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13 sats \ 0 replies \ @tenuous 15 Sep 2022 \ parent \ on: Ask SN: How to be more private on the Internet? How to do 2nd Identities? bitcoin
Great post thank you.
I will add that data is the biggest business on earth so there are not many interests aligned with "privacy", it is a trigger word. By definition you are demonetizing the S&P 500. Better to use victim language in the current climate. The best language is used by the radical left "this is not safe for me because i am in [protected group]". Or play up the victim card even more "i have a stalker" "I am involved in a lot of social justice charity work" etc. And if you don't think that works, look at all the legit criminals still getting away with wearing masks in public, LOL.
There is so much money and effort spent on activism I think we just need to direct a little bit of the messaging toward our own goals.
The soundbites might bother you because they shouldn't necessarily be soundbites. He has a thorough understanding of the history of technology and is willing to explain bitcoin in depth (for HOURS) in that context.
One technique I use to try to find the truth is to see who is willing to defend their ideas, long form, in public. Or debate. In today's world one side of the argument doesn't even show up for the argument- they just hit-and-run FUD.
I appreciate the reply. I am extremely relaxed and sorry if I don't communicate that properly.
I would sincerely like to hear more about why you think those expressions are insane. Perhaps you think that I am somehow applying them unilaterally when in reality I am speaking very specifically.
"enemies of freedom" - those who spend money and time on an agenda that restricts human freedom.
"ideological prison" - someone under the influence of harmful thought patterns, potentially a result of abuse or manipulation
Where is the insanity there? I'm sure you believe in those concepts. It is up to us to define our positions on those concepts, not to dismiss them entirely as "insane". That dismissal could actually be seen as a form of abuse (although I frankly don't give a shit)
Also I am accepting and empathetic to a fault, and extremely so by todays standards, so that line of criticism does not resonate with me.
Appreciate you reading regardless.
Good example and good on recognizing the problem. The enemies of freedom want a slow march toward mediocrity.
So I could be fooled, but it stands to reason that anyone sticking their neck out is rejecting the mediocrity, and probably doing it at great risk to themselves. So people like Saylor should be celebrated for their balls, or we wake up one day and balls are gone for good.
I actually share your perspective on spending bitcoin, and I strongly share your perspective on rent-seeking behavior.
You do you, I'm not trying to censor or tell you what to do. Just suggesting that you are tripping over your own dick and really come off as an asshole sometimes. Not saying thats your intent just another asshole's opinion.
I love fountain and use it exclusively (until it crashes or if the search function doesn't find what I specifically type in [hint hint devs]). I see it as a sibling to this site.
I get that we are just not there yet which is why I was asking the obstacles. Unless you see it as a problem it seems like an application worth discussing.
Doesn't seem like "dependency" although I see your point that creators could interpret it as such. But that would be the obstacle to overcome mutually with them.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @tenuous OP 10 Sep 2022 \ parent \ on: USA Stackers - Where are you, roughly? bitcoin
lol I was going to just say "flyover" but I said "hmm texas people will be angry if i don't specifically name them"
For example a podcaster has their content posted multiple places, video/audio etc. People will obviously comment wherever they want, but if the host said "hey go over to the official SN thread for this episode" all the infrastructure is just here waiting for them. Win/Win for everyone seems to be just an issue of promotion or incentive.
@k00b what do you think is the main obstacle for content creators to use this as their primary comment platform?
It seems beneficial for them to both receive sats but also it helps them crowdsource weighting comments and suggestions.
Thank you for the message friend.
Posts like this are the real reason freedom of speech is under attack!
I am in a large west-coast city. People are largely good and I am positive and optimistic on humanity.
But fiat society is losing to entropy. Basic concepts such as sanitation, public order, and law enforcement are maybe 20% effective depending on the specific area.
I speak to a lot of random people in my travels. Many are under the spell of "current thing", but many also have eyes wide open. I am always trying to find ways to break spells and empower people to be independent thinkers.
Voted "discussions". Podcasts/Substack are great, this is the missing link for shorter-form discussion. Every other platform is compromised by propagandists.
What is your motivation on this site? Your posts really don't align with this community. But it doesn't seem like you have any good ideas of your own?
Since you aren't trying to be convincing, I have to assume you are just trying to be disruptive?
Start your own website where you can be king! But that would require effort instead of just mindless critique. Tough spot to be in for you.
Just for reference, who do you guys think is NOT a "lunatic"?
Calling enormously successful / influential people "crazy" "odd" etc. is such a boring opinion. Would you rather they just sit at home and watch netflix and football? Stay in their lane? What do you think success and influence should be?
Thats a very good point but also identifies a goal that is easy to rally around. Narrows our target and focus on an attainable goal.
My personal opinion is the two Jacks are kindred spirits and have good intentions (but I could of course be wrong). Since they are running businesses they would also be receptive to organized communication (petition, email list, etc). "If it makes dollars, it makes sense"
I am not an apologist for big companies. Just really want to direct attention properly. Running a BTCpayserver should absolutely be encouraged as an alternative to big platforms. Thats why your article is great. But speaking from experience small business is hard enough already. Collecting money just needs to work transparently in whatever currency the customer wants to pay.
I'd like to write more about this sometime but I think a lot of current society is just the evolved version of what you are talking about, and history has glossed over those elements. Just think about the word "company". Groups of people together advancing goals and defending their interests seems to be the human default. The tightest-knit communities are those who have most recently been oppressed. Orthodox Jews in NYC have their own security, EMS, etc.
The state creates "communities" also through unions etc. And to be honest they are way way way better at it than freedom-loving individualists. We need to come out of our shells a bit IMO. And in doing so we cannot appear like an angry militia or we will be crushed. We value freedom and human rights, if the state is against that, let it be obvious.
I live in an extremely entrepreneurial place, with tons of brick and mortar retail shops. I simply don't see a path for adoption at the Point-of-Sale, unless through something like Strike or Square which handles fiat also.
I do see a huge opportunity to grow bitcoin adoption generally; create more bitcoiners. Who will then utilize the BTC function in their square terminal, perhaps offering a discount to do so. "Peer to peer" payments does not necessarily mean "business to consumer". Many people have an antagonistic relationship with commerce in general and aren't looking to explore its nature.
I do see a huge opportunity to grow bitcoin adoption generally; create more bitcoiners. Who will then utilize the BTC function in their square terminal, perhaps offering a discount to do so. "Peer to peer" payments does not necessarily mean "business to consumer". Many people have an antagonistic relationship with commerce in general and aren't looking to explore its nature.
This is great thanks and I agree with you 100%. I only left out traditional social media because the problems are glaringly obvious as you point out.
I think you are conflating aggregation with algorithmic fuckery. Proprietary rankings and bot manipulation are kept under careful lock and key because everyone has their own secret sauce to defraud investors.
This is why you "used to" enjoy reddit along with everyone else. The upvote system wasn't a bad idea before it became completely corrupted by propagandists. It did have some organic problems with hive mind but nowhere near what it has turned into.
I've been wondering lately if it is the sats themselves or the intellectual barrier of lightning / minimalist design that minimizes the spam. We should explore both in depth. But like with many things you don't have to be perfect just on the right track. The same way traditional socials spiraled out of control, this site might spiral into control!