I felt as though through my bufo experience I was in part about reliving this car accident. This time as an adult, I was prepared to experience the accident. When it actually happened, I was about 7 years old. It was a pretty bad roll over accident. And I completely blacked it out. Everyone else in the car was banged up. I walked away without a scratch. After my experience with Bufo, the understanding that came to me, was that as a child something removed me from the experience. Like an angel or something. I know it sounds weird. Thats just how it felt. Like i was removed to protect my young body and mind from the trauma. Than years later I was able to work through that experience with Bufo. Thats how it felt anyways. As far as the cheeseburger, this was the first time in my life I truly realized how much what we consume alters our vibration. And eating animal meat products does this in a big way. the craving for a lower vibrational food was to help ease me down from this incredibly high vibrational state. It isn't necessarily better to be lower or higher vibration. But I learned the difference. My sensitivity was so high I needed some food like that to bring me back to earth a bit. Thanks for reading and asking.
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