Cut back on those Monster Energy drinks, the artificial sweetener in them can wreck havoc on your gut microbiome.
Ditch the Orange Juice, it's just as bad as soda.
Swap the white rice for whole grain rice.
Swap Chobani for plain yoghurt
It's good to see salmon, eggs, real butter, and avocado. Perhaps grab some broccoli or other Cruciferous vegetables next time you are at the grocery store.
If you are having trouble quitting soda, then it might be worth investing in a sodastream (or similar) or buying bottled sparkling water. You can even buy caffeinated soda water these days. I know this isn't the best advice, but I had a hell of a time quitting soda, and making that switch really helped me.
When I said Wholegrain rice, I meant brown rice :). And it is better than white rice, with a lower GI rating, more fiber and nutrients. When I looked at your trolley the purple package of jasmine said 'white rice' on it.
La Croix is alright, plain sparkling water is better.
For Yogurt, try buying yogurt that is low in sugar and specifically use words like 'pro-biotic' and 'unsweetened' on the packaging.
Certainly a major improvement. Although, that's still a lot of Monster Energy drinks (and, yes, I saw the "zero sugar").
Any grains or produce that isn't organic was sprayed down with poison, so I always recommend going organic.
Pasture raised is better than cage free. Cage free doesn't mean the birds are outside eating their natural diet. Setting ethics aside, you'll get higher quality eggs from chickens in a more natural setting.
Those yogurts look very sugary. Get a big thing of plain and mix in honey and fruit.
I've pitched my wife on the Virgin Islands, but it hasn't worked yet. Groceries and gas and such are actually quite expensive there, but there are almost no taxes.
The lamb and the salmon is great. And is that some ground beef underneath? And butter and eggs - yep. Excellent.
Everything else - in my not so humble opinion as a carnivore, it should all go. No exceptions. It's just a load of sugar, in all kinds of different formats.
I experienced some amazing health benefits after going carnivore about 13 months ago. I'm never going back. The carnivore movement is growing so quickly, I'm starting to meet people out in the world, who are carnivore.
As a matter of fact, this past week a local grocery store had an amazing sale on ground beef, and I went there to stock up this weekend. Unfortunately they were out. But the meat department guy was super friendly and offered to order some for me at the sale price. We chatted a while, and I finally asked - are you carnivore? (There had been some hints in his conversation).
He said YES, that he'd started 2.5 weeks ago, and he was feeling awesome, and the biggest improvement was actually mood, and sleep.
So, that was great. Unfortunately his manager called later and told me that I couldn't get the amount I wanted at the sale price. But I did learn that they had beef fat scraps that they'd give away, to whoever asked.
That shit is candy more than it's yoghurt.