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1 sat \ 26 replies \ @Butterfinger 20 Mar \ on: What do we think about Elon's recent comments on Stalin and Hitler? AskSN
I am never afraid of a single man, but of organized men that's very scary. But you can't compare Stalin and Mao to Hitler.
I don't see why not...
All three rejected the European Imperialism that is backed by Jewish bankers.
Communism is backed by jewish bankers and zionists, they created this ideology.
Did the Jewish bankers cartel back the USSR or Maos China?
I don't think so!
Yes, they did.
Who exactly? Which banks? The Rothschilds?
Mainly the Rothschilds and the other owners of the federal reserve...in what year was the FED created? What year the revolution is Russia happened?
Why not? All three were tyrants torturing and killing millions of people with their policies.
https://europathelastbattle.net/ maybe the story they tell at schools(children concentration camp) is not 100% accurate.
What is this stupid link? What story? You can visit gulag and other concentration camps all over the world to see with your own eyes.
You can only judge better after watching it.
I read descriptions and watched a few minutes about Holocaust. This fakumentary is a retarded antisemitic propaganda. You are dumb and indocrinated if you base your understanding of history on such "facts".
I may be dumb, but I will not stop reading a book or watching a documentary because I don't like its description.