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I want to get a feel for the stacker crowd and their experiences with Psychedelics. Where do you fall on the spectrum? Please elaborate down below.
Not for me45.5%
I tried some back in the day9.1%
I have tried many36.4%
I might have taken too much0.0%
I have used them in ceremonial healing4.5%
Other - Comment Below4.5%
22 votes \ poll ended
Just mushrooms, but tried them many times a few years ago. No horrendous trips. First time was around 2017ish. I was listening to a lot of (JRE) podcasts about them and got a good sense of what to expect. I agree with @k00b
for psychologically stable people, I think they can be an upgrade
I know I'll do them again at some point, I think the mushrooms know too..
I'm a big fan of mushrooms. I have seen these things work wonders with people who struggle with their psychological health. It all depends on intentions. Like if someone is looking for a shift or relief from their craziness, and ask for help the right way, it can be profound. It can also be a lot of other things. It really depends. it's cool JRE is talking about this stuff. It's going to be more and more mainstream I think. As people realize western medicine is a joke.
Where's the "my face was stolen" option?
dude, that's the worst. did you get i back ever?
Looking so hard for the glasses I am already wearing....
Curious what you think Hunter meant by this
"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.”
I think/thought he was just describing the aftermath of Leary's acid tests. The man was trying to empower people and ended up creating vulnerabilities that were immediately and viciously exploited by entities like the CIA with MKUltra, and a whole bunch of fucked-up Hell's Angel's doing a lot of horrible shit.
Interesting. Maybe I will learn more about it.
I don't know what that means. And I don't know much about Leary. I can only speak about my experience.
I have met a lot of people that have worked with these tools many different ways. It seems to come down to intention. And it is a journey of self. I see a lot of people lost in the space, more confused than they were when they started. I also have witnessed miracles. For me, I came into that world, looking for peace and healing. I wanted to understand myself better. And that is what I got. There is no cure. But I think we can understand ourselves better. And if we believe in the tools, they can be tools. All i know now is that I don't know anything. That is more comforting that trying to believe I know what is going on. I do feel like i believe in something bigger now. I have no idea what I am saying.
The 60's was not a decade of peace and love...
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) The 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing (1963) Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963) Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964) Assassination of Malcolm X (1965) Texas Tower Shooting (1966) Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (1968) Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1968) My Lai Massacre (1968) Charles Manson and the Tate-LaBianca Murders (1969) Kent State University Shootings (1970)
I am sure it wasn't. Do people think that about the 60s?
It's not for me. I've only smoked weed about 3 times and I didn't enjoy it either time. The first time was the worst of all. I was dissociated from reality for about a month. I can't even say it now and it makes me laugh. But when it happened to me it was terrible. I felt like I was in a dream and nothing was real, that I wasn't real. I had that feeling for several days. The second time was also unpleasant. I wanted to smoke with a friend and then go out for ice cream and my vision was completely altered. The third and last time, my vision was also altered but I managed it better and then I got really hungry. But I never wanted to smoke again, much less experiment with psychedelics.
Smoking pot can be quite psychedelic, as you obviously know. And they probably aren't for everyone. I have some friends who are kind of like you with their experiences around these substances. Are you religious or spiritual? Have you tried meditation or breathe work. There are many ways to connect with our higher selves.
I have told my experience to other people and they say things like "I wish I had an experience like yours"... I love being sober, losing track of time, being in control of my body and my thoughts terrifies me, I have managed to handle sleep paralysis, although it has been a bit difficult lately, but not being able to control my senses after smoking makes me panic, I think that has affected my experience. I am not religious or spiritual.
I used to be very logical in my understanding of my reality. I was not spiritual in any sense of the word. I feel like facing my fears that came along with trying psychedelics did a lot to open my up spirituality. Do you have any desire for that? I know there are a lot of ways to get it.
I think I experienced sleep paralysis a couple times. It was terrifying.
I don't feel mentally prepared to use LSD or anything like that. The only thing I would dare to try again would be weed, but in a controlled way and in the company of my husband. What is a person supposed to feel when they connect with their spirituality? What are the benefits? Or when you talk about spirituality do you mean feeling good about yourself and knowing yourself better?
I find LSD challenging. I like the natural stuff. You will never get anything you can't handle. It may be scary but there is potential for growth when we face fear.
Idk. For me, i felt very sad and isolated in my body. Believing in something better has given me more peace. But I don't think that is true for everyone. I do think for me it was about knowing myself better as well. Maybe its the same thing.
I've tried most of the accessible ones: lsd, psilocybin, mdma. I've only ever taken large doses of lsd once, psilocybin twice, and beginner does of mdma 3 times. I also went through a period of lsd microdosing.
With mushrooms, I had the classic realignment experience - sanctity of life, ego drop, sympathy for my demons, etc. I did my large dose of LSD hiking with friends so it wasn't as profound and felt mostly recreational (which I tend to not like). mdma was worth it for experiencing what seemed like an unattainable extremity of joy, but the first time was the last time it was profound.
In general, for psychologically stable people, I think they can be an upgrade. They tend to temporarily free you from who you are letting you see you're capable of being more.
It's great for perspective I think. Would you use these things again? Would you try other things like Ayahuasca, bufo, or Salvia?
I would take lsd and psilocybin again or alternatively ayahuasca. I would have to have good reason to take mdma again.
In general I'm less interested in short acting psychedelics. I prefer to have time to get comfortable in an experience.
MDMA was amazing for me but coming down was BRUTAL for me. Scared me away. Don't know if I would do that again.
MDMA come down wasn't bad for me, but it was noticeable enough that it made me think it's worth being cautious with it. My friend (bioeng) prepares a whole supplement stack before and after. That might've been why it wasn't so bad.
That makes sense, I got mine from someone in Vegas, maybe it wasn't just MDMA. I was making some bad decisions at that time. It did give me some major insights though. I ended up ending a long relationship after that.
Yeah. Bufo is the opposite of that. Comes in fast, wrecks your world and leaves. The after effects can be forever though. I have worked with Ayahuasca a lot. Pretty powerful stuff. Helped me work through a lot. At the end of the day, it seems to depend on the intentions of the user. I have always wanted to grow with these things as a tool. I struggle to have a good time with them. But it's worth it to transform.
what can be unburdened by something something.
I don't get it.
Wow. she really likes that one.
They tend to temporarily free you from who you are letting you see you're capable of being more.
Reminded me of a go to phrase from a certain politician. The phrase is so popular, i thought it would be funny to not complete the full quote. Leave people hanging, ya know?
They are good for that. Great for perspective. We still have to deal with who we are, but a temporary shift can help a lot I think.
I wanna know! i don't get out much.
What's that, I have no idea about it?
Psychedelics? They are substances like lsd, magic mushrooms, Ayahuasca, dmt. They are substances that have a psychoactive effect. In my world, they can be great medicine to help people heal from trauma. Others consider them dangerous.
I only sold them in starsector. In a "free" market. For space bitcoins.
Honestly drugs don't screw life when overused? And with the dependence properties it's often the case as is with the tobacco and alcohol.
Also it troubles me that many changes enormously the level of the dopamine, the same simptom of the schizophrenia that also changes the "perspective". I mentioned in other post that I have schizophrenic cousin. He was obsessed with spirituality. Paid some thousands euros for the "witch" charlatans. Was talking about some sort of energy: good energy and bad one, and that he transfers to us when he was really sick. He also heard some other voices, didn't sleep enough. Many got into psychiatric clinic due to drugs messing with their brain and not fully recovering. He got some antipsychotics in preschool age...
Wow. That's intense stuff. I consider the things I work with as medicines. From the earth. To me drugs are pills, and white powders. I can only speak for myself. There are lots of ways to work with these things. For me, it has been super healing but I know that isn't how it works with everyone. Thanks for your share.
actually any medical substance that affects body is called a drug, no? Why pharmacy shop and drugstore is often used interchangeably?
edit: in romanian for most narcotic substances we call them "drog", "droguri" for many btw. That's why I felt funny buying drugs in a drugstore.
I don't care what other people call them. I am just expressing my opinion. Words are words. And the are all made up. The substances that are hard work up front and can heal are medicine to me. The substances that numb us or cover up symptoms are drugs. If I had to label them, that is. Words are lame. Everything is unique. That's just an opinion.
Heroic Doses Jedi flip You name it.. You can grow easily here where i live. For some time i scored a place on a test team for a dutch company.. Free trials :)
From all the stuff, i cherich LSA a lot. From Morning Glory seeds.. The nausea took hours to pass, but after.. Oh boy
I have never heard of LSA, what is that like? Is this a recreational scenario? I usually use these things in a ceremonial type setting with intentions to heal.
Very Entheogen. I was missing the word.. Be prepared to pass some nausea though. the worst time took like 6 hous to pass this stage. Then another 6 of a blissful trip. Not as bad as ayahuasca but damn..
With Ayahuasca, you can just purge and it's no big deal. It's part of the experience. The purge is letting go of shit you don't need. Barfing can be a very enlightening experience. It was tough at first. But I have sat with it many times and now it doesn't bother me.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 10 Sep 2024
hahah, i guess one learns to go with it.. But its never pleasent.. well, maybe pleasant as soon as you purge you get that nice alleviation
My wife works with and serves kambo. Have you heard of that? It's mainly for physical healing but the purge is basically the whole thing. It is intense physical cleansing. Crazy stuff. It can cure almost anything.
LSA is naturally occuring in natur. LSD was synthesized by Hofmann. Actually you can consider them chemical brothers, Or even use LSA as percursor for LSD. LSA is present in Morning Glory seeds or Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. And its best use is for ceremonial type tripping for sure. Its used by people for ages, way back LSD was "discovered". If done rigth, can be almost religious.. The setting makes it all I had long talks with dead folks. Kind of healing in my case..
I am very intrigued. I am a fan of more natural things. Haven't had LSD in many years. But this sounds interesting. Lately I have mostly worked with Ayahuasca and bufo.
you cant get any more natural than chewing seeds :) this is the real thing before modern chemists took over The ancient chemistry behind ayauasca is an awesome puzzle
Yeah. It's wild that people came across that.
What's a jedi flip.
Some term someone used to describe mushrooms and LSD taken together
You also have Jedi Mind tricks if you add cannabis and mdma :)
Damn. That sounds scary. I have had cannabis and MDMA. Not LSD and mushrooms.
well, the setting and mental state is everything Im yet to experience a truly bad trip Probably my previous experience in meditation helped a lot. At the first sigth of a bad thought i flush them away pretty quick. And this is why newcomers should have a experienced sitter around everytime
The biggest growth can happen with a "bad trip". if we let it be, surrender and wake up the next morning, we can feel gratitude like never before. Most of my experiences have been tough. I spent a month in Peru dying on repeat. It was insanely tough. But what came out of it.... Well it's still coming. And I live a heavenly life now. That's just me. I don't know what is right for other people.
I like to take mushrooms when I go to Rainbow Gathering. It's nice to do it out in the woods and get that feeling of connection with the earth, far enough away from light pollution, but still having all those people around for safety in case anything goes wrong. Also, I just love going to those gatherings.
Psychedelics are a lot of work, though, so I haven't really done that in a few years, and last I have it was purely by chance and not something I was seeking.
By chance is probably good. Right time and place. I love mushrooms for connecting with nature. I feel safest all alone though.
Not for me
Do you feel fear around trying them? Do you believe they can have therapeutic value? What is the main reason you feel they aren't for you?