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98,773 sats stacked
stacking since: #481longest cowboy streak: 17
Author. Journalist. Venezuelan. Discordian. Professional Rapper.
I'm writing bitcoin fiction at the moment.
Bitcoin maximalist that writes for alt-coin-heavy publications.
Are you joking?
  1. You can't be "maximalist" if you work for shitcoiners
  2. there's no such thing as "altcoins" because there's no alternative to Bitcoin. Are only shitcoins.
I'm an immigrant making a living by writing, sir. Not everyone has the privilege of working for people you're 100% aligned with philosophically.
I'm a maximalist because I think Bitcoin is humanity's only hope and the only thing that matters.
There's no alternative to Bitcoin, I agree.
have my sat. I hope you understand the difference between "altcoins" and "shitcoins". That's all.
Can you tone it down? Having this type of toxic, dismissive attitude is really outputting.
We should be welcoming and assume positive intent, not be gatekeepers.
This is the type of comment I would like to downvote.
downvote with your sats if you like But I will continue to be a toxic maximalist
There is no facility to downvote on this site, using sats or no.
Your comments are precisely why we need downvotes, the ability to flag comments/posts and why we need moderation.
Don't bring moderation on my account. I can take it. I've been on the Internet a long time Plus, who watches the Watchmen?
I think downvotes would be cool, though. Those would bring another level of complexity to the site.
If we don'e explicitly bring moderators in, we might end up making folks like @DarthCoin defacto moderators by their toxic behavior.
We're already in that situation with @k00b as our benevolent dictator. Maybe as a compromise there could be some "election" facility for moderators, with people voting on who gets the position via sats and then that's staked for the winner.
Downvotes might get us most of the way there, so maybe that's the first thing to try and bring in more complex solutions as needed.
there we go, censorship...
I agree.
i thought the only purpose of creating altcoins is to get more btc?
Welcome aboard!