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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 14h \ on: Daily Discussion Thread: SN ~HealthAndFitness Club HealthAndFitness
I was doing some research yesterday for the best exercise interval timer app and settled for this one. It offers endless possibilities for customisation, and the UI is nice.
I am still experimenting with it, and already consider purchasing a license.
Here's one of my custom workouts, why don't you give it a try and send some feedback?
Macron and his gang don't want peace precisely because it would mean accepting the obvious, that they have no clue what they're doing, they've gambled big, and lost even bigger.
They very well understand the consequences, for them personally, and for the continent/EU, so they are now holding us hostage, and would rather sacrifice us and our children, than submitting to reality.
The way he conducted himself in the Oval Office, it doesn't seem he listens to his advisors a lot (?). He appears to lack basic self-awareness and self-control. I still feel kind of sorry for him, though.
I've just watched Z on fox. If I were him, especially in these difficult and tense moments, I would only speak in my native language in front of cameras, and have an interpreter to translate to the public.
I've made it up, lol. It's an invention of mine. It's an exercise for increasing your CO2 tolerance, a very powerful health hack, imho
(Yes, now territory admins can charge more for replies. It was introduced about a week ago.)
That's interesting because dr Campbell recently posted a video where he also complained about low vit d levels, despite supplementing regularly with tablets... (aligns with what you are saying)
I used to have very high levels during COVID times but havent tested since..
My bolt score (#866881) was tanking lately because I got so busy in my professional life and neglected my breathing practice.
I am now setting myself the goal of a 35 seconds score minimum, and developed a new training plan that, to my surprise, produced instant results! I clocked 40 seconds again for the first time this year and was able to change the trend of the weekly and monthly curves. 💪
Here's a screenshot of my practice plan. I call it the LSD breath: Long, Slow, Diaphragmic breathing (always through the nose)
- 10 seconds inhale / 5 seconds hold / 15 sec exhale / 5 sec hold
- 9 / 5 / 16 /6
- 8/5/17/7
- 7/5/18/8
- 6/5/19/9 (*)
- 5/5/20/10 (*)
(*) New round added today. I will practice this updated set in a few minutes after I've digested my dinner.
I found and bought this interval timer app on Google play for 5 bucks.
My wife was let go two years ago, and hasn't been able to find a permanent job since, only three short term contracts. The job market here is brutal, especially in her sector, but also because she was very senior, and the job market is flooded with applicants.
She's now retaining as a career coach but it will take years for her business to reach the same levels of successes.
How to deal with anxiety? I tell her to remember there are things she can control, and things she can't, and how good she is at the things under her control.
Also, financially, she's/we're ok (still)
You'll be surprised to hear that this is not an always enough, depending on factors like your location, or whether you have sun cream etc.
One more thing I've learned about vitamin d is that it takes a minimum of a couple of weeks for it to be processed by your liver and become active. I remember that during the COVID pandemic, some scientists dismissed its efficacy because they omitted this important factor.
Calcifediol, the active form of vitamin d can be bought in pharmacies, but in most countries only with a prescription (Italy and Spain are two exceptions) and doctors are often reluctant to prescribe it to you. I think I'll bring an empty luggage next time I'm going to Italy, and will start a new career as calcifediol dealer... 😎
On the Russian/Ukraine conflict, you have those who believe that the conflict started in 2022 with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and those who believe it started in 2014 with the coup against the then democratic elected president of Ukraine (or even before, when NATO made it clear to Russia of it plans to expand eastwards, contrary to what had been agreed after the fall of the Berlin Wall)
These two point of views are irreconcilable. Most people I know who belong to the first group see Putin as the aggressor, Trump as a Russian asset, etc, whereas those in the second group, like you, see it with more nuance.
I have a screenshot somewhere in my phone, of a November 2011 bitcoin article in the german newspaper Der Spiegel that I shared with a relative of mine...
I love the fish!
Why but OJ when you can so easily make it yourself, and have more control over what goes in? 😀