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40 sats \ 0 replies \ @andreneves 28 May 2024 \ on: CashApp has inactive LNAddress endpoints with npubs pregenerated for EVERY user devs
did we do it guys?
Can you email me your ZBD handle? andre@zbd.gg I can check things out
It is entirely a side effect of new security systems, coupled with a need for improved internal processes for escalating specific customer support issues.
We're heads down resolving these edge cases. Please pign me directly if you're affected.
TLDR: new security systems in place to detect fraudulent usage of ZBD app had some edge-cases (@eddieoz was one of them), and our Customer Support team was unable to escalate things in a timely manner.
We're revisiting some of these processes internally to do better for our users.
If you are one of the few affected users please feel free to ping me directly at @andreneves on Twitter or email me directly at andre@zbd.gg.
Apologies for this issue.
Hey all, Andre here CTO/founder of ZBD here. Thanks for sharing this. I'm looking at it with the team right now. Will provide updates asap. Apologies to anyone that's facing issues accessing their accounts -- we'll get to the bottom of this I'm sure.
@fiatjaf is being modest here, he basically wrote all of ZBD Bot for Telegram. We're also going to be bringing some of the best features of LNTXBot into it to make the migration from LNTXBot to ZBD Bot as smooth as possible for folks.
You can use ZBD Streamer to receive tips and interact with your audience. And use ZEBEDEE App to be on the loop of all Bitcoin games! zebedee.io/app to get started!
What is most exciting to you about running the most signal-to-noise Bitcoin conference out there? Any specific highlights?
Do you think of any use case for Lightning Addresses or another abstraction layer that could be used in the protocol?
How do you see the scaling of podcasting2.0 as it relates to keysend pubkeys? Will all podcasters need to run their own node / get their own pubkeys in order to join the network? Do you think that's scalable long term?
This is a tough one. But probably Smash. Just imagine global esports tournaments where your health is based on sats you come in with. The more hits, the more sats you take from opponents - hunger games style. Pretty epic imo
ZBD Brawl is a Smash-like game that aims to present that scenario live in colors. We’re releasing it in the next few months, lookout for that!
Not sure I understand what you mean by
3rd apps
to be honest. Is that 3rd party apps
? Are you saying Wheel of Trivia has ads to get you to download other games?If so this is a pretty standard practice for in-game ads to show App Store downloadable content.
Sorry, but maybe I’m not understanding the question. Where does TikTok come in?
Sci-fi, audiobooks, gym, internet things, building weird websites, food. But mostly I do Bitcoin/LN and ZBD stuff 20hrs out of every day.
It really depends on whether you’re using a 3rd party service provider or if you are running the Bitcoin infrastructure yourself. There are tools like BTCPayServer that make it possible for you to host a sophisticated Bitcoin/Lightning setup from home pretty easily. That being said Lightning nodes require active management, unlike Bitcoin Core nodes.
I’d say pick your flavor. Maybe test with a provider first and then spend time and resources moving it to your own infrastructure if it makes sense? It’s really dependent on your technical profile imo.