No. Opinions do not matter,, are fake, bullshit. Facts matter. If Peter is so brave I invite him (and you) to the front lines of that bullshit war. Do you have balls?
All those in favor of any war, please step outside and go to that fucking war and die first...
😂 I'm a fat 39 year old who doesn't speak a word of Ukrainian and has zero previous military experience. There's no way for someone like me to get to the front line. No-one needs me there. I'd be a waste of resources.
I can however do something useful in Kyiv, like giving Bitcoin talks. And I can be even more useful working my usual job, and donating money to buy drones. Which I have been doing too.
I know people in the Bitcoin community who have donated as much as six figures USD to Ukraine's drone units.
There's no way for someone like me to get to the front line
It's funny how you're so desperate to shut me up. Do you not have any coherent arguments? Or are you online capable of yelling?
War is not won just on the front lines, it's impossible to fight without supplies and logistics.
"Amateurs think about tactics, but professionals think about logistics." / General Robert H. Barrow, USMC /
No, I don’t have balls to go to the front line, do you?
Facts matter.
So glad you think this. So here is one fact: Russia is invading Ukraine.
Russia is invading Ukraine.
You have been played. They are all on the same side.
Yes, the same side of Ukraine.
Seriously now, a friend of mine, mom of two, is now two meters under the ground. I can’t accept this. My brain can’t accept this. You can think they tricked me. I don’t care. (Some other sucker here called her a nazi, that was when my water boiled over)
@remindme in 2 years
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 24 Sep
Fuckin' hell. Is that the best you got to someone telling you that a friend of his got killed by Russian scumbags? You sound like a psychopath.
hey anon... is this you?
Tell me, how is Ukraine and Russia on the same side?
Do you think the hundreds of thousands of casualties are fake?
At this very moment, I'm about 2km from the children's hospital that Russia hit with a missile. Was that fake?
Facts matter.
Bullet flying in your direction pierces your body, it's a fact. Rocket flying into your house explodes, it's a fact. You can destroy a rocket with counter weapon, it's a fact. You repel kinetic force attack with kinetic force, it's a fact.
Your wishful thinking won't make those facts untrue. If one is getting attack physically, the only counterplay is to defend physically.
Si vis pacem, para bellum