Bufo is the common name of a family of amphibians known as toads. These animals are found throughout the world, with some species having a wide distribution and others being restricted to a specific geographic area. Toads of the Bufo family are generally green or brown, with dark spots. These amphibians have dry, rough skin and a large mouth with small teeth.
Bufo toads are known for their ability to produce a lethal toxin called bufotoxin. This toxin is produced by a gland in the skin of toads and is released when the animal feels threatened. This toxin can be extremely dangerous to humans and animals as it can cause serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches and seizures.
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Sometimes "toxins" can be healing. Most things that some people call poison, others call medicine. Just dopends.
You're right about that, I also think I've heard something about bee venom, they also use it for medicinal purposes.
Yeah. I have a friend who works with bee sting therapy. I don't know anything about it though.
It's good to know that people who like Bitcoin are fully into medicine. May you continue progressing in your research