Do you have development plans or is this a Field of Dreams situation?
this territory is moderated
I have some loose plans for the territories but I'm just a normal guy who wants to see more bitcoin adoption. I don't have a full-on pitch deck or anything like that. The reason I chose the territories that I did is because I want to see more of that type of bitcoin content have a safe place to be shared and discussed.
Reddit has failed the bitcoin community due to its centralized incentives. SN is different.
As it stands right now, I think traffic will spike when the price of bitcoin spikes. All we can do in the meantime is continue to produce quality bitcoin content and wait for the next wave of curious newcoiners.
I am a fan of your comments and posts, fwiw.
I'm a fan of what you're doing with these territories. I'll likely have some ~Movies and ~Podcasts posts.
Looking forward to it.
I'm happy to help grow your reach in any way I can.
And I'm happy to help grow your territories in any way I can.