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If you search “habits”, you will find that I have that topic cornered. Almost every Habit topic was initiated by me. I’m keen to pick up good habits from others.
For example, I started to have cold showers because @BTCFC wrote really persuasively about its value. @grayruby’s way of framing (I get to do this) has helped me through tough parenting moments.
As for me, last December, I started keeping track of my net worth. I never used to bother before. Last week, I updated certain amounts. I hope to periodically review my finances from now on. The reason why I wanna pick up this habit is that I will renovate my home this year, so I wanna see if I have enough reserves to account for this big-ticket item.
I should stop talking. Now I’m listening 👂
I started to reform my personal life since we knew we were going to have a child in March this year. So last year, right after we found out about the pregnancy, I rebuilt my morning routine and created a solid habit out of it. As I said in another post (which I can't find) Morning routine is key! I did several iterations so as not to overwhelm myself. First, making my bed every morning. Second, doing my workout right after. Third, eating a healthy breakfast and clearing my mind before going to work. After practicing this routine for over 3 months, I started to look at what I could change next. Because habits fail for most people because you need more than three months to really pick up the habit. Around Christmas I build on my habit of educating myself properly every day. Most of the time it's a podcast or an article. But taking at least 40 minutes each day to educate myself is the goal I think I can keep. Now that we are less than two months away from our girl, I want to get the next habit of cutting work for my job out of my personal time. So I have reduced the amount of work I do at home and plan to continue to do so. I am optimizing my tests and exams and have already asked SN for input. That's the habit I want to achieve in the next two months. Leave work at work.
Third, eating a healthy breakfast and clearing my mind before going to work.
FUCK, MY DUUUDE. Love it, let's effing gooooo
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @Myshkin 19 Jan
I'm genuinely happy to read this, thanks. You've understood how to not be a "tyran with yourself as a slave". Good luck with the parenting adventure!
Thank you so much! This is going to be such a cool adventure!
I wish I had your foresight back then when I was about to become a father. I only realised the importance of sorting my shit out 2-3 years into fatherhood; I could have spared myself a lot of agony.
I like how you take time out to educate yourself, while resolutely leaving work stuff at the workplace. I think your newfound knowledge will blend into insights, which can only excite your lessons even more.
Keep at it!
Thank you for your kind words! I hope I will be able to be a great teacher as well as a good father at the same time.
I've been taking cold showers every single morning for about 3 years now, which is crazy to think about. I've noticed myself becoming more able to face difficult situations easier, and more willingly.
As for new habits, I'm becoming more aware about the light that I consume on a daily basis, and also getting more sun in general. Sunning nude lately as well when it's nice out (I have a secret spot that I go to ha).
Even in winter? That’s impressive. I know you probably have central heating and all that, but still…
I actually stopped after returning to Japan last Dec since their custom is to luxuriate in hot waters in a bathtub haha. Then, when I came back, it was the monsoon surge. Anyway, after reading your comment, I took a cold shower this morning despite the chilly weather. It was not as difficult as I had expected haha! So thanks.
I like the point about cold showers building our resilience
I do it every single morning. Winter, summer. Sometimes I dont want to, but after so long of doing it I quickly overcome that feeling and just do it. I sometimes laugh while I'm in there. Make it a game, and it's cool once you learn a little bit more about how cold / light effect your mitochondria. As Kruse says, health and wealth are linked.
Love Japan. I've been a couple of times. Traveled there doing some documentary photography for a band called Vasudeva, and also Corey Mastrangelo (guitarist). You would enjoy their music. I also worked on making most of the album art:
Cool. You made me Google mitochondria; I didn’t know that before haha.
Must be fun working with people from different countries!
balls, always balls.
But yes, that's impressive. I was doing OK a year or so back with the cold plunges (twice a week). Stopped. And once you fall out of that it's sooo hard to come back in (uh-hu, so painful!)
Haha consistency is key!
It's a long-term habit but I find it very valuable. Once a year in January I do a three day fast. Have done so for nearly 20 years. It's difficult, but I find it a good time to reflect on being grateful for the basic things in my life, because there's nothing like being extremely hungry that will make you appreciate even a single meal. It's very cleansing to me and a good way to kind of reset and start my year.
This is interesting. My wife didn’t fast but because she underwent an intestine examination last year, she ate very basic foods and expelled waste material from her body (we’re talking about multiple trips to the washroom). Your body cleansing reminds me of her experience.
Do you really not eat at all for three days? That’s wild
yep! three days no calories. I do end up spending some time in the bathroom and after 3 days you do wonder what exactly it is coming out of you at that point sorry if that's TMI lol
Your determination is amazing
Hey those are some great habits!
I'm trying to do more cardio, but I wouldn't hold your breath, I hate doing it. 🤣
Lol then what was the impetus to do more cardio then?
I know that in order to be healthy I need to do strength training and cardio. Also having good cardio helps in strength training. I just have to commit to doing it.
Have you thought about pairing something pleasurable with cardio?
Example, I was posting on SN today during the hour my children were at the indoor playground. Boring supervision + joyful shitposting content creation = happy cryotosensei
I used to try to watch shows, but I just hate doing it. I may revisit that and try something else.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @ama 19 Jan
While I'm at home, every time I visit either the kitchen (for water or food) or the bathroom, I go downstairs (three floors) and back upstairs.
Incorporating more walking into your daily routine is always great 👍
For now I am struggling to master the habit of exercise, it is something I am determined to master this year. And once my body is in shape I must begin my teachings to master and create a habit on some martial arts teachings.
Same here. I hope to exercise more this year
Don't wait for it to happen. We just have to take action and start it ourselves.
More reading and less youtube. 100 planks a day.
Cool. I suppose you replace YouTube time with reading time? Is it hard to do so?
That's the plan. It's not easy...
Title 👀
Haha nice catch
I’m supposed to sleep now. But I thought I would support @Aardvark
No worries. Just thought to tell you before time.
It's nice of you supporting straightaway. Good writeup about habits. Cold bats are amazing. But I can't.
I guess this counts.
Yes; will offer a yoga space on Sundays #856250