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So he tweeted that 'Stalin, Hitler, and Mao didn’t murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did.'
to me, it just seems like autistic trolling on the public sector workers, because in a sense, he is correct, armies of people with precious government paychecks happily participated and said 'I was just doing my job'
what do you stackers think?
It's dumb and Elon is being dumb
The second part is ok, but it doesn’t imply that the dictators weren’t also murderers.
He should have said,
"Stalin, Hitler, and Mao couldn't murder millions of people without their public sector workers."
These were some of the most evil men in history. He's letting them off the hook. That's a huge fail. This is the frustrating thing about Musk. He often is so close to getting something but misses.
this would have been the better quote, Elon isn't great with words though, he's like an autistic chainsaw
My only objection to that phrasing is that it doesn't also make the point that the government agents are murderers too.
I mean... the way I read it... it does.
The real problem is blindness. Most Americans seem incapable of viewing their government as evil.
I mean, forget evil. That's putting it too mildly. They have a hard time looking at their government with a critical eye at all. They cannot be objective. All that needs to be done is to have a bad guy in the mix. Someone like Putin, Saddam Hussein, or Bin Laden. They turn into fools that suddenly are incapable of rational thought. Any criticism of the actions of their government is defending the enemy. Now, if you can get the Red/Blue thing going you can get them to be critical there but that's also a clown show. Its really quite interesting to observe. It works on the right and the left too. Trump has been able to move the red team on Ukraine but it only shows the mind control. I don't think most people that want to end support for the war in Ukraine actually understand how many decisions were made that led up to where we are today. Decisions that could have been handled differently. Maybe we would still end up where we are. Its impossible to know, but you can't even have the conversation because... its all "Russian propaganda". You know... history. Things foreign policy experts said in the 90s and 2000s. Things they predicted would lead to where we are. I guess they all just work for Putin.
Its quite fascinating to me. Its frankly depressing.
I think it's easy to read without seeing much agency there. They're almost reduced to tools.
It's important to emphasize that the noble civil servants were the ones directly carrying out these millions of murders. That's definitely the point Elon's trying to emphasize: A large group of government employees is how you get the largest scale atrocities we've ever seen.
They are the worst kind of killers.
I think it's something to look carefully.
  • Literally these characters did not kill those people, their assistants and their devotees did. Under the orders of these characters, if it is true. But at the end of the day they did not, but their workers.
  • "I was just doing my job."
This phrase was strongly used by officers, and other people who participated in the German ranks, when they were subjected to trial to impute them for their actions.
  • And today although there are no concentration camps (which we can see) and although they are not massacing people (where we can see). Public employees continue to harm innocent people in multiple ways.
Maybe that is your comment. It is a word game, with ambiguous sense. pointing to something of great magnitude happened in the past, with something that may be happening in the present, and that in some way or another is similar to what has already happened before.
Public employees continue to harm innocent people in multiple ways.
Can you elaborate on this please?
Don't misinterpret my words, but where are you from?
Why? Because where you're from will have a direct impact on whether you can understand the corruption and rot that exists in everything related to the public sector.
Or perhaps where you come from, everything works correctly, and you could understand that there are public officials in different areas who, instead of helping, only end up harming the less fortunate.
North America. There are bad actors and wasteful people in the 'public sector' no question about it.
But the vast majority are good and do a reasonable job in most cases.
I also believe that the 'public sector' cannot be replaced. Who is going to be the police? The army? the firemen? The Air Traffic Controller People... These are all "public sector" and people need these things?
What does a society have with no police, no army, no firefighters, no government, no medical services, no hospitals, no Air Traffic Control (for example)... well look at South Sudan or maybe Somalia. There are none of these things there is that a good example?

I have heard that in India and China the corruption is so great that there is intense dislike for 'government workers' because of the distrust, even in police. So maybe that's what you're referring to... but it's not like that everywhere
I could agree with your words ... but I think those police posts, firefighters etc. may work better being the private sector, than being the public sector.
I live in South America and here. Everything that has to do with the public sector is shit.
Police, doctors, hospitals, army staff, etc.
i think it depends on the place and the public sector, like firemen and dvla workers are both public sector, but neither have the scope for committing crimes against humanity. but people generally dislike the dvla and love firemen.
but then you have ICE who are perhaps doing their job of deporting illegals, but there is probably a good percentage of them who are taking pleasure in being sadistic about it and they have power to abuse.
one example of public sector differences is in the UK, I don't mind the police, they're mostly useless, but when I lived in Russia, the police were the enemy and you didn't want to involve them in anything. They were worse than the cops and the FSB is even worse, carrying out hits on businessmen and basically acting like gangsters. Litvinenko wrote a lot about this and his revelations were what later got him killed.
so it's a mixed bag
Thank you for your honesty
Totally agree, it depends on the place.
But I am a faithful believer that those places where corruption and the public sector, exists strictly to help people 👥
It highlights the parallels to today, in an era of psychological warfare the administrative state is more deadly than an occupying army.
It’s technically wrong, but it gets people thinking in the right direction.
Stalin, Mao, Hitler, etc. were essentially organized crime bosses. When their underlings commit murder on their behalf, both are guilty of murder.
Organized crime bosses... right. Don't you think that's an understatement? The "final solution" to "wipe out" the Jews was not organized crime, it was a crime against humanity perpetrated by evil men and their clueless supporters.
The world in my opinion has started to... forget the lessons of the past with regard to these people
It’s the same principle of moral responsibility. The difference is in the degree.
Here, it's an easy fix to make this a good quote.
"Stalin, Hitler, and Mao couldn't murder millions of people without their public sector workers."
He needs a 30 second delay for on his tweets. Maybe he shouldn't have said it this way.
It seems like trolling. A comment like that is going to really piss off the type of person that would vandalize a tesla to be on the right side of history. That's probably who he's targeting.
so crazy that Elon has gone from darling of the Left to an intensely hated figure and teslas getting blown up and vandalized
7 sats \ 2 replies \ @xz 20 Mar
If you are correcting an inaccurate trope, is it trolling?
That sounds like a nonsensical statement like, can you hear a tree that falls in a forest, or the sound of one hand clapping, but I don't see the controversy. I think the tendency of identity politics stretches back longer than we think. When you see the idolization and read history as a fanciful patriotic or anti-patriotic theme, it's almost certainly an embellishment of the actual truth of a situation. Very little happens without organizational structure and that necessitates mass cooperation.
I actually didn't know anything about that, but just caught some of his recent Q&A. I've never been a fanboy of Tesla, Space X etc, but I find him reasonable in all I've heard him say.
Elon lost my support and trust when he announced he would accept Bitcoin payment for Teslas, and then reneged.
If he had not I would have owned a Cybertruck.
7 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 21 Mar
Maybe it was at the point where Tesla factories were at a bad point in California? But you are right, you have to get your reputation through actual deeds, not just saying things.
Not trying to absolve his lack of commitment. I think that might be a real problem with politics mixing with Bitcoin.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 20 Mar
So he tweeted that 'Stalin...'
That is not true to begin with. Can you correct it or post a link to a tweet that he authored?
I am never afraid of a single man, but of organized men that's very scary. But you can't compare Stalin and Mao to Hitler.
I don't see why not...
All three rejected the European Imperialism that is backed by Jewish bankers.
Communism is backed by jewish bankers and zionists, they created this ideology.
Did the Jewish bankers cartel back the USSR or Maos China?
I don't think so!
Yes, they did.
Who exactly? Which banks? The Rothschilds?
Why not? All three were tyrants torturing and killing millions of people with their policies.
https://europathelastbattle.net/ maybe the story they tell at schools(children concentration camp) is not 100% accurate.
What is this stupid link? What story? You can visit gulag and other concentration camps all over the world to see with your own eyes.
You can only judge better after watching it.
I read descriptions and watched a few minutes about Holocaust. This fakumentary is a retarded antisemitic propaganda. You are dumb and indocrinated if you base your understanding of history on such "facts".
I don't give a shit
to me, it just seems like autistic trolling on the public
Yeah, sounds about right. Most people aren't capable of the kind of thought that would comprehend what he's saying. He knows that.
I think it was a group effort... I wish people would stop trolling, esp with roman salutes
He's exactly correct. The reason socialism is able to create so many victims is because the vast majority of people in the world are completely evil. "Public Sector Workers" are simply parasites.
You would not last long without a government protecting you.
Ever tried living somewhere there is no government?
Government is a major factor in the wealth of nations and security of citizens.
Without government subsidies enabled by public servants Tesla and SpaceX would not be viable businesses.
Now Elon Musk is a public servant himself.
^ Prime example of one of the completely evil people that make up the vast majority of this world's population. What a grand display of bootlicking.
I simply acknowledge that humans organise into groups in order to gain security and prosperity.
This is self evident and it is absurd to deny it...as you appear to do. Nor do I suggest you are evil, just ignorant or naive, as you cannot credibly support your absurd assertion that the vast majority of people are evil.
People mostly understand they are weak and vulnerable outside of the organised group/nation state, and from that understanding and the fear that underpins it, evil does sometimes manifest- but this is a function of humans need for organised structures to gain security...and highlights the importance of enough people working for sound and principled government.
Certainly governments can be good, bad or something in between, but their existence is fundamental to human functioning- without organised groups humans are weak vulnerable and struggle to survive.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kruw 20 Mar
This site is for Bitcoiners, not bootlickers. Bitcoin is the enemy of the state, and the state is the enemy of Bitcoin.
You are demonstrating a tendency toward censorship and dictatorship. Dictating who this platform is for and who is not welcome - according to kruw.
How swiftly the nation state power projection impulses and desire to impose rules upon others manifest when we feel challenged!
Some Libertarian - You cannot respond to the facts and issues raised in a reasoned and respectful contest of ideas.
But you think you can survive without a government.
And how is acknowledging that humans form into groups and always have done because it provides security and greater economic and social opportunity to be now defined as bootlicking? That is simply a gross misrepresentation and misunderstanding of what I have said.
Bitcoin itself is based on a group of humans choosing freely to join and associate under an algorithmic ownership and P2P payments protocol.
not worth it to talk about...
These movements were all big government with socialism for the anointed and misery for everyone else. He’s right, it takes a village. Though I hate to agree