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North America. There are bad actors and wasteful people in the 'public sector' no question about it.
But the vast majority are good and do a reasonable job in most cases.
I also believe that the 'public sector' cannot be replaced. Who is going to be the police? The army? the firemen? The Air Traffic Controller People... These are all "public sector" and people need these things?
What does a society have with no police, no army, no firefighters, no government, no medical services, no hospitals, no Air Traffic Control (for example)... well look at South Sudan or maybe Somalia. There are none of these things there is that a good example?

I have heard that in India and China the corruption is so great that there is intense dislike for 'government workers' because of the distrust, even in police. So maybe that's what you're referring to... but it's not like that everywhere
I could agree with your words ... but I think those police posts, firefighters etc. may work better being the private sector, than being the public sector.
I live in South America and here. Everything that has to do with the public sector is shit.
Police, doctors, hospitals, army staff, etc.
i think it depends on the place and the public sector, like firemen and dvla workers are both public sector, but neither have the scope for committing crimes against humanity. but people generally dislike the dvla and love firemen.
but then you have ICE who are perhaps doing their job of deporting illegals, but there is probably a good percentage of them who are taking pleasure in being sadistic about it and they have power to abuse.
one example of public sector differences is in the UK, I don't mind the police, they're mostly useless, but when I lived in Russia, the police were the enemy and you didn't want to involve them in anything. They were worse than the cops and the FSB is even worse, carrying out hits on businessmen and basically acting like gangsters. Litvinenko wrote a lot about this and his revelations were what later got him killed.
so it's a mixed bag
Thank you for your honesty
Totally agree, it depends on the place.
But I am a faithful believer that those places where corruption and the public sector, exists strictly to help people 👥