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Is it true that toilet training is taken so seriously in America that some parents begin toilet training soon after their child’s first birthday?
Got that from The Culture Code. Curious enough to ask you 👆🏽
It depends on the situation. I do know for a fact in taiwan.....they dont care. They leave the toilet training to the school, usually starting around 2 to 3. The parents dont care. In america, parents care and have to get them toilet trained to get them out of diapers and into school. Schools wont accept kids that arent toilet trained.
I confess that I think it is unnecessarily punitive for preschools to reject toddlers who are not toilet trained. And yes I see it as the role of the preschool since my child spends most of his time there haha.
I wonder if this nonchalance is a Chinese thing. Let me investigate.
I dont think this is right at all. The preschools should be able to reject your kid it he/she isnt toilet trained. How else has the kid not learned discipline? I think it is just a culture difference. In America, teachers arent caretakers.
lol they kinda are.. The schools in America was created to take education out of parents care(so they can collect 2x taxes on women working) and into the government care to train robots to work.
Are you from the US? They were created to make education more streamlined. What does 2x taxes come from?
i reside in it territory
why, what's it like where you're from? I think 1/2 is the right time
Erm so my boy is 5, but he is still wearing diapers. With the help of his preschool, he is able and willing to walk up to the urinal if he wants to pee. But he has rejected my wife’s and my suggestions to poo in the toilet bowl. I don’t know if he is far behind his peers in Singapore. I’m a bit concerned, but I don’t really care. All in good time haha
This is not a crime, I recall when I was super young peeing on the bed. Maybe I was 4/5 at that time. Who hasn't done this at least once? But with training and encouragement, you'll get more from your boy. Don't ever make it a bad experience, because this could have negative effects on him growing up.
Just try again, and encourage with treats? I don't know if that works? For animals, it does, but I'm not so sure for babies.
Lol. What animals do you keep?
I don't have any currently, but when I did. I had a dog. I encouraged them to do it outside by explaining it in a soft voice(at the scene of the crime), and let them know it's wrong. I think dogs understands and after repetition they get the clue. Hitting isn't necessary, because this can have negative effects on you as well.
You sound like a calm n composed individual. 👌
I hit my son lightly on his wrist once. He went to complain to his wife. I never hit him again. Haha
maybe, you have him, watch you ...do no.2. Just a suggestion!
It works well if you move his toilet into the bathroom and just go together. Just give him lots of water, and go to the bathroom every 30 mins. Also, dont use diapers. He needs to feel that he wet himself. I know it is a lot more work, but he needs to understand that feeling.
You should start training as soon as they can walk. So usually around one year in. Not that it will be successful, but if they are able to understand sitting down to use the toilet, it helps.
Do you have a child? When did you have them start to train? Now, I'm curious.
Right when they started to walk. I was so proud of their first poop and pee on the toilet!
Explain your technique, so I can remember if I get a child.
There is no technique. Its just persistance. Take them to the bathroom every 30 mins.