I used to be on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to believing in this type of thing. I did not believe in much if anything that I couldn't touch. My life became very redundant and sad. I was depressed for years. I eventually was called to try Ayahuasca in 2017. I thought it was ridiculous at first. Then it changed my whole. Next I was called to bufo. And everything changed again. I have done most my training with medicine itself. And I have learned from everyone along my journey. Traveled around mexico and Peru working with different teachers. It's a long story. But that is some highlights. I never would have guessed I would have ended up here. And yet, it's perfect. Life is so strange. Thanks for the interest.
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Yes. Only to a certain extent. To me the purpose of a facilitator of medicine is to hold space. Just be there to help people feel safe. And ritual is important for any type of energy work. Helps set intentions and encourage protection. Showing reverence for higher beings and the medicine. But we keep it very minimal. Many ceremonies I believe get to focused on performance. We let the individual have their experience and intuitively offer support. Which is easy when one is present and still. I have witnessed all types of ceremonies. And I take my favorite things and leave the rest. Thanks for the great question.
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