you can support Ukraine's right to defend itself without simping for warmongering politicians using the plight of Ukrainian people for a photo op.
I don't trust these politicians and refuse to cheer lead them. I suspect these jerks are profiting off war as most politicians do.
"warmongering politicians"
Is Zelenskyy a warmongering politician for organizing a defense against an invasion? He could have easily fled Ukraine. But he didn't. He stayed behind while Russian bombs were raining down on Kyiv, attempting to kill him personally, to organize the defense that successfully pushed Russian forces back to the border around Kyiv.
Not sure, maybe he is just a puppet of the warmongers. I would certainly argue he is a grifter. He seems perfectly content to let this war draw out and have the billions of OPM keep rolling in. Why?
I think you are way overestimating the nobility of these politician's intentions.
"content to let this war draw out"?
What do you expect him to do? Ukraine has tried to negotiate a peace with Russia before, multiple times, and Russia has broken the agreements repeatedly. It's obvious why Russia is invading Ukraine: they've stolen trillions of dollars of resources, and even now, there's still a chance they could get away with it.
War is always going to exist as long as invading your neighbor and stealing their stuff is profitable. Ukraine has lots of stuff to steal.
Arguing against defense is ultimately no different than arguing to defund the police. Either way you're arguing that victims shouldn't have any way to defend themselves from evil.
So your position is if Europe and US stopped funding this proxy war that there would not be a negotiated peace and instead Russian would just roll through Ukraine and steal all their resources?
That's one way of looking at it. I am skeptical but I respect your right to have an opinion. I respect your right to fund whoever and whatever projects you want for whatever reasons and if you want to simp for politicians that's on you but in my opinion it's a bad look.
"Funding this proxy war"
Good riddance man... The initial invasion in 2014 wasn't funded by the US or EU. Quite the opposite: Ukraine got fuck all help and had to fund their own defense all by themselves. It was only the truly heroic efforts of the Ukrainian military that managed to pause the invasion for a few more years.
Russia invaded precisely because this wasn't a proxy fight.
We aren't living in 2014 Peter. This is most definitely a proxy war. Whether it started that way or not doesn't change that fact.
You have made your point. You have said "good riddance". So let's just end this discussion cordially. I am sure we both have better things to do.
Where have you been 10years ago after the bloody western revolution and the start of the bombing? Do you know how many of its own people this facist regime killed in so may years. Do you really think the war started with the russian intervention a year ago? Do you know that bandera is a hero in ukraine now? Do you know that putin would get more votes than zelensky if all people in ukraine would be able to vote right now. Nobody would vote for this clown again, so there will be no voting. It is overdue since 03.2024 so it is officially a regime. Supporting ukraine means supporting war and laundering money. Do you really think it was a russian plan to attack ukraine? Or maybe it is a old american wet dream that slavic people kill each other. Think twice and support no side because it is not your fucking problem. Funfact: the most people hating putin and russia are on the side of israel. How ist this possible? Brainwashed by the zionist western media?
Keep you values apart from any wars... all wars are banksters wars. Oh you can't do that because you are a war shill? Fine, but you LOST all the credit as being a bitcoiner. Bitcoiners are a-political and do not take sides. YOU LOSE.
Being apolitical doesn't give you rocket protection. Bullet flying in your direction doesn't give a fuck about you being apolitical.
You cannot unsubscribe from power projection game.
Just stop with this idiotic bullshit.
sorry I do not speak with shitcoiners...
all wars are banksters wars.
So tell me, what happens to the people defending themselves from an aggressor if they can't defend themselves?
Like palestine for example? Or the donbass region against the bombing in 2014? Or like the leftists that got burned alive in the start of this revolution in odessa?
Supporting victims rights of self-defense is not warmongering. Neither on street level between two individuals nor at bigger scale.
The victims are the ones supporting banksters wars. Are you one of them?
Tell me, what do you think is going to happen to Ukraine if they don't have the weapons necessary to defend themselves?
I do not fucking care"! ALL WARS ARE BANKSTERS WARS! If you participate or support any war you are a fucking bankster wars supporter!
So tell me, if a Russian invader is pointing a gun at me, am I "supporting" that Russian war by shooting them? Am I "supporting" that Russian war by helping people I know buy weapons to kill those invaders?
I've personally talked to civilians in Kyiv in the early stages of the invasion who were in that situation: they had gotten their personal, civilian, hunting rifles out from their safe and were hunkered down in the basement parking of their apartment building, ready to kill any Russians who entered in a last stand if needed. Other people they knew further away from Kyiv had been killed by that same Russian invasion force.
Were those people "supporting" that "bankster war" by getting their guns ready for a last stand?
Just by supporting a CIA war is making you a CIA asset. That's it. so sincerely... FUCK OFF..
So what are you saying here? Are you saying that elderly couple I know, among others, were CIA assets because they got their guns out to be ready to kill Russian invaders if needed? You're saying defending your home makes you a supporter of a "bankers war"?
Or are you just spouting nonsense and can't actually come up with a coherent position?
So, basically, if you don't just allow to kill yourself by other party, you are bankster war supporter?
There will be peace if there is only one army. One side always wins. You have to accept that it will be the russian side. Everything else is nuclear.
There will not be peace in Europe until Russia is defeated. If Ukraine loses, Russia will not stop there.
Why? Because putin wants to rule the world? I think it is the usa who want to rule the world. Russia wants a multipolar world. America will not stop to try to invade every country on earth. Same old story.
They definitely think of Finland, Baltics, Poland as their "lost territories". They openly talk about that in state TV discussion shows every week.
But there is also old Russian hardcore imperialist idea about "empire from Vladivostok to Lisbon" (although Chinese don't like that idea definitely, as Vladivostok is old Chinese town, taken from them in 19th century).
You forgot to mention east germany. And it seems that the people in east germany undestand russia and the mayority voted for partys that want to stop supporting this war (afd+bsw) So maybe ask yourself why this people do not fear russia. The people in east germany are happy about not having US bases everywhere like in west germany.
Oh, no, now Peter won’t sleep because he lost your respect 😭 🤡
Btw, are Bitcoiners allowed to have any opinions on stuff that is not Bitcoin related?
No. Opinions do not matter,, are fake, bullshit. Facts matter. If Peter is so brave I invite him (and you) to the front lines of that bullshit war. Do you have balls?
All those in favor of any war, please step outside and go to that fucking war and die first...
😂 I'm a fat 39 year old who doesn't speak a word of Ukrainian and has zero previous military experience. There's no way for someone like me to get to the front line. No-one needs me there. I'd be a waste of resources.
I can however do something useful in Kyiv, like giving Bitcoin talks. And I can be even more useful working my usual job, and donating money to buy drones. Which I have been doing too.
I know people in the Bitcoin community who have donated as much as six figures USD to Ukraine's drone units.
There's no way for someone like me to get to the front line
It's funny how you're so desperate to shut me up. Do you not have any coherent arguments? Or are you online capable of yelling?
War is not won just on the front lines, it's impossible to fight without supplies and logistics.
"Amateurs think about tactics, but professionals think about logistics." / General Robert H. Barrow, USMC /
No, I don’t have balls to go to the front line, do you?
Facts matter.
So glad you think this. So here is one fact: Russia is invading Ukraine.
Russia is invading Ukraine.
You have been played. They are all on the same side.
Yes, the same side of Ukraine.
Seriously now, a friend of mine, mom of two, is now two meters under the ground. I can’t accept this. My brain can’t accept this. You can think they tricked me. I don’t care. (Some other sucker here called her a nazi, that was when my water boiled over)
@remindme in 2 years
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 24 Sep
Fuckin' hell. Is that the best you got to someone telling you that a friend of his got killed by Russian scumbags? You sound like a psychopath.
hey anon... is this you?
Tell me, how is Ukraine and Russia on the same side?
Do you think the hundreds of thousands of casualties are fake?
At this very moment, I'm about 2km from the children's hospital that Russia hit with a missile. Was that fake?
Facts matter.
Bullet flying in your direction pierces your body, it's a fact. Rocket flying into your house explodes, it's a fact. You can destroy a rocket with counter weapon, it's a fact. You repel kinetic force attack with kinetic force, it's a fact.
Your wishful thinking won't make those facts untrue. If one is getting attack physically, the only counterplay is to defend physically.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Wtf is this? Easy for you to say such stuff when rockets are not flying above you head.
please go an take yourself those rockets. I do not mind.
Interesting tweet from Amir Taaki here...
We named Peter Todd, the chief scientist of DarkWallet but when his emails were leaked online, I learnt he actually was working with a self identified agent to block funding to us (broke opensource devs).
I'd like to avoid WW3. I don't think the bankers and politicians of the world care that much about the plebs. We are all fodder for their profits. They play us against one another. I refuse to play. This conflict is complicated but I firmly believe there are bad actors milking it with little concern for the people on either side. Frankly the media for the most part is in love with promoting wars. The MIC is loving this war. The US military is loving this war. The incentives for the west point towards prolonging it not finding resolution.
I do not think that is unreasonable position. This photo in question of signing bombs seems to me to be the opposite of finding a resolution to this war. Its frankly disgusting to me. Saying so is not the same as saying Putin is right.
I'd like to avoid WW3.
How do you think we're going to avoid WW3 if you can simply wave around some threats of nuclear weapons, and get to invade whatever country you want and steal their land and resources?
Why wouldn't countries do this? What incentive do they have not to?
Or are you arguing that we should cowardly allow this to happen, over and over again, because we want to "avoid WW3" at any cost?
Conveniently ignore the role the West played in stoking what is going on right now.
I believe "unprovoked" was the word the propaganda machine made sure to repeat hard and often when talking about this war
Again, think about the incentives of this: countries do in fact engage in wars to simply steal from their neighbors.
If you're answer is always "BUT WW3!!!" you're providing no disincentive to doing that.
Butcoiners should be able to understand incentives... Bitcoin's security model is about incentives.
I think the original gripe people had was the optics of officials signing bombs, kinda like rock stars signing tits.
It looks perverse, evil and morally bankrupt.
It's one thing to argue for the war. Maybe one can argue a war to be necessary, but I think it's worth trying to keep our humanity throughout it all, and to see it as tragic.
Instead these officials show they have no care for the victims of war or the human cost of it all. They rather wave around their dicks and rub it in.
If you think that "looks perverse" you're simply incapable of distinguishing between good and evil.
This isn't really any different from the people who call Rittenhouse a murderer.
Imagine if Rittenhouse, after having legitimately defended himself, started taking kawaii selfies with the bleeding bodies and then started meme'ing on Twitter about his kills.
Doesn't mean you're against his defense, it just means... hey man, this is still real human life, have some respect.
Exactly. This isn't a game. We should not be so light about lives being taken. Period.
It's a war. Dehumanizing your enemy is psychologically healthy.
Killing Russian soldiers is something to be celebrated. They signed up to kill Ukrainians for money (Russia is using hardly any conscripts; they're being kept on Russia). They're evil people and their deaths are not tragic.
And or course, shells are just a weapon system. They're not exactly showing dead Russians here. They're celebrating the gun.
I think I know the answer but it sounds like you consider all Russians as evil. That's where we disagree. Bombs kill both the good and evil. Bombs are warrented in war but trivializing it is tasteless and shows a lack of humanity. Also invites propaganda from the other side as evidence of these things. It's just dumb to do it.
Artillery is a relatively short range weapon, ~20km max.
There's hardly any Russian civilians in range of artillery. Pretty much the only people who are going to get killed by those shells are Russian soldiers, the vast majority of which are volunteers who signed up to fight for money.
Thank you for proving my point: you are a warmonger...
So it's warmongering to point out the incentives of bad actors?
In my day job, I'm often tasked with imagining what bad actors could profitably do. Is that "warmongering" in some way too?
Its morally bankrupt to respond with derision to Zelensky and others signing bombs that are keeping Ukranians alive by killing Russian invaders
Super Spicy,
TheWildHustle served in the United States Air Force for 4 years as an Aircraft Armament Systems Specialist...... promoting and advocating for the killing of your enemies, is behavior befitting the warmonger title.
You, @DarthCoin, are warmongering by the fact that you are setting up conditions where future, genuine, warmongerers like Russia will be able to profitably repeat wars against defenseless targets.
Darth isn't a warmonger for supporting inaction, he'd probably fall into the pacifist category
On whether being a warmonger is right or wrong in this situation.....I'll leave it up to you, but don't get mad at the pot for calling the kettle black.
Great take
Pacifism is often warmongering, indirectly. Pacifism that results in people being unable or unwilling to defend themselves invites violence from evil people willing to take advantage of that.
That's why pacifism is so often an evil moral philosophy. Especially when the pacifism is trying to impose pacifism on third parties. Which is what DarthCoin is doing here: he's accusing others of warmongering, and in turn discouraging Ukraine from being able to aquire weapons to defend itself. That will invite more war to steal what Ukraine has.
please stop... you are making a fool of yourself... forever!
Do you have an actual argument? Or has my argument reduced you to incoherent yelling?
I am done with you! Just because you continue to sustain that bullshit war propaganda and do not back off, is a clear sign that you are a CIA asset and all bitcoiners should despise you. SHAME ON YOU!
Yes, I am one of the few ones that have balls to call you out.
I am done with you.
You keep replying... You'd do yourself a lot of good by replying with actual coherent arguments rather than just yelling.
Yes, I am one of the few ones that have balls to call you out.
...or you're just a nut job with an incoherent argument that fee others share.
njump does indeed suck and contains spyware put in by daniel and fiatjaf -- not very cyperpunk
you might want to use https://nostr.at to protect users
‘War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength’
For those terribly confused how Zeus ties into this, this is all they said: “ Sign more Bitcoin transactions. Sign less bombs.”
@petertodd is just an overreacting cuck
176 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 24 Sep
1040 sats \ 1 reply \ @ca 25 Sep
If you're a Bitcoiner, you believe in Sovereignty.
To be a Sovereign Individual, you need a Sovereign Nation.
To keep your nation Sovereign, you need to fight off your invaders.
I personally donated to the 22nd Mechanized Brigade via ₿ : https://donorbox.org/22nd_brigade
This thread is showcase of how quickly the SN legend @DarthCoin can fall down and be exposed. I see nothing but rambling, ad-personams and zero logical thinking from the guy in this thread.
I hope it's an eye opener to regular SN users to not treat the guy as some kind of oracle.
For real. I can't believe how few people haven't called him out. And the sheer fucking hubris of continually asserting, "Darth is always right".
For real. I can't believe how few people haven't called him out. And the sheer fucking hubris of continually asserting, "Darth is always right".
@remindme in 2 years
"I, the ALMIGHTY DARTHCOIN (who apparently looks up to darth vader or something??) have decreed that you have LOST YOUR REPUTATION!! Not just for ME, but for EVERYONE, because I said so. Now EVERYONE MUST AGREE WITH ME AND SHUN YOU. Cuz that's how we do things up in this bitch. Welcome to the bitcoin cult."
Dude, darth, my buddy, my man. Can I call you my man? You have imbibed a little too hard of the Lab of Pleb Cult koolaid? The Al's Lacrosse koolaid? The dirtbag koolaid? The anarchism koolaid? The redpill koolaid? Multi-color-mixture koolaid? It induces self-righteous stupidity and blindness, mostly.
"Peter Todd has different opinions that me, he's a spoooooooooooooook." Add a little wine with that cheese.
"The world is so one-dimensional that every war is a bankster war, even before banks existed, obviously. That's definitely the ONLY motivation for any war ever. Comply and acquiesce with your invader."
"I NEVER FALL FOR US PSY-OPS....just russian and chinese ones. It's fiiiine."
Darthcoin brought to the stackers by Trigger Me Irrational.
@petertodd I am not agreeing with your stance on russia and ukraine here, nor disagreeing, not saying one way or the other.... but darthcoin being dumb here and that helps no one.
621 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 25 Sep
@DarthCoin singlehandedly outing government spooks, brainwashed statists, warmangerig psychopats, commie snitchers, war machine financiers... on SN
the legend, hero and gentleman we don't deserve
All warmongers can go die in the frontlines, be the change you want to see
buahaha he went back to twatter to cry because was ousted in replies on nostr
hey anon
Slay your heros. This is the way.
I've had my doubts about Peter "Tail Emissions" Todd for awhile.
That's what our enemies want, we fighting each other. But I agree, Todd with that atitude to support the state and not the people is very strange.
It's a war. The Russian state is trying to steal land and resources, and subjugate and murder the Ukrainian people.
To fight a war at that scale, you need an equally big organization of people. That's just how wars work. Defending on a small scale fails because the enemy will just eliminate your weak points. You have to cooperate on a massive scale to win.
Ok, do what you want, you're free to choose. I will not cooperate with any state agression.
just please do not take sides. Is already pathetic for you.
So you have no ability to look at a situation like this and distinguish between sides?
Let's suppose it was Iceland getting invaded by Russia. Would you say there is no way to know what side is good or evil? Iceland doesn't even have a military.
You really belive this propaganda. So russia the biggest country on earth wants to steal more land and is killing people for fun. Maybe you consider to read about butcha what really happened. Or do you think the russian soldiers giving food and water to people and then kill them. Or maybe it was done by assow who see it as collaboration to take the russian supplys. Look it up yourself and please read what the other side says. What makes more sense?
Maybe you consider to read about butcha what really happened.
I happen to know people who live next to Bucha. That was a massacre by Russians.
Ok so these people you "happen to know" told you what they have been told or what they are allowed to tell you. Maybe you consider to talk to them again on neutral ground where they have the possibility of free speech. What would happen to somebody in ukraine who is telling another story? This regime killed people for less.
Maybe you consider to talk to them again on neutral ground where they have the possibility of free speech.
Given I was talking to them in private, eg at their own home, and they knew me personally, they certainly could have said anything they wanted.
So i can ask somebody in new york what happened on 11.sept and they will tell me it was bin laden and that they have proof? The mayority of people know shit. They are repeating the shit they heard even if it makes no sense.
After reading all the comments, I've reached no conclusion.

No winner here. Is it going to be tie between @DarthCoin and @petertodd?

Over to you @grayruby?
Not over to me. I am trying to weasel my way out.
Seriously! I'm not telling you take part in the fight to decide who's a warmongers here. I've pulled you to say I was enjoying your comments. I thought I might pull you out of all of this for forever.
I have an idea.
Trump: Just had a great meeting with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. If I’m elected President, the war with Russia and Ukraine will end quickly. If not, that war will never end, and will phase into WORLD WAR III. Comrade Harris will NEVER BE ABLE TO END THE WAR, and hasn’t. Nothing will change except THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION WILL ONLY GET WORSE! MAGA2024
what happened between Zeus and these suckers signing bombs? Must have missed it
Zeus was referring to Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, and other politicians signing artillery shells at a US manufacturer the other day. That manufacturer has ramped up production significantly to about 100,000 shells per month, essentially all being bought by Ukraine, which is extremely important to Ukraine's defense.
I'm in Kyiv at the moment actually. In the past ~3 weeks I've seen anti-air defenses actively shooting down Russian drones and missiles about 4-5 times, occasionally quite close (1-3kms) to the city center where I'm staying. Russia is trying to, among other things, destroy the electricity grid of Ukraine. Quite literally one important reason why the power is on right now in Kyiv is because artillery shells have been able to push back Russian forces far away from Kyiv and the power stations supplying Kyiv - missiles and long range drones cost a lot more money per target hit.
Ukrainians and Russians soldiers and civilians are both the victims of this made up war where everybody in this picture are the ones profiting immensely. The only reason Zelenskyy stayed in the war instead of negotiating early in the conflict is because he keeps a lot of the war money, they all do it is and has always been a racket
ukranians defending themselves is of course the right thing, but defending political actions to make this war longer and more dangerous is wrong.
ukranians defending themselves is of course the right thing, but defending political actions to make this war longer and more dangerous is wrong.
Excuse me, sir, what would be your kind advice to the ukrainian people on how are they supposed yo defend themselves?
I don't know, I am no expert. Maybe the question is what would make the russian state to stop this agression, talking and negotiation is better than war.
I don't know
I thought so.
For sake of argument, suppose I'm correct and Russia is in fact invading Ukraine to take land and resources?
How would "talking and negotiation" help when the goal of the aggressor is simple theft?
Would "talking and negotiation" be useful against a shoplifter?
There are two different things, the people defending themselves it of course legit and must do whaever they can. Then there are the states making the war longer and killing more people, when they could have made a deal negotiating much before this terrible situation. What I am in favour is that the state agressions from both sides stops the earlier, the merrier.
Is not your damn business! Step away as a bitcoiner will do! Just by supporting ANY side you are just making their fucking game!
btw please explain why Russia and EU do not cut all the gas and oil pipelines that are still flooding to EU?
Step away as a bitcoiner will do!
So if I see a man trying to rape a women, I should do nothing at all?
btw please explain why Russia and EU do not cut all the gas and oil pipelines that are still flooding to EU?
Obviously the EU wants gas, and Russia wants money.
Was that supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
The political action here is Zelenskyy visiting an artillery shell factory that recently expanded production to make 100,000 shells a month for Ukraine's defense. That doesn't "make the war longer", unless you think that Ukraine should just surrender and let Russia take their land and murder and subjugate their people.
If you want the war to actually end, you want Ukraine to be armed to the teeth to force Russia to stop.
please go back to bitcoin stuff and keep apart from "warmongering" bullshit stuff. Otherwise you will be forgotten and isolated like many others...
Again, is being in Kyiv "warmongering"? I'm giving a talk at the local Bitdevs meetup this week.
I gave another two talks in Kyiv earlier this summer; both times I was interrupted by air raids.
Are those Bitcoiner's in Kyiv "warmongerers"? I know for a fact that some of them serve in the Ukrainian military, defending their country from an invasion. Is that "warmongering"?
Darth that sounds like bullying threats from you. How about sticking to fact based reasoned debate and a polite contest of ideas? Or can you not do that?
Peter's words speak for itelf. Are you blind ?
I have read through this page and my impression is you and Peter have very different positions but I see no cogent fact based contest of ideas where you or Peter is proven right or wrong. Yes banksters and state security CIA are involved in many wars and profit from them with the banksters often backing both sides but in the case of Ukraine I do not see the banksters backing Russia- it is China who support and enable Russias assault upon Ukraine. This is a proxy war between USA and China.
Chinas banks are not the same as the historically predominantly Jewish owned banks of Europe/USA who have indeed often backed both sides of wars between European western nations.
Chinese banks are a relatively new phenomenon in international war and are closely associated with the CCP. They are enabling Russias continued trade payments since USA / SWIFT blocked them.
I do not know what will happen of Ukraine falls to Russia but it does seem possible that this would signal for China and its allies Iran and Russia that further aggression might be equally rewarded.
IMO this is the beginning of WW3 and either way will not be the end of it. We need to step back and stop yelling at each other because as Bitcoiners we are all free to hold and express whateverthefuck opinion we want.... and hopefully this exchange can be done in a fact based reasoned contest of ideas- not bullying yelling emotional threats.
this is the beginning of WW3
WW3 was active since the'60s but you were too young and in diapers then. A WW is active and alive only when elements like >Peter are gaslighting the war propaganda...
But nobody is asking the most important question: QUI BONO (all this war)?
You would have wanted The West to offer no resistance to the USSR and its ambition of global expansion?
You now want The West to offer no resistance to the CCP and its clear intention to challenge US hegemony?
Zeus was referring to Zelenskyy
fucking puzzled here.. Zeus as an app/company cant refer to anyone..
care to develop ?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
Is not about Zeus, is about Peter being such a warmonger shill. DISGUSTING.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 24 Sep
Still dont understand if the first part of the post is related to the second.
CIA tactics to deviate from what really matters... My young padawan, you have much to learn from this game, a propaganda game...
1050 sats \ 3 replies \ @joko 24 Sep
Why are you posting this cope in the bitcoin territory?
Peter is absolutely right about Ukraine.
Most Bitcoiners seem to agree, as the defense of Ukraine is the biggest Bitcoin donation project there has ever been. I donate to it and so should you.
another warmonger? nice to meet you !
✨ yes! ✨
oh my god it's almost like not every bitcoiner agrees with you, and you don't control other's reputations after all.
that must be hard, are you ok??
1020 sats \ 0 replies \ @Crown 25 Sep
This just makes me like @petertodd more than I thought possible.
Anyone against Ukraine in this war is the one falling for literal communist propaganda.
In the comments you will see people repeating all of Putin's lies.
And Darth, brain so broken by communist propaganda he can't even make an argument all I see is rambling and incoherent defense of Russia
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @joko 24 Sep