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https://europathelastbattle.net/ maybe the story they tell at schools(children concentration camp) is not 100% accurate.
What is this stupid link? What story? You can visit gulag and other concentration camps all over the world to see with your own eyes.
You can only judge better after watching it.
I read descriptions and watched a few minutes about Holocaust. This fakumentary is a retarded antisemitic propaganda. You are dumb and indocrinated if you base your understanding of history on such "facts".
I may be dumb, but I will not stop reading a book or watching a documentary because I don't like its description.
Correct. I have brains and see manipulation from a mile. Blaming someone, like a Jewish nation, for own life's failures or bad luck is the lowest form of coping. And the simplest mechanism to manipulate the masses.
And we must separate the jewish as a whole from the zionists. Or zionist ideology is something good?
I didn't say you must believe everything you watch in that documentary or you read in a book and etc, but reading and watching both sides hurts no one. Why should I censor myself, especially with things that will contradict certain aspects of stories that were told to the masses and that the masses fully believe in as absolute truths?