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I was talking with my sister the other day and we both thought this was weird: I was born in the mid-70s (my sister is a few years older).
Growing up, it was relatively rare for us to "drink water". I know how odd that sounds now, but its true. We might drink milk with dinner or a Coke....but very rarely did we ever drink a glass water (there were no plastic bottles of water or really any water that you could even buy).
Drinking water usually only happened in the situation where you were sweating profusely....and often cases it was because you were drinking out of the neighbors garden hose while playing outside.
Certainly we never drank "8 glasses of water per day". This didn't seem specific to our family, in fact I can't really remember other friends or neighbors casually drinking water either. Now everyone does it all the time!
It seems like sometime around 2000, when I first became aware that "I need to drink more water" and thus started making a concerted effort to seek it out.
This change to me seems odd....as it seems like it was a fairly universal change all through culture. Or am I completely out-of-touch and just imagining this?
I drank water regularly growing up60.0%
I hardly drank water growing up40.0%
40 votes \ poll ended
We really don't need to go out of our way to hydrate. It turns out our bodies are perfectly capable of communicating when they're thirsty. Imagine that.
Also, if you look into dry fasting at all, you'll find out that periods of dehydration play an important role in health.
Oehh, expand please.
I made a post about it a couple of months ago that has a pretty in depth video linked.
The gist of it is that when our bodies are deprived of external water they look for it internally. That involves consuming dead cells and metabolizing all sorts of intercellular junk, as well as body fat, because water is a chemical product of metabolizing organic matter.
we are mostly made of water. It is very important to drink water. There is water inside other drinks and food, of course, but can't replace good mineral water to clean the system. You will notice you will feel better.
Drinking 2liter of water per day will cause you to pee more often and deplete the electrolites
So you wouldn't recommend drinking 2 liters of water because of this? Or am I misinterpreting you?
I think drink soup, fruit juice, bone broth is better not just water
Doesn't water always have (at least traces of) electrolytes, unless you are talking about distilled water? Then I agree. You shouldn't drink 2 liters of distilled water per day.
Hm....this is a very interesting story about me (drinking water)...
I was sales agent for 10 years, and I travelled across the country. Need to know, that in Romania (especially on the East part of Transsylvania) it exist a volcanic mountain range, and a lot of mineral water sources. During a week, I went past atleast 100 mineral water sources (yes, natural sources, which flows out of the mountainside). Different sources, different tastes of water, and different "ingradients". Some waters was rich in magnesium, some in kalcium, and other in sulfur...some are most succinic acided, some less... At every morning I stopped at the first source, and I filled it my plastic bottle of 2 litre. When I drank it, I filled it again from an other source... Because of this (I drunked always every time from bottle, and it was measurable), I constientized that I drink more than 5 liter of water daily. Yes, it is not a joke. When I constientised this firstly, I was surprised, but I thought it was just a coinciddence...and I started to measure daily, and the results was the same...
I visited a doctor, to ask if this is OK, or not (drinking a lot of water can be a sign of diabetes). After some analisys the doctor found the cause...fortunately it was not a diabetes. The doctor said, that the succinic acid "wash out" a lot of magnesium and other minerales from human body. It was recommended to moderate my mineral water consum. Is added to this, that I don't consume salt, and there is nothing to bind the water in my body. After this, I started to consume a little bit of salt regulary, and to reduce the mineral water consumation (but I drink normal water instead). My daily water consumation is around 4 litre dayli right now :)
That's interesting. I drink at least 2 liter of water every day. This includes still water for training and I frequently drink tea especially winter time. I just got used to it when I was a kid. I always had 5 times training per week so I always drank water. By the way in my city since 2012 the quality of water became really bad so I need to use a filtering machine.
It depends where you re coming from ? As you know diferent culture, diferent atitude?
i ve been always drinking water , and strangely rarely soft drinks or beer. It s personal but for a meal they do not fit with the flavour of meal. But Wine does , ahahaha, as i said it depends of the culture :)
😂😂 reminds me of my own childhood. Making sugary pitchers of koolaid
Loved drinking out of the hose on a hot day.
On a separate note, my wife likes to call people hydo-homies when they make sure to have water between their alcoholic beverages. It's a term connoting self-care.
This is a helluva way to find out my wife has a reddit account
Better than finding out on r/GoneWild. :)
That's where I've seen this too. I think of it whenever I grab my big water bottle. Who doesn't want to be a HydroHomie?!
Growing up, I drank lots of juice unfortunately. When I moved to LA with a dollar and a dream, I only began drinking water out of financial necessity! Now I drink it because I know how healthy it is for us and our son 98.9% of the time, drinks water and very rarely drinks juice.
I think this dialogue didn't make it to the stage 2 intricacy of hot versus cold.
People like to talk hydration all day, but what good does it do you isn't temperature dependent? lol, I think I'll stop there. Interesting though, I wonder how much plastic is also now floating around us and in us.
Interesting though, I wonder how much plastic is also now floating around us and in us.
Yeh. Plastic water bottles contain phthalates (what makes plastic flexible). They are considered 'endocrine disruptors' since they inhibit testosterone production....so its best to try to avoid eating / drinking from plastics when possible.
I didn't drink much water when I was little either, in fact I drank a lot of coke and juices, not 8 glasses of water a day.
Running has brought me much closer with my hydration and electrolyte levels. Still hard to skip the soda.
does tea count?.......
It does.
Drank sodas growing up, switched to water when I moved out and couldn’t afford it, and never went back. Now I’m glad I haven’t been drinking that fiat poison all these years.
Why not publishing it in ~food_and_drinks?