This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
🤣turns out our internet issues at PlebLab was a chewed up line by a squirrel
You’re kidding?! That’s hilarious
yup the wire is pretty interesting you can see the teeth on it
Ethereum is committing one of the economic ideas that typically backfires. In this case, the issue is that most people dont run an Ethereum node and its a threat to the decentralization of the network. So what they have manged to do is force anyone who stakes to run a ethereum node. What could go wrong? Maybe less people will stake. Maybe they will only stake via 3rd parties which also increases centralization.
And if we want to get really pessimestic, ISPs may be looking at how to reduce bandwidth on their network, to save money. And the ISPs may discover that Ethereum, and the homestakers specifically, are consuming an enormous amount of bandwidth. And then the ISPs will update their terms and prohibit any crypto/blockchain related node activity. I hope it doesn't come to that. But that honestly seems to be the outcome with the way Ethereum is acting. Their sharding solution, which is coming in a few years, which is just a fancy blocksize increase, will increase bandwidth consumption further.
And if we want to get really pessimestic, ISPs may be looking at how to reduce bandwidth on their network, to save money.
Why wouldn't they just charge more?
The real issue is how censorship resistant such high bandwidths will be. It will be trivial for hostile governments to locate and shut down Ethereum archival nodes if, as Vitalik wishes, the blockchain grows by 85Tb/year:
I wonder if you could make money off of timed network attacks + shorting on leverage.
Wouldn't there be an ISP that just sells a different pricing tier for internet? A "high-bandwidth" or "low-bandwidth" package? Don't we kindof already have that? Err, at least we did.
Today I managed to get my eraly game prototype (mentioned yesterday) up and running on RaspberryPi and made it available via IP. In the next days I will try to link the raspi IP via DynDNS.
Awesome, looking forward to it!
Living with anxiety is a bitch especially when you realize your all you have damn
hope you're able to get help if you need it
blueberries, dark chocolate, almonds help with anxiety. but finding the root cause is important altho not always easy sadly.
Also good sleep can partially help with anxiety - make sure you always give yourself at least 8 hours to sleep. It's ok if you don't sleep the whole time, but give yourself the time. One idea is to set up alarms on both sides - alarm when to go to sleep and alarm when to wake up.
I will try that as well
Thanks for the tips
@k00b what do you think is the main obstacle for content creators to use this as their primary comment platform?
It seems beneficial for them to both receive sats but also it helps them crowdsource weighting comments and suggestions.
What do you mean by commenting platform?
For example a podcaster has their content posted multiple places, video/audio etc. People will obviously comment wherever they want, but if the host said "hey go over to the official SN thread for this episode" all the infrastructure is just here waiting for them. Win/Win for everyone seems to be just an issue of promotion or incentive.
I see. I think most content people, particularly bitcoiners, are skeptical of dependencies and would prefer no one "own" their audience if they can't "own" them for themselves. For podcasts in particular @MerryOscar at fountain has thought about this quite a bit and introduced a spec for podcasters to easily host v4v comments.
We are also still really small and these kind of natural partnerships take time to emerge. A handful of folks have already begun doing what you suggest though. It just hasn't taken off yet.
I love fountain and use it exclusively (until it crashes or if the search function doesn't find what I specifically type in [hint hint devs]). I see it as a sibling to this site.
I get that we are just not there yet which is why I was asking the obstacles. Unless you see it as a problem it seems like an application worth discussing.
Doesn't seem like "dependency" although I see your point that creators could interpret it as such. But that would be the obstacle to overcome mutually with them.
Anyone else upvotes threads based on their title, so before reading the article? I am not sure if this is good behavior. Opinions?
Getting started on writing the newsletter. Then Pleb Lab has a workshop on the Bitcoin whitepaper led by an SN user (that I don't want to doxx in case it's a compartmentalized nym).
Then I'm probably going to a framing store to get two reproductions I have re-matted. I recently found a lithograph of Jose Manuel Capuletti's Not Guilty that I'm super excited about and I have a shuttle launch photo I found at a thrift store that has yellowed matting.
Art collecting is awesome! What's your favorite piece that you own? Have you made any works yourself?
sorry to bump in, but im a fan of stills from movies and then getting them printed on aluminium. its cheap and comes out great and is durable. you can create your own unique collection this way :) but maybe movie stills is a bit boring for most people. carry on
Due to liquidity issues :), I don't really collect, but I do try to find stuff I like and put it somewhere I can look at it. I love art and I hate bare walls.
What's your favorite piece that you own?
My friend Doug is a painter. I bought a piece from him years ago and we keep that in the living room. I'm not sure it's my style (abstract), but the sentimental value is high and its well executed.
Have you made any works yourself?
I used to oil paint, years ago. I gave away all the finished pieces over the years, but I have a few canvases I haven't finished in the garage.
Do you collect?
I found some old Celestial Arts posters from the 70's at an estate sale. One is kind of grim, but I keep them in the living room.
"we enter this world alone. we depart from it alone. this moment called life is meant to be shared."
"the soul can rise from the earth like a bird aware of its freedom not feeling the barriers of man but the beauty of love which is eternal."
I'll give the first to reply double the amount of sats this comment receives.
2000 sats max (so I would spend 1000 max)
Not a scam, haha
This would be more fun if the first replier committed to the same. And then, their first replier did the same. Albeit, by that point, you're at risk of sybil attacks. Oh well.
Starting from 2000, it would take 40 replies to run out of bitcoin, assuming sybil free.
Would totally screw with @k00b 's algo. :|
Which algo?
Edit: ah, you mean the reputation algo
This wouldn’t impact the algo actually
Actually, in hex that would be 2 ;)
I want to run a lightning node soon (thinkpad t420). What is the minimum channel size I should go for? I am thinking about allocating 0.1 BTC but that will be spread out across n channels so they would have about 0.1/n BTC only. Do you think this will be accepted by other nodes and help the network?
I am not looking for a profit, but I also don't want to lose 0.1 BTC due to closing fees etc.
If it were me, I'd probably do 5x2m sat channels, but there are likely more experienced node runners on here with more informed opinions.
Ah, thanks for your (very fast) response. This already helps me believe that this amount of allocation is not completely out of touch, haha
Tonight Chimp98 and I will do another week of experimenting with a livestream podcast, and we may even get LIT tonight. I'll make a post as soon as I know for sure because I'd love for people to send me sats to read their messages over the live internet. Also, tomorrow I will host another Bitcoin Brunch in Miami at Naomi's Garden from 10am-3pm. I invite you all!
it's lit fam
hopefully, cuz
Hi, plebs!
Curious if you use apps like Carrot, sMiles and play mobile games through ZBD to earn some sats?
I use carrot and ZBD. I find these apps so easy to use to get your hands on easy sats. You can easily get thousands of sats by
  1. Using carrot
  2. Get fold app spin the wheel
  3. Use loli and open loot box every day
  4. Play games on zbd
Laws need to be reset. We need to return to a state where the initiation of violence and theft are the only things that are illegal so that we can be free and prosperous again. And by the way, taxation is theft.
taxation is not theft but it is racket.
let them eat cake
When are we gonna have substacks? I have so many topics I want to write about and post about, that are not really relevant to everyone but for a specific category would be great to share.