What do you think? Do you feel like you have psychic or other extra sensory abilities? Is even a real thing? Is it learned or something we are born with?
44 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 9h
I haven't seen it in person myself, but I don't disbelieve it is possible.
I am glad you are open to the possibility. For myself, it has been something subtle. Something I had to work to see. We have to believe.
Everybody is psychic. Most do not acknowledge or develop their powers.
I agree. I was clueless about my abilities for many years. I didn't even believe it was a thing. Now looking back, I can see that I have always been tapped into things beyond the physical. I just chose not to see it.
I agree, I have studied group meditations and can tell you I am pretty sure people are all 'psychic' its just level of awareness.
Not @didiplaywell apparently.
I listened to this guy the other day, Lyn Buchanan talks about remote viewing programs in this interview from the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive
He gets into the specifics at around 6 min.
Very cool. Thanks for the share. I will check this out.
I had no idea that they used psychics like this. That's wild.
Something he said I thought was interesting :
"It does a lot of things, but it doesn't do numbers"
There's ton of info in this archive, not just about aliens and UFOs. #526770
Lyn Buchanan is great, and there are lots of recent interviews with him on Youtube :-)
He also offers a couple of options for online training, at least one of them is quite affordable too.
Psychic to one person is another's everyday experience. I think like most other senses, if a person is psychic they are perceiving something most miss. Of course, most miss a lot of "ordinary reality" but I'm not sure a person would be called psychic for noticing, but they might be.
I agree. Everything is a spectrum.
Not in the sense people usually mean that. We do overestimate the amount of our experience that is directly due to our senses though. The truth, as I understand it, is that we take in a small fraction of sensory data and hallucinate the rest.
What we fill in the gaps with is interpolation based on previous pattern recognition.
We also have to realize that most of our sensory inputs are not processed consciously. Our brains learn to filter out the noise and bring signal to our conscious attention.
What I think is going on with psychic experiences is combinations of filling in gaps (intuition) and reacting to subconscious sensory data.
Maybe what one person calls hallucinations another could call creation. 🤷‍♂️
That’s why I didn’t just say “no”.
Fair enough. Nobody really knows. Depends on how we frame it I suppose..
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @2053456d48 6h
Thoughts create matter. I think humans have psychic abilities, which can be attained by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and spiritualism.
I totally agree. 🙏
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @LowK3y19 9h
I think we do have this ability like when you think of someone and they happen to call you as if you brought them to you
I have experienced that so many times. My son and I are super connected. We often think of the same things at the same time. It's crazy.
22 sats \ 2 replies \ @poe7645 7h
I'm not sure consciousness is mutually exclusive to oneself.
Whatever that means.
I'm not sure about anything. Words are hard. 😂
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @poe7645 7h
Agreed. Cheers 🍻
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @cascdr 8h
@BrantaOps has a lot to say about this
It doesn't look like they have shared here before. Is this someone you know?
22 sats \ 4 replies \ @Satosora 9h
That movie with Cillian Murphy, Red line. It was very good.
I've never seen it. Is it about psychic abilities?
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @Satosora 9h
Yes, it is very good! Testing in order to disprove the supernatural.
It's always good to test thoroughly.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 9h
I cant say more without giving away the whole movie, but it is very good.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @anna 6h
There’s some more mundane examples of this that I feel indicate we all have the ability. Like a mother knowing their child is in trouble or twins being able to know where the other one is. These are really strong connections so it doesn’t take much training or sensitivity.
But I believe anyone can open themselves up to psychic abilities.
31 sats \ 2 replies \ @zapsammy 5h
i did a very simple remote viewing experiment, and it worked. basically asked wife to draw an item in the room that i was thinking about, after a brief warm-up, and her subconscious started drawing it correctly, but then her conscious mind fooled her into interpreting the shape differently, so she ended up drawing a blend of what i was thinking of and what she wanted the item to be. it was wild, especially since she could not see the item i was thinking of very well from her position.
Wow. That is really cool. What was the warm up for the experiment?
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 4h
similar video from this guy:
the internet is so amazing!
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @rebel_nomad 6h
Everyone has some of it, those who choose to shut it off to conform basically forfeit their humanity...
Which is a major factor in how we got to where we are now!
I agree..I was incredibly closed off to myself for many years. I feel a collective shift back to a more connected and creative age coming.
I don't. And I severely dislike the idea. Why would you even want this? Anything that's claimed possible with all of that is routinely achieved by actual science, over and over, the ultimate example being Neuralink. The great hypocrisy from this kind of subjects is that they systematically prevent you from achieving anything, while you could have done not the same but incomparably more through actual science. Think about this and you will find it's always true.
I feel quite differently and I appreciate your perspective. To me, Science is just one way of viewing reality. It isn't what is absolute and "real". This is coming from someone who used run on "logic" and only believe in science. Then I went through some kind of major shift. And now I see my reality In a whole new way. I now longer observe an objective. We are born with the ability to tap into all types of things if we learn how to harness it. Its all energy and vibration, and we can tap into the fields with our own human bodies. I hope people are cautious when putting chips in your brain, especially ones that were created by another human who is in the business of who knows what. That seems dangerous to me. I would much prefer to use my own natural abilities. I am curious why you almost seem offended by the question. To "severely dislike" the idea. This is all just my opinion, based on my own experience. And in my experience, magic is real. 🤷‍♂️
Have you never had a thought the same time as another? Or heard about a mother knowing their child was in danger from another state? It definitely happens. I am sure there is way to measure it with science. The government is even tapped in. Check out the video @OneOneSeven posted. Do you think that is real? I only ask to encourage you to open your mind and consider there is more happening here than meets the eye.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Oialt 5h
I don’t believe, I know they do. However I do believe there are liars and frauds out there that exploit people. So be careful and stay safe.
There are always those who are looking to take advantage of others. Have you ever felt like you read someone's mind or came up with a thought at the same time as someone close to you?