@k00b what do you think is the main obstacle for content creators to use this as their primary comment platform?
It seems beneficial for them to both receive sats but also it helps them crowdsource weighting comments and suggestions.
What do you mean by commenting platform?
For example a podcaster has their content posted multiple places, video/audio etc. People will obviously comment wherever they want, but if the host said "hey go over to the official SN thread for this episode" all the infrastructure is just here waiting for them. Win/Win for everyone seems to be just an issue of promotion or incentive.
I see. I think most content people, particularly bitcoiners, are skeptical of dependencies and would prefer no one "own" their audience if they can't "own" them for themselves. For podcasts in particular @MerryOscar at fountain has thought about this quite a bit and introduced a spec for podcasters to easily host v4v comments.
We are also still really small and these kind of natural partnerships take time to emerge. A handful of folks have already begun doing what you suggest though. It just hasn't taken off yet.
I love fountain and use it exclusively (until it crashes or if the search function doesn't find what I specifically type in [hint hint devs]). I see it as a sibling to this site.
I get that we are just not there yet which is why I was asking the obstacles. Unless you see it as a problem it seems like an application worth discussing.
Doesn't seem like "dependency" although I see your point that creators could interpret it as such. But that would be the obstacle to overcome mutually with them.