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I remember when SN posts would get thousands to tens of thousands of sats as upvotes.
Now things barely get 1k 300 sats and get to the top. Very sad state of affairs here.
I would love to see minimum upvotes be at 100 sats. These dumb 10 sat upvotes are meaningless and a waste of resources and intentions.
We could change zap impact to be log100(amount) rather than log10(amount). I like that idea actually.
Might not this lead to the even more low-sat posts teaching the top of the front page?
If the impact of the a zap is reduced in a posts rank, doesn't that mean the other factors will play a heavier role? So a post with many comments but few zaps becomes even more likely to reach the top of the front page in relation to a post with higher zaps but few comments? (Or I could be completely backward on this).
Increasing the relative value of comments seems like a win -- generating conversation seem like a great example of adding value.
Oh for sure. We plan to do this and have done a crap job so far.
Might not this lead to the even more low-sat posts teaching the top of the front page?
No, I don’t think so unless I’m missing something.
If the impact of the a zap is reduced in a posts rank, doesn't that mean the other factors will play a heavier role?
Yes, if zap impact is reduced, other factors (mostly trust right now) would have a higher impact.
What does this change in practice?
The impact a zap has on ranking.
Stackers would have to zap 10x more to have the same impact on ranking that they currently do.
Does this mean that the few stackers who zap 100+ will still have more power to influence? You'd better think carefully about the consequences of this change.
Does this mean that the few stackers who zap 100+ will still have more power to influence?
You'd better think carefully about the consequences of this change.
Just include to it when someone just downzaps your post for no reason! Even though, your post had accumulated 1k sats, it would languish down to the bottom.

Downzapping isn't required.