How many territories do you think you can sustain in the long run?
I think I can handle a few but the idea is to incentivize the community to cultivate quality posts so that I don;t have to do much maintainence. I am looking for quality posters who enjoy what they do and get a lot of zaps. I just want to help them to succeed and build an amazing platform with SN.
They are already 4 and you're saying you intend for many more. Why so much addiction for territories?
No addiction. I just want to get some very core and important territories secured so we can all post on them forever. ~bitcoin and ~bitcoin_beginners are obviously the most important ones imho but I can still build quality bitcoin culture with the territories that I have so far.
Just asking for curiousity. I'm not offensive here.
I appreciate your curiosity. No offense taken.
this territory is moderated