Thanks for your reply, makes sense. However, I don't understand what people mean when they say that western society feels hopeless. I don't see precisely people jumping out of windows. For sure, there is people that resort to drugs and so on.
But among the middle and upper classes, all I see is people traveling, eating out, drinking and living hedonistic lifestyles. Nihilistic? Probably. But they don't appear hopeless. They love indulging in pleasure, like in "Brave New World". And they are uninterested in or hostile towards bitcoin.
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I think there is a spectrum we all fall on. But many of us are in denial. Many people are living it up unaware of what is happening around them. I wouldn't say they are happy or fulfilled. And the ones that are down in out tend to me the more sensitive types that feel the collective struggle. The middle class can really get stuck In a walled garden. And the walls will eventually crumble.