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^ Prime example of one of the completely evil people that make up the vast majority of this world's population. What a grand display of bootlicking.
I simply acknowledge that humans organise into groups in order to gain security and prosperity.
This is self evident and it is absurd to deny it...as you appear to do. Nor do I suggest you are evil, just ignorant or naive, as you cannot credibly support your absurd assertion that the vast majority of people are evil.
People mostly understand they are weak and vulnerable outside of the organised group/nation state, and from that understanding and the fear that underpins it, evil does sometimes manifest- but this is a function of humans need for organised structures to gain security...and highlights the importance of enough people working for sound and principled government.
Certainly governments can be good, bad or something in between, but their existence is fundamental to human functioning- without organised groups humans are weak vulnerable and struggle to survive.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kruw 20 Mar
This site is for Bitcoiners, not bootlickers. Bitcoin is the enemy of the state, and the state is the enemy of Bitcoin.
You are demonstrating a tendency toward censorship and dictatorship. Dictating who this platform is for and who is not welcome - according to kruw.
How swiftly the nation state power projection impulses and desire to impose rules upon others manifest when we feel challenged!
Some Libertarian - You cannot respond to the facts and issues raised in a reasoned and respectful contest of ideas.
But you think you can survive without a government.
And how is acknowledging that humans form into groups and always have done because it provides security and greater economic and social opportunity to be now defined as bootlicking? That is simply a gross misrepresentation and misunderstanding of what I have said.
Bitcoin itself is based on a group of humans choosing freely to join and associate under an algorithmic ownership and P2P payments protocol.