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I have been working with and serving this medicine to the few that are called to it, for a few years now. I would love to here from you all on what you have heard about it. And answer any questions you may have.
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This is a short piece I wrote on my first experience with bufo. It is part of a bigger thing I have been working on.
From 1-0
“Oh fuck!”, I said out loud as I fell to the mat. I knew my heart might explode. I was told to count down from 10. I can remember making it to 7 before I was gone… Somehow I am protected from the heat. Somehow I still exist. I still feel a memory or something like a memory. The thought is gone, but I believe I am still here. Somehow this white hot light that keeps my everything warm like the sun, still preserves all I used to think I was, while also preparing this vessel for all that has ever been and will be. It feels like too much to hold at once. It’s all new to me. This pain, this comfort. To be held in this way, threatens all that I know to be true. Is it really okay to let go now? Is this the beginning, or the end? Somehow I now remember what it felt like in my mother’s womb. Pure surrender. Pure hell. Pure love. This always was and always will be. I do know I am terrified. I don’t know if we are supposed to vibrate like this. I see my magical wand now, shaped like a human hand. The hand creates from a space outside of this simple slow moving plain. Its eye sees through the fabric of time and space. It bends all that may be into pleasing colorful lights, beaming from its center. This is creation. Never to be stopped, owned, twisted, distorted, or ruined. I am all and all is one. As I remember my body, my mouth begins to move. The words fly out faster than what feels humanly possible. Am I still human? Am I GOD? Is there a difference? If I only I could explain to these people what I just experienced. We could have peace. “Please listen to me!” I yell with extreme excitement. Daniel would tell me later that when I came back into my body, my ego was awfully excited. What does he know? I am the one with the vision. I talk to god. Do you talk to god? He probably doesn’t understand anything I am saying right now. I finally start to come down. I am not sure if I was out for hours or for minutes. I woke from a dream and now everything was brand new. Maybe I am not god, but did I at least meet him? I don’t really remember now. It’s all so confusing. But I feel amazing, so I guess it was a “good” experience. “Why are humans so basic?”, I think, “I sure hope I didn’t make a scene, that would be embarrassing.” The more I come down, the more I begin to feel my body. My joints feel worked, muscles strained, bruised, and broken feeling. What happen to me? My head hurts. Before we began the ceremony, Daniel told me “Sometimes, the toad can feel like being hit by a truck.” He wasn’t wrong. I want to know everything. I ask him and his partner, who helped manage empty body during my journey, every question I could come up with to try and gain some sort of insight into what I had just experienced. Both of their faces wore smiles bigger than I had ever seen. Tears streamed down her face. They did their best to explain. Words didn’t feel helpful. All I really gather is I went deep, really deep. And while I was in, my body thrashed around, outside of their control. As I ponder my new aches, I recall a roll over car accident I was in when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I haven’t thought of that in years. On the drive home I searched for a fast food joint. Some place with big juicy cheeseburgers. Daniel had told me that I should just take care of myself, even if I felt like I wanted a burger. But why did I want a burger? Recently I had been mostly a vegetarian. And today there was something in me that just needed that extra bit of protection, something heavy. Everything was so bright and loud. Something big had happened to me. What was it? I was staying in a camper parked at my friends property in Southern Tucson, AZ. It was only me. I wondered why they had this big nice house with no one living in it. That night, I felt a peace that I had never experienced before. Maybe this medicine did some serious healing. Maybe this will change everything. As I prepare to lay down, I had the first of many reactivations. It started with a smell. The toad medicine was still there with me. I knew it probably would never leave me. In fact, I now knew it had always been with me. My dreams were really something that night. When I woke, I was on fire. I felt reborn. The cuts and bruises would heal. I am a young powerful man. I can do anything, I thought. I felt inspired to drive around the beautiful desert and look for land that was for sale. The drive sounded like a treat. “This is a new beginning”, I thought. I put on some of my favorite music, hearing it through a new set of human ears. I just figured out why this one of my favorite albums, even though I had been listening to it for 21 years. My truck needed gas. Pulling into the gas station, I felt fresh. No need for breakfast. I am solar powered and I have infinite energy. I enter through the main entrance at the larger than normal fuel stop. The weight of the world seem to be trapped within the sealed box. The corpses inside seemed to embody more hurt than I had ever previously known. When I broke that seal, I shared the air, I owned the pain. I sucked it all out. I ran out immediately as tears and sobs burst from my broken down meat suit. This was it. I finally did it. This was a mistake I thought. What is this can, and what are worms? Am I going to die alone?
What is the meaning of the dream about the car accident? What is the significance of the craving for a burger?
I felt as though through my bufo experience I was in part about reliving this car accident. This time as an adult, I was prepared to experience the accident. When it actually happened, I was about 7 years old. It was a pretty bad roll over accident. And I completely blacked it out. Everyone else in the car was banged up. I walked away without a scratch. After my experience with Bufo, the understanding that came to me, was that as a child something removed me from the experience. Like an angel or something. I know it sounds weird. Thats just how it felt. Like i was removed to protect my young body and mind from the trauma. Than years later I was able to work through that experience with Bufo. Thats how it felt anyways. As far as the cheeseburger, this was the first time in my life I truly realized how much what we consume alters our vibration. And eating animal meat products does this in a big way. the craving for a lower vibrational food was to help ease me down from this incredibly high vibrational state. It isn't necessarily better to be lower or higher vibration. But I learned the difference. My sensitivity was so high I needed some food like that to bring me back to earth a bit. Thanks for reading and asking.
5-MeO-DMT a.k.a. The "God Molecule"
A naturally occurring Tryptamine, an indolamine metabolite which bonds to serotonin receptors and does not easily detach until it is broken down by enzymes in the body. Effects last 10-15 minutes but while tripping, subjects are highly neuroplastic as neurons in the brain are stimulated into forming novel pathways.
A high dose can literally change your default mode network and affect the kinds of thoughts you have medium-long term. This is why its important to consider set and setting and approach the molecule with respect and humility. The role of a shaman is to guide your mind in and out of the journey. Its a ancient therapy that according to the "Stoned Ape Theory" could have been responsible for the evolutionary development of homo sapiens' enlarged frontal cortex.
Thank you for providing this. I love connecting the science to the more esoteric sides of these things.
What are your thoughts on synthetic 5-MeO-DMT for clinical use?
In my experience, the bufo medicine is best sat with in the desert on the earth. The energies that come through are intense and being grounded is helpful. Science agrees with this. We are energetic beings. When I am in the medicine I am always called to earth. I have never sat in a clinical setting and I have never used a synthetic varient. To me, everything is energy. So where something come from matters. I like the thing I can trace to the earth and connect with on an energetic level. I don't know how to connect with a thing that is synthesized. To me, there is more to a thing than what our human minds and science can comprehend. So I prefer the natural setting, non clinical, more shamanic approach. But that doesn't mean that 5meo-dmt in a more clinical setting can't be great. I just like the other approach. Everyone is called to different types of experiences and at the end of the day, the best setting is the one where the participant feels safe to have the experience and connect. And that may look very different for different people. Just my opinion. Thanks for the great question.
Bufo is the common name of a family of amphibians known as toads. These animals are found throughout the world, with some species having a wide distribution and others being restricted to a specific geographic area. Toads of the Bufo family are generally green or brown, with dark spots. These amphibians have dry, rough skin and a large mouth with small teeth.
Bufo toads are known for their ability to produce a lethal toxin called bufotoxin. This toxin is produced by a gland in the skin of toads and is released when the animal feels threatened. This toxin can be extremely dangerous to humans and animals as it can cause serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches and seizures.
Sometimes "toxins" can be healing. Most things that some people call poison, others call medicine. Just dopends.
You're right about that, I also think I've heard something about bee venom, they also use it for medicinal purposes.
Yeah. I have a friend who works with bee sting therapy. I don't know anything about it though.
It's good to know that people who like Bitcoin are fully into medicine. May you continue progressing in your research
What's your opinion on what happens when the medicine is taken? Anecdotally I know this class of medicines can cause healing and growth, but what causes that healing and growth in your view?
To me it's just a perspective shift. With an intention to heal, just about anything is possible. Reality shifting. Bufo is like fatherly, sun energy. It can remind us that we are not separate. That what we would call "god" is truly within us all. Help us reconnect to the earth. It is just a tool. For it to be healing, the setting and intentions are very important.
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Why delete it?
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Thank you for your input. I completely agree. The more we explore with these tools: plant medicine, yoga, fasting, meditation, etc. The deeper human experience we can have. We can have an experience of enlightenment. Although I would say no one is enlightened or they wouldn't be here having a human experience. For me, I love believing there is so much more. And know that my dream states are just as real as waking. It's way more fun to believe in magic, higher dimensions, energy and vibration, existing outside of a timeline. I also, believe everyone is entitled to their version of reality. It's all just stories. It's all in our mind. Life is but a dream.
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For sure. To me Bitcoin is an integral part our our spiritual evolution. Out of the lower vibration, 3d, duality focused realm. It is divine. This is why we can't quite fully grasp it's potential with our human minds. Bitcoin is a clear signal of energy. This is the first time in their human time line we have experienced this. I also have realized people generally need to have done enough inner work to believe they deserve abundance. We have programmed to feel scarce so this is no easy undertaking. Bitcoin is such a huge paradigm shift that the general public will not understand until they have felt enough pain to look within. And love themselves more. Bitcoin gives us hope. And in general, western society feels hopeless, so they are unable to receive Bitcoin. It's all connected. This is a huge part of our spiritual evolution in my opinion. Great question.
Thanks for your reply, makes sense. However, I don't understand what people mean when they say that western society feels hopeless. I don't see precisely people jumping out of windows. For sure, there is people that resort to drugs and so on.
But among the middle and upper classes, all I see is people traveling, eating out, drinking and living hedonistic lifestyles. Nihilistic? Probably. But they don't appear hopeless. They love indulging in pleasure, like in "Brave New World". And they are uninterested in or hostile towards bitcoin.
I think there is a spectrum we all fall on. But many of us are in denial. Many people are living it up unaware of what is happening around them. I wouldn't say they are happy or fulfilled. And the ones that are down in out tend to me the more sensitive types that feel the collective struggle. The middle class can really get stuck In a walled garden. And the walls will eventually crumble.
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💯 I love it. Bitcoin has taught me so much.
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I used to be on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to believing in this type of thing. I did not believe in much if anything that I couldn't touch. My life became very redundant and sad. I was depressed for years. I eventually was called to try Ayahuasca in 2017. I thought it was ridiculous at first. Then it changed my whole. Next I was called to bufo. And everything changed again. I have done most my training with medicine itself. And I have learned from everyone along my journey. Traveled around mexico and Peru working with different teachers. It's a long story. But that is some highlights. I never would have guessed I would have ended up here. And yet, it's perfect. Life is so strange. Thanks for the interest.
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Yes. Only to a certain extent. To me the purpose of a facilitator of medicine is to hold space. Just be there to help people feel safe. And ritual is important for any type of energy work. Helps set intentions and encourage protection. Showing reverence for higher beings and the medicine. But we keep it very minimal. Many ceremonies I believe get to focused on performance. We let the individual have their experience and intuitively offer support. Which is easy when one is present and still. I have witnessed all types of ceremonies. And I take my favorite things and leave the rest. Thanks for the great question.
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I am like a ghost. I don't receive mail, no one knows where I live or my given name on my government documents. I use a degoogled phone and live in a way where I feel untouchable. I feel safe on platforms like this. There is nothing really linking my nym to my human body.
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This is true. I am sure with enough effort someone can find me. I think privacy is a balance. I like to feel free to speak my mind so I take a lot effort to remove myself from who I used to be. So I think it's hard to find me. I don't own anything on paper. And you need ta 4wd and good directions to find my spot. We are in the middle of nowhere. No one comes here.
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Yeah. We live the frogs. My wife works with Kambo, the other frog medicine.
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That's a valid point. I have collected medicine from toads in the past. There is no need to harm them in order to do so. In fact, I felt like I was bonding with the toad.
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I'm not sure how that would work. How would killing toads help get the secretion? It would be like killing cows for milk. It's just a secretion from their backs that have to be milked. Maybe the internet wants to spin a narrative that isn't real.
Unfortunately that may be true. I have only ever worked with people who have respect for the toads. And I know where all my medicine came from.