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I wish @DesertDave well on his journey: #496853
Picking up the conversation again because I know a few of you relate.
I am done smoking weed. I'm fully done. It's not a long break, it's the END, bro.
Since 2017, I've been a bit of a stoner. It was great. Really smooth sailing, no trouble. In the US, cultural acceptance of marijuana shifted once states began to completely legalize or partially legalize the sales and 'medicinal' use of it. Now it's not even a question. I don't know how it's helped me or hurt me in life, perhaps this will be revealed the longer I go without, but it has bonded me to a lot of people by being a social activity.
I was hesitant at first about smoking. No one in my family does, and in fact, they abhor it. I understand why. And they're squares anyway, so it's not for them. It took one profound experience for me to realize that it was for me: I went skiing in Colorado. While going through the process of renting my skis, I realized everyone working there was high, and it was totally fine. And I was like, okay hell yeah, that could be me.
My partner helped me get into it. He had to teach me how to inhale, which I wasn't doing for quite a few of my first puffs. We visited a greenhouse garden the first time I was properly high. A very fond memory I will always cherish, shout out to my bae. Maybe this experience stoked my interest in plant life, I think I acquired a new sense of the sovereignty and will of plants.
I have had a lot of great experiences both solo and accompanied that the flower heightened. Yet I also remember the times that the flower heightened my anxiety and turned good times bad. No one said you could have it all, you know.
Why quit now? I have a good reason. I am committed to making my body a home for a baby. I want my mind clear for the journey of becoming a mother. I am nearing the end of my twenties, and I know it's time to move on. Goodbye stoner.
But I still like to have fun, okay?
It's been nearly two weeks since I quit. I wasn't planning on abruptly quitting, but gradually like an addict promises to. Well, someone challenged me and called me out, and it was exactly the right thing to hear. I didn't think I was full of shit, it took someone else throwing it back at me to see it.
What's been different since quitting? Kinda nothing. I haven't desired it. I haven't thought about it. I haven't missed it. Well, I guess I would say a day feels a lot longer than it used to, but not in a bad way. I'm filling the day with more stuff I want to do. And every day I grow more confident in my choice and its longevity.
Peace to all you stoners and those who refrain. We all have our reasons. It's good to discuss them.
What's been different since quitting? Kinda nothing. I haven't desired it.
Its kinda funny that way huh? After a while you kind of just forget about it, quitting sugar and nicotine seem like life long battles though.
I agree with The Hustle
Quitting sugar ain't too bad IME if you're willing to eat a lot of fat, but I did chew at least 10 4mg nicotine gums today and it's only halfway over.
It's tough sledding for me. I'm way down from where my sugar consumption had been, but I haven't managed to kick the temptation.
I've never used tobacco.
As for sugar, it's not practical to quit it completely, but I sort of quit refined sugar over a decade ago. I occasionally consume it still, because it's added to processed foods, but I don't crave sweets. In fact I'm repulsed by them and it makes me nauseous when I see people eat cake and the like. I do eat quite a bit of fruit though.
I've quit sugar for days at a time, but after a while, I start developing a craze.
Which is wild, because I'm not much of a sweets guy myself.
I used to be very addicted, about a decade ago. Anxiety caught up and really fucked me up, couldn't even take a drag of anything without feeling like I was dying. Took a very long break (5 years) and kept trying again. I think the thing for me, personally, was acknowledging that it still had 'power over me' even if I wasn't smoking. I didn't like that. Gradually found the right CBD-heavy strains and introduced it back, safely. I still only solo smoke, I always have a ton on hand. But I haven't smoked in like 3 months and don't think anything of it. Even when I do, it's with a herb vape with a very small container on a low temp. I think we as a society have completely over done it.
Applaud your reasons, sounds like a different scenario but just wanted to share my perspective since you mentioned anxiety. Part of me getting past that was to make sure it didn't have power over me anymore. Not every addict can do that, but it felt important to me. Weed is such a strange, magical plant. Gotta respect it.
Awesome. Wishing you the best on your journey.
10 years ago I quit drinking and haven't looked back. Every facet of my life got better when I didn't spend my nights getting toasted.
My perspective changed when they legalized it in the 2018 farm bill.
It's not cool anymore.
Do you think it will change your music tastes at all?
That's so awesome. I think it can be great medicine for a time. I started in 2017, also, funny. And to be honest, since I wrote that post I have had a few backslides. I had been on and off again. And also, about 2 weeks ago, I said I am done for real this time. And part my reasoning has to do with being ready to have a baby, even though I am the male, I think my smoking was holding us back. I am so grateful for cannabis. I think it served me well when I was in a certain stage of my life. And it feels so good to be free from it for real. I feel excited about life again. It's amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. We seem to have some kind of parallel experience around this topic.
I am the male
As a male, it may affect your fertility.
Yeah. I figured that might be the case. It's changed my sex drive too.
That is a great decision. I used to drink a lot and smoke a bit of weed, but now it's been many years since doing either. I don't miss it at all. I prefer to experience reality unaltered, and this is especially rewarding with kids of my own. Congratulations and welcome back to the real world!
I am committed to making my body a home for a baby.
Amazing! I look forward to your eventual contributions to Parent Corner.
thanks! I am documenting the journey for sure, excited about it
Congratulations on your decision. I did something similar when my wife was expecting. I never expected it to last as long as it did, but adult responsibilities kind of pushed all that stuff away. I don't think I have an addictive personality, except for when it comes to Stacker News.
props on making the right choice for yourself and appreciate you sharing.
Only smoke socially, it doesn't do much for me tbh
πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Love to see it!
Thanks for sharing. Preparing your body for a baby is a beautiful goal. It shows a level of care, empathy and love for a being that has yet to be conceived. You will be a wonderful mother.
To that end, I would like to mention something that has worked incredibly well for me in profound ways. It is the Master Cleanse. It is essentially a 10-day fast in which one drinks only maple syrup infused lemonade with cayenne pepper. The morning starts with a salt water flush. It is impossible to describe the feeling after about the 5th day. It is utterly transformational. Every cell of my being from the tips of my toes to my lungs, and every brain cell feels a complete refreshment and metamorphosis. I think what is happening is that in modern Western life, the body is constantly digesting food. Digestion takes up a huge amount of internal energy. We seldom give our bodies a prolonged break from digestion. But when we do, after several days, we flip metabolic states and the body goes into a massive toxic cleansing activity. Flushing out mucous, unhealthy cells, polyps, cysts, tumors, etc. One emerges like a butterfly from a chrysalis.
I don't mention this to many, but I am letting you know because I sense it may resonate. I would not recommend this to someone who is already pregnant, but definitely for someone who wants to completely and totally cleanse their body. The little yellow book by Stanley Burroughs is simple and amazing. I have done the MC 12 times in my life. When large amounts of toxins are leaving the body, it can cause headaches and discomfort, but it is much better than leaving that stuff inside. Power through the tough parts. The last time I did this was in preparation for a life insurance policy where they required a detailed health check and extensive blood test. They were amazed at how healthy my numbers were. They commented that my liver had absolutely no toxin load whatsoever. Got me exceptionally low premiums on the policy.
Oh my gosh I appreciate this, I actually have made purchase of the ingredients with the intention of doing this cleanse, but having never done a cleanse I sorta questioned if it's really that necessary or meaningful. It sounds like it can do wonders, and I'm more motivated to give it try. Thanks for sharing!!
I'm glad you quit. There are many other things in life for which you can be intoxicated. In fact life is also an intoxication if one can love to learn himself. It's sad when I look around and find people loving something more than themselves. Congratulations on your huge victory! ✌️
When it comes to this life there are materialists and transcendentalists. In the material world there are never any means to satisfaction. It's all nonsense or too much sense.
Personally I found drinking to be the escape pod that was useless but always there. I just time warped back to misery.
I've found that since my realization or remembrance that I'm not my body while still having to captain this vessel makes more sense. "Reality" is a material plane of existence that is constantly changing. Human reality is a gift from God to enjoy freedom while getting back to the source of life.
The alternative medicine is just a peek at a lofty high. The attraction of the Supreme Godhead is greater than all the material joys that life may bring and will take away.
To be a mother is one way to serve God and find great blessings because you enable another being to become human. A human will experience suffering but he or she will also have the ability to find liberation from suffering by acting out of heaps of desires developed over millennia.
If you can make your relationship conjugal. It will be a better beginning. Look up the meaning of the word. It's similar to yoga. Falling prey to the lie of the independent woman (subsidized by the state) is a huge trap of slavery. It's meant for women and men to create fodder for the state to consume which inevitably serves to enrich the few on the backs of many who have no culture or family.
I wish you a great journey. Remember that things will be difficult ANYWAY so don't think that weed (or any material thing ) will make it easier. It won't. In fact it will ruin you of your human existence and your next trip may be a lesser birth or even an animal birth of pure sense gratification and no chance of liberation for a very long time.
Find out how to serve God in a capacity that brings joy to you!
Hare Krishna!
Very heartening to hear! Do you find yourself dreaming again or having more vivid dreams?
When I smoked regularly I would stop having dreams at night and whenever I quit the first few weeks I have very vivid dreams and now I dream regularly. Other people have shared the same experience
the dreams are coming back for sure, and I'm rather enjoying them. Not terribly vivid, but I remember them.
Squares. It's really odd to me to look at one man's libation as some kind of degeneracy just because it is a lifestyle choice that doesn't mirror one's own. I respect the body temple thing and there're are many reasons to do it but I think there needs recognition that not everyone agrees with the need to do it.
Maybe sometimes we could do with taking a word of advice from a stranger? Just my random thought.
I respect and understand your choice though. Earlier in the year, when answering a question, with a 'I don't know, I'll just follow or do whatever' I remember someone who sarcastically said to me, 'I don't know, I'll just blindly collapse into my feminity and follow!'
Was a brief epiphanic moment. Control your own destiny, choose your own adventures, etc.
Good decision, for many reasons, health related and financially related too.
Best of luck for you.
a day feels a lot longer than it used to
and just like that you have more life to live
Most people in the arts smoke weed, though. And now that it is legal, it is even easier to obtain.
Congratulations. You made it. πŸ’ͺ I know it takes a lot of strength and determination. I am so happy for you.
This is a very liberal topic, if you can say so, that over time it has had a lot of controversy in different parts of the world!! My respect for others and their way of killing themselves is quite complete!! In this life, everyone chooses how to die!! It's that simple... now, the use of marijuana in young people seems wrong to me... it makes them do stupid things!! If you reach a certain age and make the decision to start trying something new and adopt it as your own!! It's different and you must also assume its respective consequences, whether that's the case... now, in a medicinal way, no one can deny that it is of great help to millions of people in the world... and that use is great πŸ’ͺ
Way to live your best life with n your own terms. God bless on the next steps of your journey
Cold turkey is for the strong willed! Good luck on your journey to motherhood!
I never understand the fun about smoking it, I tried it and hate it. Maybe I'm an alien...But I like cigars and pipes.
"When you get the message, hang up the phone."
I would say "everything is good in moderation" one will drink too much water and will get sick.... For me personally I think it is all in your head, either alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. If you don't want to quit (for whatever reason) you will not, you will appease people around you (foolish idea) and then you will be back to one own self and get back right to it. So for me, it starts with the man(or woman) in the mirror. Have a talk and start from there... YMMV. Nothing more , nothing less.
Human action under scarcity and choice, not by compulsion, but by personal decision. This is freedom.
So you aren't really quitting weed so much as you are focused on growing up and becoming a mother.
doing both, brother
It probably seems that way. People are seldom aware of when they are making changes to their core. Once the change is made, it was always the case the thing changed was never really a part of that core to start with.
hmm 🧐 it's interesting what you say
Congrats! You have taken a great decision thinking in your future baby.
Congratulations 🍾 Good luck with child!
Maybe it will be twins!
I'm so happy for you that you made that decision, remember that you can always start over.
thanks for sharing.
I'm a food addict, I would like to have such a definitive resolution.
I congratulate you, it takes a lot of willpower to quit smoking, but if you are committed to having a baby, it is the best thing you can do. Stick to that desire and you will succeed.
You're ahead of me. My plan or hope is to just one day realize I haven't smoked weed in years and be like "huh, interesting", and then immediately forget about it again because I have so many things going for me in life.
starts grinding weed
I'll light a spliff for you later. I don't drink booze, so I can't pour one out. (:
appreciate it πŸ™πŸΌ
Love this one, @plebpoet I think this can be applied to substances of every kind, not just weed.
Whether that is a video game addiction, alcohol, porn or another illicit substance - I think it is good to not have these things capture our hearts and minds.
I think it is a good test too to see if one is dependent. If one could go several months without something, I think they are good.
With alcohol, often near the end of the week I get that thirst sometimes. There are weeks I go without it as well. Kudos to you for making a change, hopefully things work out :)
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