If you search “habits”, you will find that I have that topic cornered. Almost every Habit topic was initiated by me. I’m keen to pick up good habits from others.
For example, I started to have cold showers because @BTCFC wrote really persuasively about its value. @grayruby’s way of framing (I get to do this) has helped me through tough parenting moments.
As for me, last December, I started keeping track of my net worth. I never used to bother before. Last week, I updated certain amounts. I hope to periodically review my finances from now on. The reason why I wanna pick up this habit is that I will renovate my home this year, so I wanna see if I have enough reserves to account for this big-ticket item.
I should stop talking. Now I’m listening 👂
shitpostingcontent creation = happy cryotosensei