As the title says, in the past couple weeks, I re-founded 4 territories that I think the bitcoin community desperately needs.
When I made the decision to re-found the territories, we already had ~Music and ~Art but in order to really foster quality bitcoin culture, we are also going to need some dedicated territories for ~Movies, ~Podcasts, ~Events, ~Memes, and probably several other territories that I haven't thought of yet.
Ask me anything.
this territory is moderated
185 sats \ 3 replies \ @flat24 22 Oct
4 territories OMG 😱 Tell me what is the most difficult thing about managing those territories at the same time?
One more question...
Do you pay periodically to maintain the territories or are you one of those really determined ones who have paid the lifetime membership to be eternal owners of their territory?
4 territories OMG 😱 Tell me what is the most difficult thing about managing those territories at the same time?
So far its just a of of learning how things work and waiting for people to post. We need to grow the platform for sure but I am working on that.
Do you pay periodically to maintain the territories or are you one of those really determined ones who have paid the lifetime membership to be eternal owners of their territory?
I pooled sats with some friends and we bought ~movies and ~memes outright but only paid the 1 million sats for both ~podcasts and ~events so I can get some more sats over the next year. I am hoping to get enough to pay for the remaining two years bu that would be a lot of work.
I am also looking into the idea of using Geyser to crowdfund territories but not sure how I can do that effectively yet.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 22 Oct
Ok, I think it's an excellent idea 💡 Regarding the Geyser, I've also been thinking about an idea that could gain some traction there. Well, I hope to be publishing very soon in one of your territories, I have some ideas in mind.
Looking forward to your contributions in any given territory.
Do you need any of the territories to be profitable within the next 2 years?
Need? No.
Want? Sure.
Mostly I want to use it to help the community as a whole produce and share quality content. I want to be able to have enough sats coming in that I can help the quality posters earn a decent amount of sats.
I was pretty frustrated that I couldn't find events and podcasts on here so I re-founded them. We are also in desperate need of a bustling meme community but all of that takes time to build.
I am playing the long game so I will be here for a long time to come.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 23 Oct
I am playing the long game so I will be here for a long time to come.
This is the mindset of a true Bitcoiner! 🍀Good luck and much success in those Projects 💪🤠
Honestly wasn't expecting such a bullish response.
Godspeed sir.
Thanks for the support.
Totally unrelated to this post, I sent you an email a while ago about writing on my website ( but you never responded.
Please send me some of your work so maybe we can publish some of it for the world to benefit from.
Did you win the lottery? You must have signed Elon Musk petition
No lottery and no signing of any petitions.
I hope to build some great territories that will help a lot of plebs to learn and grow the bitcoin ecosystem.
No lambo, ser.
But maybe one day I can buy a VW Jetta or something.
How many territories do you think you can sustain in the long run? They are already 4 and you're saying you intend for many more. Why so much addiction for territories? Just asking for curiousity. I'm not offensive here.
How many territories do you think you can sustain in the long run?
I think I can handle a few but the idea is to incentivize the community to cultivate quality posts so that I don;t have to do much maintainence. I am looking for quality posters who enjoy what they do and get a lot of zaps. I just want to help them to succeed and build an amazing platform with SN.
They are already 4 and you're saying you intend for many more. Why so much addiction for territories?
No addiction. I just want to get some very core and important territories secured so we can all post on them forever. ~bitcoin and ~bitcoin_beginners are obviously the most important ones imho but I can still build quality bitcoin culture with the territories that I have so far.
Just asking for curiousity. I'm not offensive here.
I appreciate your curiosity. No offense taken.
18 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 22 Oct
I wonder who paid for the most territories and how many. What's your guess?
I doubt it's me. I haven't looked to intently to see who owns which territories.
Is there any easy way to tell who owns which ones without manually clicking on each territory?
How tall are you?
I'm not 6 ft so I guess that makes me short.
Not long Jon but a short Jon
Why are people creating territories when the feed on SN still shows you all posts by default and you cannot choose to see only few territories in the feed like on reddit?
You can mute certain territories to achieve that goal, no?
I didn't try so this might not be the resulting effect.
You can mute and subscribe to any territory you want to curate your own feed that is more like reddit.
I have a feeling that once there are enough territories, people will need to subscribe to see all of their posts.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Catcher 23h
Oh, didn't know it, will try. Doesn't look like it's an obvious feature
Yeah, you have to go into the territory and click on the 3 little dots and then subscribe. You can also subscribe to a single post so that you always get notifications when someone makes a new comment.
To mute a territory, you just have to click the 3 little dots on any post in the main feed and then mute OR you can go into the territory and mute it from the territory description.
I think once there's a certain number of posts, people will have to subscribe to territories or they will miss things cause of so much noise in the home feed.
Territories are topic specific and we will potentially generate revenue from territories.
It creates an incentive for people to "own" and manage a part of SN which is a much needed improvement for social media imho.
Why everyone's asking questions? He just slept after creating this AMA to announce that he founded some exceptional territories.
Sorry, I just got a new phone and spent some time getting things transferred over.
Let me know if you have any ideas for how to grow these territories or SN as a whole.
I am glad podcasts is back.
Glad to hear that. I am glad too.
Hopefully, we can get all of the bitcoiners to share their podcasts in there.
I have a lot of outreach to do.
I'm glad to know you paid an outright for the two and 1 year for the two. That's the way to go ahead. I wish you all the best and I'll support you as I can .
Thanks so much for your support.
If you're not thinking of ultimately paying the full 3 million sats, then you will ultimately lose money on a territory. Being able to claim a territory forever is the real labor multiplier because things get cheaper by the day while everything else gets more expensive.
Given the scarcity of stackers engaging with these topics and the prospect of short-term profitability, what compels you to initiate so many territories? I'm genuinely thankful for your efforts.
Great question.
I just want the most important territories to be available to everyone. All of the territories that I founded are core bitcoin culture topics. A number of them are also in the top 100 reddit communities so when the reddit crowd realizes they can be getting paid for their knowledge, it's only a matter of time before they migrate over to SN. When they come, we will need a lot of territories to support them.
I'm glad to be a part of what SN is building.
Welcome aboard the territory train. You bring new blood and optimism, which is needed. It has been a tough first year for territory owners, primarily because the samourai drama caused more pressing concerns than territory development.
Phenomenal, Jon.
Thanks so much. Hope to see you posting in the territories.
Do you have development plans or is this a Field of Dreams situation?
I have some loose plans for the territories but I'm just a normal guy who wants to see more bitcoin adoption. I don't have a full-on pitch deck or anything like that. The reason I chose the territories that I did is because I want to see more of that type of bitcoin content have a safe place to be shared and discussed.
Reddit has failed the bitcoin community due to its centralized incentives. SN is different.
As it stands right now, I think traffic will spike when the price of bitcoin spikes. All we can do in the meantime is continue to produce quality bitcoin content and wait for the next wave of curious newcoiners.
I am a fan of your comments and posts, fwiw.
I'm a fan of what you're doing with these territories. I'll likely have some ~Movies and ~Podcasts posts.
Looking forward to it.
I'm happy to help grow your reach in any way I can.
And I'm happy to help grow your territories in any way I can.
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @OT 23 Oct
I saw that you're sharing the cost of some of the territories. How are you splitting the rewards? Is it just trust or do you guys have something set up like zap splits?
Currently, we aren't splitting anything since the rewards are basically nothing.
I foresee a situation where I transfer ownership to them and they manage them on their own but I came to them with an idea and those who decided to join me all just pitched in.
I would like to find an easy way to withdrawal and automatically split payments into X different lighting addresses or something based on % but that will have to come later. I know that sort of functionality is possible with lightning but not sure how to do it myself.
For now, it's based on trust and long term thinking. We will find a way to make it work.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 23 Oct
I just started based. I thought it was a good idea, but it might be a bit too niche. It's early days, but if I'm the only one posting I'll have to let it go.
Undecided if we really need so many territories or just better quality content going through fewer.
Zap splits would open the door to more territories IMO. If based doesn't work out, I'd love to chip in and share another.
Yeah. I hear all of that loud and clear.
I think it may be a bit too niche for now bit if you're in it for the long haul, then it will be fine. What's your end goal with the territory?
I am trying to focus on opening up some of the core territories so people can post every type of bitcoin media. Naturally non-bitcoin material will grow but the backbone of content is likely to be bitcoin focused.
This chart I just found this evening is actually proving to be really useful to understand where the sats flow and what people value.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 23 Oct
I thought I'd give it a go, and that was the best I could come up with.
Thanks for sharing those stats.
Keep it up, brother.
I will try to find some based content to share.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 23 Oct
Congrats on the territories!
Thanks so much.
I look forward to be building with the SN team and territory founders.