Zeus was referring to Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, and other politicians signing artillery shells at a US manufacturer the other day. That manufacturer has ramped up production significantly to about 100,000 shells per month, essentially all being bought by Ukraine, which is extremely important to Ukraine's defense.
I'm in Kyiv at the moment actually. In the past ~3 weeks I've seen anti-air defenses actively shooting down Russian drones and missiles about 4-5 times, occasionally quite close (1-3kms) to the city center where I'm staying. Russia is trying to, among other things, destroy the electricity grid of Ukraine. Quite literally one important reason why the power is on right now in Kyiv is because artillery shells have been able to push back Russian forces far away from Kyiv and the power stations supplying Kyiv - missiles and long range drones cost a lot more money per target hit.
Ukrainians and Russians soldiers and civilians are both the victims of this made up war where everybody in this picture are the ones profiting immensely. The only reason Zelenskyy stayed in the war instead of negotiating early in the conflict is because he keeps a lot of the war money, they all do it is and has always been a racket
ukranians defending themselves is of course the right thing, but defending political actions to make this war longer and more dangerous is wrong.
ukranians defending themselves is of course the right thing, but defending political actions to make this war longer and more dangerous is wrong.
Excuse me, sir, what would be your kind advice to the ukrainian people on how are they supposed yo defend themselves?
I don't know, I am no expert. Maybe the question is what would make the russian state to stop this agression, talking and negotiation is better than war.
I don't know
I thought so.
For sake of argument, suppose I'm correct and Russia is in fact invading Ukraine to take land and resources?
How would "talking and negotiation" help when the goal of the aggressor is simple theft?
Would "talking and negotiation" be useful against a shoplifter?
There are two different things, the people defending themselves it of course legit and must do whaever they can. Then there are the states making the war longer and killing more people, when they could have made a deal negotiating much before this terrible situation. What I am in favour is that the state agressions from both sides stops the earlier, the merrier.
Is not your damn business! Step away as a bitcoiner will do! Just by supporting ANY side you are just making their fucking game!
btw please explain why Russia and EU do not cut all the gas and oil pipelines that are still flooding to EU?
Step away as a bitcoiner will do!
So if I see a man trying to rape a women, I should do nothing at all?
btw please explain why Russia and EU do not cut all the gas and oil pipelines that are still flooding to EU?
Obviously the EU wants gas, and Russia wants money.
Was that supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
Obviously the EU wants gas, and Russia wants money.
So why is this war going on? Is a total scam and you get inside of its propaganda.
Was that supposed to be some kind of gotcha?
Just STFU and step aways. let them kill each others until none of the (bad guys) remains. FUCK'EM'ALL
So why is this war going on? Is a total scam and you get inside of its propaganda.
Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of resources that Russia is attempting to take. Including more gas, coal, etc.
When Russia started the invasion in 2014, the EU kept buying Russia's gas. In fact, Germany expanded it even further with Nordstream.
So again, was that supposed to be some kind of gotcha? Because obviously gas sales have nothing to do with the incentives: Russia believed they could profit even more with an invasion, and get away with it.
The political action here is Zelenskyy visiting an artillery shell factory that recently expanded production to make 100,000 shells a month for Ukraine's defense. That doesn't "make the war longer", unless you think that Ukraine should just surrender and let Russia take their land and murder and subjugate their people.
If you want the war to actually end, you want Ukraine to be armed to the teeth to force Russia to stop.
please go back to bitcoin stuff and keep apart from "warmongering" bullshit stuff. Otherwise you will be forgotten and isolated like many others...
Again, is being in Kyiv "warmongering"? I'm giving a talk at the local Bitdevs meetup this week.
I gave another two talks in Kyiv earlier this summer; both times I was interrupted by air raids.
Are those Bitcoiner's in Kyiv "warmongerers"? I know for a fact that some of them serve in the Ukrainian military, defending their country from an invasion. Is that "warmongering"?
Darth that sounds like bullying threats from you. How about sticking to fact based reasoned debate and a polite contest of ideas? Or can you not do that?
Peter's words speak for itelf. Are you blind ?
I have read through this page and my impression is you and Peter have very different positions but I see no cogent fact based contest of ideas where you or Peter is proven right or wrong. Yes banksters and state security CIA are involved in many wars and profit from them with the banksters often backing both sides but in the case of Ukraine I do not see the banksters backing Russia- it is China who support and enable Russias assault upon Ukraine. This is a proxy war between USA and China.
Chinas banks are not the same as the historically predominantly Jewish owned banks of Europe/USA who have indeed often backed both sides of wars between European western nations.
Chinese banks are a relatively new phenomenon in international war and are closely associated with the CCP. They are enabling Russias continued trade payments since USA / SWIFT blocked them.
I do not know what will happen of Ukraine falls to Russia but it does seem possible that this would signal for China and its allies Iran and Russia that further aggression might be equally rewarded.
IMO this is the beginning of WW3 and either way will not be the end of it. We need to step back and stop yelling at each other because as Bitcoiners we are all free to hold and express whateverthefuck opinion we want.... and hopefully this exchange can be done in a fact based reasoned contest of ideas- not bullying yelling emotional threats.
this is the beginning of WW3
WW3 was active since the'60s but you were too young and in diapers then. A WW is active and alive only when elements like >Peter are gaslighting the war propaganda...
But nobody is asking the most important question: QUI BONO (all this war)?
You would have wanted The West to offer no resistance to the USSR and its ambition of global expansion?
You now want The West to offer no resistance to the CCP and its clear intention to challenge US hegemony?
Again, you are taking sides... bitcoiners do not take sides in banksters wars. Why is so hard to understand?
This is not IMO a standard banksters war...as I have sought to point out above. I equally do not see any dictate where Bitcoiners cannot freely decide whether they support or abstain from any particular war. You appear to assert you have the right to decide and dictate what Bitcoiners can think and believe - which is pure delusional BS - you cannot. I believe it is probable failing to support Ukraine would endanger the future security of Europe and all 'liberal democracies'. I am a Bitcoiner and will remain one, whether I am right or wrong in that belief. I sent a good few Sats to Ukraine to support their fight- and their right to appeal to Bitcoiners for support cannot be cancelled by you or anyone !
Zeus was referring to Zelenskyy
fucking puzzled here.. Zeus as an app/company cant refer to anyone..
care to develop ?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.