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Hey everyone — this is my first AMA. I’ll be here for the next hour.
I make wine under the name Peony Lane out in western Colorado. High elevation, no toxic additives, native fermentation — the kind of wine that lets the grapes do the talking.
I accept bitcoin for everything I sell, and most of my customers find me through Nostr or Twitter. Some of them show up Creed jokes and stay for the wine.
Happy to talk about any of it — winemaking, bitcoin, building something small and weird, whatever you’re curious about. I just released my 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon and have a ton of other awesome wines if you're every curious to try them. Let's hang out and I'm happy to answer your questions.
NOSTR: BenJustman@primal.net Twitter: @BenJustman Winery Twitter: @PeonyLaneWine Website: PeonyLaneWine.com
I’m offering a buy 5, get 1 free deal (plus free shipping on 6+ bottles) for my newly released Cabernet Sauvignon for a limited time!
this territory is moderated
Who is your favorite Bitcoin Ben (answer very carefully)
We are Legion
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 25 Mar
What would you tell businesses that are not yet accepting or holding bitcoin?
Funny you ask, I'm starting a show called Soak Quest where I'll be traveling around the country onboarding founders and asking them what really is keeping them from accepting it. A big part of this is gaining that understanding, but also to introduce bitcoiners as a customer base to these people. We are a big group with real buying power now and itll be cool watching businesses realize this.
Businesses generate money, but ultimate are on the fiat treadmill where their costs rise, so their prices rise and their margin gets continuously attacked. Bitcoin is the way off that treadmill, but theres a lot of info to digest before you can get to that point
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 26 Mar
Any plan to implement bitcoin payments in your website?
They're implemented as best I can.
Liquor compliance has me stuck to one payments processor that doesnt like bitcoin. After spending hours arguing with them and even having Jack Mallers reach out to help set it up, I've given up with them.
That said, you can check out with bitcoin on my site. It has its own checkout flow and a bit less customizable orders via zaprite, but I also process a ton of bitcoin orders from people who just message me to make a custom pack.
I think the natural stuff like no sulfur and natural fermentation is cool. But you don't do any of the biodynamic nonsense like rituals at full moon and stuff, do you?
I dont, but otherwise would fit their criteria.
While there are good things about biodynamism, as soon as I found out that I have to pay like $3k a year to be "certified", it became a clear scam in my mind.
When is the best time to come visit Peony Lane, drink some wine, get a tour, and hang out while we talk about bitcoin?
Also, how can we help Peony Lane succeed?
Jon! Would love to have you out. I do private tastings as things pop up, but dont have a formal tasting room. Now through September is the peak time to come.
How can you help peony lane succeed? Outside of wine sales, just having bticoiners visit and enjoying awesome conversation in person fires me up to continue working on this path.
What types of grapes can you grow on this land? I don't know much about wine but I know that soil matters. And how long does it take from planting until the bottle is ready for sale?
I grow Pinot Noir exclusively and its the only red that grows well in my climate.
Assuming everyhting goes well, you're looking at 4 years before the first crop after planting and I age another 2 years before I sell the wine.
That first wine won't even be that good as the grapes need a decade + to come into young maturity and even more time to truly become great. My dad planted my pinot vineyard 20 years ago
Wow, it's something of a tradition then. I'm glad you're carrying it forward. Do you transfer this patience in production to the way you manage your bitcoin?
There's a small winery just outside of Glacier Park in Columbia Falls, Montana that is also taking Bitcoin for payment. Called "White Raven Winery".
If you're ever in Montana, you should absolutely stop by and meet the owner. You guys would definitely hit if off.
yeah i gotta meet that guy
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Jer 26 Mar
Given your climate: when do you typically start crush?
Every variety is different, but typically people start picking throughout september and some into late august.
I harvest Pinot Noir at the beginning of October
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 25 Mar
Do you price them in sats at a stable value or does it fluctuate with BTC/USD conversion?
How much needs to be converted back to fiat to pay bills or the cost of production?
I've put a lot of mental energy into the pricing in sats model, but I just dont think its there unless i want to change the price all the time which the $ price, but paid in sats does for me.
Its a cool idea, but no one buys if bitcoin goes up and i go broke if bitcoin goes down.
bitcoin is too volatile rn for me to do it
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 25 Mar
How do we watch soak quest?
It'll be on Nostr and I'll be posting all about it when the first episode drops. hopefully in a week or two
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 25 Mar
What are sulfites and why do they stink to drink?
Sulfites are naturally occurring compounds that preserve the wine. They're added to kill unwanted bactera/etc and protect the wine from oxygen.
They are the poster child for wine additives and get way too much blame. That said, they are over used and if a winery is overusing them, theyre probably overusing every other additive nad you'll feel bad afterwards
What tools do you use to take bitcoin? BTCPay, etc? Self-hosted, or via a service?
What's the best wine for someone who's favorite liquors are the sweet ones (rum, soju, (plum wine doesn't count if you don't make it lol)
I mean, theres no answer to this, but to tell you a place to start.
Have you drunk much port or sherry?
Most people get into wines with sweet whites then sweet reds, then whites, then reds
What advice would you give other entrepreneurs looking to start bitcoin focused businesses?
Focus on quality. no one is going to part with their bitcoin over junk. Make it last and make sure you appreciate the bitcoin they give you or they wont give it to you again.
Did you ever get a lightning wallet? Last time I bought from you, I had to send on-chain lol.
If so, what are you using?
That must have been a while ago! Not sure what that reasoning was as I've had lightning going since 2022.
Anyways, I want good tax accounting so I mostly just use strike
I had never heard of natural wines before in my life (until like a year ago). Now it's everywhere, and — literally — on everyone's lips.
How do you account for this? What happened? Just another fad?
To a degree, its just another fad. Its definitely whats hot right now, but its also a return to old world style wine making.
People are realizing that wine has become a bit of just a chemistry experiment in the USA and want wine that connects them to the land and doesnt make them fee like crap afterwards. "Natural" is the way its been made for generations.
That said, Natural wine (in the USA) doesnt mean anything legally. I have no problem with that because fuck regulations and paperwork, but its a bit of a buzz word. Look for low intervention wine, french or italian for similar experiences.
The wine shop person will know what you want
I haven't touched alcohol in months because I'm being a good carnivore boi, but once GameStop moons I'm going to buy some Peony Lane and we're having a MF celebration because I said so.
I don't have a question, just go buy more GME so we get rich and can accelerate Ben supremacy over some good vino and watch number on screen go brrrrrrrr together 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Deploying $25.40 for another share, sir
I've always wondered this while browsing at the store, so I'm so glad I can finally ask a pro:
What are the types of wines that have the most nutritional value in them, comparatively?
I've always heard some of them have more good things in them, while others less so. Would love to hear your take.
honestly, I think you're better off looking for wines that are just less bad for you. Look for natural, low intervention or generally french and italian wines to avoid chemicals in them. You'll feel SO MUCH better after drinking these kinds of wines. Seriously. Like hangovers arent even part of my life anymore when I drink my wine.
Other than that, the only thing I can think that that red wines are higher in antioxidents
Any separation in which red wines contain more antioxidants, or are they all basically the same?
it comes from the skins so the mroe extracted ones, but youd have to get deep in the weeds WITH the winemaker and the difference probably isnt much so idk how much its worth the effort
What inspired you to start making wine this way, and how has accepting Bitcoin changed your business?
I've got a longer answer about the wine in another comment, but basically, my dad was doing it this way, its healthier and the knowledge barrier to entry is lower because I didn't have to become a chemist to make good wine.
Bitcoin has BECOME my business. I planned on just selling wine to tourists and my local community following the business models of those around me, but then bitcoiners started asking to buy my wine...in droves and now they are the only customers I care about.
Approx what percentage of your sales are made in bitcoin?
I wont say an exact amount, but enough that I should have been selling some to cover expenses. Thats the only meaningful amount that matters for businesses
That’s good. Glad to see some people using bitcoin as a MoE.
Are you just DTC or do you use a distributer and sell in retail?
Just DTC.
Medium sized wineries that are profitable dont really exist in the US and I dont wanna get big...plus everyone is gonna be a bitcoiner one day
Great. Glad you can build a sustainable business as a bitcoin company and DTC. Congrats.
What drew you to winemaking to begin with? And what drew you to bitcoin?
I really just was in a rut quarter life crisis time of my life and new i both wanted to start a business and wanted something that was mroe of a side hustle so I would be committed to it and would force myself to follow through.
My dad made wine as a hobby and had 3 acres of amazing Pinot Noir grapes + all the gear to at least get me started. It was really just a perfect opportunity that I had to jump on with the mindset "if my dad can figure out how to make wine, im sure i can."
Bitcoin, I moved home to start the winery and in with a friend of mine from highschool who i thought was really smart. we loved talking about geopolitics and he was a bitcoiner.
I was already really into economics and personal finance, so once I started learning about bitcoin, i never stopped
How did you come into wine making?
I really just was in a rut quarter life crisis time of my life and new i both wanted to start a business and wanted something that was mroe of a side hustle so I would be committed to it and would force myself to follow through. My dad made wine as a hobby and had 3 acres of amazing Pinot Noir grapes + all the gear to at least get me started. It was really just a perfect opportunity that I had to jump on with the mindset "if my dad can figure out how to make wine, im sure i can."
Thanks for doing this. Have you noticed any shifts in the ratio of fiat to bitcoin with you sales since you've been accepting bitcoin.
I've basically moved my entire business towards bitcoiners. I wont say how much, but a meaningful amount of people pay in bitcoin. I keep it all and have honesstly gotten more than most businesses would keep on a percentage basis because I chose loans over selling bitcoin to cover expenses.
People use bitcoin to buy things if you give them a reason to
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 25 Mar
Which varietals do best at elevation? Which do the worst?
Most of them do the worst. There are only a few that do well here, but those that do, do REALLY well.
I grow Pinot Noir and it is insane. The grapes are so good that my dad, who was making wine as a hobby (he has basically no sense of taste or smell) was getting emails for Somms that got introduced to his wine randomly. Wihtout that, I wouldnt have had the confidence to start making wine.
Riesling, Gerwetztraminer and Chardonnay also do well here no other reds
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 25 Mar
What's your least favorite part of making wine? What's your favorite?
The answer to both is the seasonality. I love that most of the work comes at once aroudn harvest becasue it gives me a ton of freedom throughout the rest of the year, but fall is a pretty magical time out here and I spend it working my ass off.
I love that it gets me outside, but it ties me down pretty hard.
Good and bad there
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 25 Mar
Who is the smartest person you've ever met?
Preston Pysh and Jeff Booth come to mind.
both are extremely well rounded and I find myself becoming smarter whiel being around them. Jeff blows my mind and i feel like hes living in an elevated plane above me and Preston is just so well rounded that its wild to witness
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 25 Mar
What's the most surprising thing you've learned making wine?
Honestly I didn't realize how much chemistry people used.
Probably a bit naive on my part, but my dad had been making it pretty low tech kind of way and i figured there was just a more professional version of this that most people did. I had no idea how many chemicals people used in winemaking and honestly I'm still a bit in the dark about that because I refuse to use them