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Hello Stackers
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread of SN ~HealthAndFitness 💪Club.
In the club we..
  • Share our daily workout 🧘🤸🚴🏋️🧗🏊⛷️goals and results
  • Ask questions to the experts (fitness freaks)
  • Applause with zaps⚡ and comments on your success.
  • Also boo you (all of us) when you miss your workout routine. 🤣
The first thing you gotta do is join the ~HealthAndFitness club is share your workout routine in the comments.
The cost for joining the club is (only) 10 sats. 😜
Here's a great video Quick Warm up Routine
Today's Question

Is it necessary to warm up and cool down before and after exercise?

Commitments (You're accountable)

  • @Kontext - Watch out "his Daily Pushup Tally" in the comments.
  • @denlillaapan - Publishes weekly "Lazybones" and PROVES his hard Gym sessions with pics.
  • @Coinsreporter - Remains hugely under par on his weekly challenge.
  • @Undisciplined - saved his sats on Workit by walking 7.5k steps daily. (But, has Workit saved the sats #896408?) Workit is still off?
  • @cryotosensei - posts his daily steps with proof. (Had 17000+ steps the other day!)
  • @realBitcoinDog - The Daily Abs, however real but surely going downhill but perseverance is enough.
  • @Aardvark - Watch out in the comments for his prolific workout plan. *(He's an AARDVARK!)
  • @LibertasBR - He's on a weight loss mission. Can he cut it down this week as well?
  • @TheMorningStar - Has increased his pushups to 50 from 30 per day. What else?
  • @Public_N_M_E - Still nursing a rib injury. But provided first indication of recovery. Had already hit the gym and did some leg work.
  • @Beeteesea - 97kg for you must be 6 feet at least, right? We keep waiting!
  • @Butterfinger - Hikes on a bike!
  • @suraz - Anything specific (to drink) for health in the mountains? (Still waiting your advice.)
As for my commitment, I've decreased my screen to > 6 hours on an average.
Now jump in the comments and let your fingers workout.
And as always... Stay Happy and Healthy.
29 sats \ 2 replies \ @Aardvark 4h
Last night I kept it light and easy. Its been my first leg work out in months due to fucked up knees
All I did was Bulgarian split squats 3x10 45lbs Single leg hamstring curls 3x12 45 lbs Dumbbell RDL 3x10 90 lbs
Ur gonna feel that!!
I already am. Sadly, I'm not feeling it in my quads too much, I was hoping they would be lit up. My ass and hamstrings are sore though. I need to find a way to really destroy my quads while not hurting my knees.
if u have time to warm up or cool down it’s of course preferred!
Whether or not u need to depends on the activity
Yoga has warm up and cool down included in the practice!
Omg omg Ong please please please CHILD’s POSE!!
Balasana 4evah
I'm in a March running competition with some of my closest friends we are now going to see who can run the furthest distance. Currently I range between 50 Miles per month to 95 miles per month. Would love to break the 100 one of these days!
I weighed myself yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't reach 1 kilo, but I drop, I drop 600 grams.