Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
@ek How many days has it been? Did anyone win that 10k?
I seriously thought I would lose my hat. I woke up so late. 12 hour nap lol
Have a goodnight stackers 👋🤠
Good night sweet dreams
Is it true that toilet training is taken so seriously in America that some parents begin toilet training soon after their child’s first birthday?
Got that from The Culture Code. Curious enough to ask you 👆🏽
It depends on the situation. I do know for a fact in taiwan.....they dont care. They leave the toilet training to the school, usually starting around 2 to 3. The parents dont care. In america, parents care and have to get them toilet trained to get them out of diapers and into school. Schools wont accept kids that arent toilet trained.
I confess that I think it is unnecessarily punitive for preschools to reject toddlers who are not toilet trained. And yes I see it as the role of the preschool since my child spends most of his time there haha.
I wonder if this nonchalance is a Chinese thing. Let me investigate.
I dont think this is right at all. The preschools should be able to reject your kid it he/she isnt toilet trained. How else has the kid not learned discipline? I think it is just a culture difference. In America, teachers arent caretakers.
lol they kinda are.. The schools in America was created to take education out of parents care(so they can collect 2x taxes on women working) and into the government care to train robots to work.
Are you from the US? They were created to make education more streamlined. What does 2x taxes come from?
i reside in it territory
why, what's it like where you're from? I think 1/2 is the right time
Erm so my boy is 5, but he is still wearing diapers. With the help of his preschool, he is able and willing to walk up to the urinal if he wants to pee. But he has rejected my wife’s and my suggestions to poo in the toilet bowl. I don’t know if he is far behind his peers in Singapore. I’m a bit concerned, but I don’t really care. All in good time haha
It works well if you move his toilet into the bathroom and just go together. Just give him lots of water, and go to the bathroom every 30 mins. Also, dont use diapers. He needs to feel that he wet himself. I know it is a lot more work, but he needs to understand that feeling.
This is not a crime, I recall when I was super young peeing on the bed. Maybe I was 4/5 at that time. Who hasn't done this at least once? But with training and encouragement, you'll get more from your boy. Don't ever make it a bad experience, because this could have negative effects on him growing up.
Just try again, and encourage with treats? I don't know if that works? For animals, it does, but I'm not so sure for babies.
Lol. What animals do you keep?
maybe, you have him, watch you no.2. Just a suggestion!
I don't have any currently, but when I did. I had a dog. I encouraged them to do it outside by explaining it in a soft voice(at the scene of the crime), and let them know it's wrong. I think dogs understands and after repetition they get the clue. Hitting isn't necessary, because this can have negative effects on you as well.
You sound like a calm n composed individual. 👌
I hit my son lightly on his wrist once. He went to complain to his wife. I never hit him again. Haha
Because I was beaten, and neglected growing up. We had a family dog, I got angry one day because I was locked out from the house after school. I forgot my house key and was in elementary school. I started to hit my dog, Lucy out of frustration.
Because everyone in my family hit me. I saw the fear in her eyes and have never hit an animal and person since. It took a long, long time to get over that. I am at peace with this now, I can't deny it still hurts. When I hear OLD OLD folks call it discipline, I punch walls and tell them the next one will be in their face.
You should start training as soon as they can walk. So usually around one year in. Not that it will be successful, but if they are able to understand sitting down to use the toilet, it helps.
Do you have a child? When did you have them start to train? Now, I'm curious.
Right when they started to walk. I was so proud of their first poop and pee on the toilet!
Explain your technique, so I can remember if I get a child.
There is no technique. Its just persistance. Take them to the bathroom every 30 mins.
So, my friend living in Sydney just said that preschools there also reject children (3-5 year olds) if they are not toilet trained. This toilet training thingy could be more widespread than I have expected!
lol, and this worked? whoa, Good job! I'll tell my friends this!
Day 127 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 231 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 130 of 120+ pushups per day)
Has anyone ever heard of jammy eggs? My wife made it for dinner tonight. I tried googling it but there is no clear origin. Some people think it sounds British.
I have not heard of it, but it definitely sounds British to me.
Hug a cynic. They need it more than anyone.
Enjoy landscape _@'-'
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 1 Jun


  • a state or country run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens, as coined in 1829 by English author Thomas Love Peacock (also see Paul Gosnold, 1644)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon: “To be governed is to be kept in sight, inspected, spied on, directed, law driven, numbered, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled creatures who have neither the right, nor the wisdom, nor the virtue to do so.”
Touched grass water yesterday.
Hello, today's entry will be divided into two parts, neither coherent nor related to my life like the previous ones.
The first of these parts is Happy Children's Day, remember that it doesn't matter whether you are already adults and have your own children or you are only ten years old, it is your holiday, after all, someone gave birth to you.
The second part of my statement is the fact that my friend gave me some reflections due to his outrage about the new conditions for using Windows or something like that, I haven't turned on the computer for weeks, so I won't say anything about my statements, usually from my phone. In fact, the level of data we share during our lives is simply staggering as we, Internet users: to register a phone number to activate it or to contract for the Internet, the consultant and service provider need our identity card, and then to use the Internet and communicate with the world, we set up several dozen accounts and accept various consents, we still send tons of photos, videos, multimedia, text information that is on someone else's servers, which in theory are protected by law, but in practice it varies, in addition, we often leave activity statuses turned on, thanks to which we can even determine what time we fell asleep on a specific day because we we hardly share our devices in the package depending on the person, we mark the places where we are, we give opinions, we keep family photos on the clouds, sometimes from less comfortable situations. In practice, the only thing that remains private are our sexual acts, and not necessarily when we pay for rubber bands, contraception or pregnancy tests in a store with a payment card or cash.
Plant sale update: We did, in fact, spend a sizable amount of money (but also maybe a fifth of what it would have cost ordering online, and the quality of stuff was high). Three mile walk was nice as well.
41 sats \ 0 replies \ @Tef 1 Jun
We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom… Slavoj Žižek
I remember when SN posts would get thousands to tens of thousands of sats as upvotes.
Now things barely get 1k 300 sats and get to the top. Very sad state of affairs here.
I would love to see minimum upvotes be at 100 sats. These dumb 10 sat upvotes are meaningless and a waste of resources and intentions.
We could change zap impact to be log100(amount) rather than log10(amount). I like that idea actually.
Might not this lead to the even more low-sat posts teaching the top of the front page?
If the impact of the a zap is reduced in a posts rank, doesn't that mean the other factors will play a heavier role? So a post with many comments but few zaps becomes even more likely to reach the top of the front page in relation to a post with higher zaps but few comments? (Or I could be completely backward on this).
Increasing the relative value of comments seems like a win -- generating conversation seem like a great example of adding value.
Oh for sure. We plan to do this and have done a crap job so far.
Might not this lead to the even more low-sat posts teaching the top of the front page?
No, I don’t think so unless I’m missing something.
If the impact of the a zap is reduced in a posts rank, doesn't that mean the other factors will play a heavier role?
Yes, if zap impact is reduced, other factors (mostly trust right now) would have a higher impact.
What does this change in practice?
The impact a zap has on ranking.
Stackers would have to zap 10x more to have the same impact on ranking that they currently do.
Does this mean that the few stackers who zap 100+ will still have more power to influence? You'd better think carefully about the consequences of this change.
Does this mean that the few stackers who zap 100+ will still have more power to influence?
You'd better think carefully about the consequences of this change.
few stackers .. more power to influence
So you want to keep giving a fraction of a penny and feel like your vote counts for anything?
On the flip side, I have absolutely no incentive to keep commenting or posting on this site. Why gate keep all of my data, content, and money for a couple pennies a day.
Just include to it when someone just downzaps your post for no reason! Even though, your post had accumulated 1k sats, it would languish down to the bottom.

Downzapping isn't required.

Day 7 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #557468 🤠⚡

here's some of the past weeks Bitcoin news clips compiled into a short 15 minute video
Happy June!
Month 2 of 100 daily pushups, squats, and calf-raises until $100k.
126 days of 100 pushups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 122 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
And we keeps on keeping on!
Good morning stackers.
Day 125 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
GM ⚡☕🧡
You will learn at your own expense that in the long journey of life you will encounter many masks and few faces. Luigi Pirandello
Another day, another plant sale, hopefully the last of the season (my wife and I don't always agree on how many plants we need, and I'll be fine if this is simply a very nice three mile walk that doesn't result in any purchases).
We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.
Robert Fulghum
Day 413 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Happy Saturday! 😜
Snail had a lie in….
Day 166 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 318 sats on 31May2024! Running total: 97,225 sats!
What are you mining with? And what pool for small payouts?
FutureBit ApolloBTC and BitAxe Ultra on BraiinsPool. Check my profile for more details!
Cool thanks. My bitaxe arrives today.
Nice! It's worth noting, the majority of my hash rate that contributes to my mining rewards comes from the ApolloBTC compared to the BitAxe.
I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the grand opening of Bitcoin House Bali yesterday - great people doing great things! 🧡 Highly recommend paying them a visit whenever you're in Bali and/or supporting the cause via their Geyser crowdfunding page! Needless to say - bullish on bitcoiners 🤠
434 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 1 Jun

When asked your Name

You will be asked to give your name, however what they are trying to do in court is for you to accept the name of your “legal fiction” or “corporation”.
If you refuse to give your name, then they will record that you did not turn up to court, and put out a warrant for your arrest.
However, you can proceed by letting the court know that you are there for the matter associated with the name, and they can call you by a name of your choice. Furthermore, you will notice them that you reserve all your rights.
Note: Court protocol dictates that a “defendant” or “respondent” can be addressed the way they choose.
These two titles have different meanings, as follows:
  • A defendant has accepted the claim or obligation and is now “defending” their position.
  • A respondent is “responding” to a claim but has not accepted the claim or obligation.
For example:
Court: “Are you Mr John Henry Doe?”
Respondent: “I am here for that matter, you can call me John and I reserve all my rights.”
They may persist, so you can reply as follows:
“I am unable to give you my name, as I would be without name; however you can call me John as I am here for that matter.”
Addition: “I am the responsible party in due course for that account.”
Meaning, that you are the “creditor” to the “debt” or bond, which is “for sale”, and are therefore the “account holder”. This plays into the constructed trust which is most likely operating within the court.
If you are pressured to give your full name, or accept a full name, by the following questions:
  • “Give me your name?”
  • “What is your name?”
  • “Are you (John Henry doe)?
Reply: “Could you define the meaning behind the name as written on your paperwork?”
For example: Are you referring to either:
  • A private natural person or
  • A corporation?
If the court is hesitant to answer, you can follow up with a question as follows:
“Are you asking me that question to entice me into an immoral contract to purport to act in person as a corporation through a crown created fictitious corporate name?”
If the court becomes belligerent and is going to declare a verdict that you have “not attended” court and then put out a “warrant” for your arrest, you may have no choice but to reveal your name, however state the following:
“You can call me John Henry Doe; however this declaration is not acceptance of any obligation, jurisdiction or contract and is not to be applied to the following”:
1. A Corporation. 2. An implied company. 3. A constructed trust. 4. A Dead Entity. 5. Legal Title. 6. Legal Entity. 7. The last name is not a surname but a family name.
You should then question the court for the source of the name.
That's some serious learning. Everyone can deny their identity anytime to anyone. Thanks!!!
It’s my 10th wedding anniversary today. My wife gave me a pair of New Balance shoes as well as a bottle of exquisite sake. I ordered McDonald’s breakfast for her. You can tell how the two genders attach significance differently to the same milestone.
Happy anniversary 🎉
Hey thanks ;)
Happy Marriage Anniversary, my friend!
Namaste 🙏
Congrats ! 👍
Happy Anniversary 🎉
Felt like a king yesterday. Back to reality today
Happy anniversary!
Any good marriage stories off the top of your head? Haha
No haiku for me?
Just kidding!
239 sats \ 2 replies \ @Nadia 1 Jun
People know your worth, but they just hope you don't…
As long as you know your own worth!
I really like this…
I am comment number 11.... so late. I just forget to check once in a while.
61 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 1 Jun
Next time you put alarm 😁
That is going too far.
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 1 Jun
Greetings to all stackers :)
If anyone wants a giggle I got an economy article up using cows. #557285
Howdy! Day 23 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Enjoy a great Saturday ahead!
What a nice clean stale
Day 33 of posting till next Bitcoin halving.
June will bring sats. hahaha
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! No big plans for the weekend, but I'm planning to watch Rally Italy and the Cricket World Cup!
92 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 1 Jun
Excited for cricket Worldcup too!!
Oh yes!!