Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I published a Cricket Pool a few hours ago and I'm sure someone has downzapped my post in a big way.
Downzapoing isn't a good thing for SN!! There was nothing wrong in the post.
I’ll zap it a few times. Don’t need anti-Stackers on a sports post! (I would expect on the field from Bangladesh though)
A huge thanks for your love and support!!!
Coinreporter is very passionate. I see it all the time in sports.
Comparing a normie to an 1800's chattel "slave" is a pretty horrendous take. It's a trope that needs to end.
Goethe is wrong. And so are you. Actual slaves in chains are in fact more enslaved than those who walk free but may have mental constraints limiting their potential intellectual freedom. Those who walk free are free to visit a library and liberate their minds. Whereas actual slaves cannot.
Inflation is a form of slavery I think what he means
Words matter. Inflation destroys savings, buying power, and transfers wealth from savers and workers to printers. Inflation is theft.
Labeling inflation as "slavery" undermines and trivializes the gravity of the word. Slavery, which is still very present in our modern world, forcibly and violently deprives people of their freedom, subjects them to extreme exploitation, and treats humans as property. I cringe when I hear people use this word in the context of debt or fiat. And I understand that there is a grain of truth in the metaphor. It's just the wrong word choice.
When I hear kids saying that they "raped" someone in a video game - when what they did was PK them or loot something, it is equally cringeworthy.
To be clear, this is not the mountain I am going to die on, I just think we can do better.
Ask your friends if they can afford to leave their job. Unless, they truly enjoy it, unlikely. Even if its cringe, it doesn't make it less true. You're friends CAN QUIT they have FREEDOM and liberty to do so. But most don't because of fear like taxes.
What you say is true, and I am 100% aware that many people are trapped in their jobs. In the U.S. the consequences of quitting and losing e.g health insurance is real. If you have underlying medical conditions, one can feel ensnared, trapped, hopeless, miserable and desperate. These are all negative consequences of a system that exploits working people. But this is also FAR removed from slavery. An actual slave would give anything to have that job, however difficult. That is my point. We can use better words to describe the situation.
20 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 1 Jun
An actual slave would give anything to have that job, however difficult. That is my point.
and my point is that he woud still be a slave, a voluntary one, wich is the worst
I am sorry, in writing I sometimes have a hard time expressing myself. I like to have pictures(thanks to ai, im able) to articulate myself. Currently, im working on this flaw but at the same time im learning about sovereignty. So if my words seem cringe, understand its viewed like that in my mind. While, you might be more eloquent with words. Try to understand others may not be.
I sent a friend the guide to find out how much they're Worth. I advised her not to do because it requires registering with fidelity. Ill keep you updated. Are you in the process to fill out revocation?
With my superior intellect I escaped the Matrix and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
BREAKING: 🇺🇸 President Biden vetoes bill that allows highly regulated financial firms to hold Bitcoin and crypto.
Not enough
Chamath pimping out Bitcoin on this week's All-in Podcast...
Hey, everyone, I want you to see this comment :) I think it is super clever! #558304
Have you tried
I made a simple tool where you can select any date, and it will give you the Bitcoin price on that day.
Just working in the garden today!
I've been enjoying my fresh dill and parsley for the past week or so. Looking forward to tomatoes, basil, and oregano.
Bitcoin merchants adoption is all that matter. ALL THE REST IS JUST NOISE.
125 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 121 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Bottom left on a terasse
bot right chilled
Day 126 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 230 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 129 of 120+ pushups per day)
Two notes and one meme:
  • @Car is in the top 10 🤙
  • @grayruby was on the leaderboard in the morning (Europe) but is not anymore (the list doesn't have 100 stackers yet). Bug?

I was only active for a very short time after the leaderboard reset as it was 1am my time. I think I zapped a couple comments and replied to one. Maybe someone downzapped me to boot me off. Haha.
I think they must have downzapped whatever it is you zapped, making it so you had not zapped any top content.
Looks like I finally escaped downzap prison. For some reason I was 56th for awhile and behind people who had 3 sats spent and 1 comment. Don't know what I did to deserve this punishment but their chains could not hold me. I am up to 13 now.
I think we're seeing the power of the "top" designator. Posts, comments, and zaps aren't worth anything if they aren't "top".
We've got to build our tribe a little more.
Yes but this was even more absurd than normal. I could see if I was in the 20s but I was down with people that have like 100 sats and 2 comments for the day.
100 sats zapped to one of the top posts is worth more than any amount zapped to non-top content.
As the kids say. I want all the smoke. Bring on the haters.
If my memory serves me right, you didn't have any posts or comments, just stacked sats and 10 sats spent.
I was on briefly when the leaderboard reset. My wife was watching some London real estate show on Netflix and I was bored and falling asleep so I hopped on to see what my rewards for the day were. I did zap and reply to a couple comments but that might have been right before the reset so you are probably right.
Good morning stackers.
Day 124 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
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Feels early :D
Finally it's the weekend and I can... dream big! 😎 Don't wake me up too early.. Happy weekend Stackers. 😉
Yesterday I tried to make 100 comments while I was carrying out my "normie" life normally but I was overwhelmed by the task... I managed to complete only 36 my work day during the afternoon was brutal and I was able to be really free from my work and with phone in hand almost midnight! but it was great to try, I saw and explored more than ever in SN and I still had many territories left to look at and try to participate in... I will leave it as one of my goals to accomplish for this next month that starts tomorrow! I will choose the day and attack again until I complete those 100 comments on SN while also doing my tasks for the day. thanks for reading 💪🤠⚡ stay in the Pagüer
The journey is the destination.
Hello again, a few days have passed and my relationship with that friend I mentioned on @saloon last time improved a lot. I started looking a year or two into the future and came to the conclusion that I need to earn a lot of money over the next year, 10-20 thousand dollars, which is a lot by Polish standards because the minimum wage earned by 20-30% of the population is 1.2 thousand dollars. and I have school for up to 8 hours a day. The holidays are coming, do you have any suggestions where I can earn extra money? The reason why I need to earn so much is because I want to study and next year in May I will take my final exams. I sincerely hope that you will tell me where I can earn extra money, thank you very much for any suggestions.
258 sats \ 8 replies \ @Car 31 May
Incredibly bullish on the Plebs this cycle. Sn is the only place in the world where "the narrative" is controlled by the stackers. Incentives matter. This is why...
Bitcoin only. 🤙Onward
Stacker News Live starting around 3pm CST, will be covering the top 5 sn posts voted by you the stackers, streaming on all the socials, jump in the live chat to participate in the discussion.
I know definitively who the top cowboy is.
Can you guys make a post with the link?
206 sats \ 4 replies \ @Car 31 May
ya usually @Wumbo posts it first, here is the page we stream it on
How much is the cost to stream 1 episode on more or less.
2.5k sats I think, we make more zaps on fountain
What a night coaching soccer. We won 16-0 and my boys each scored 5 goals. We had 5 kids score. It’s 4-6 year olds so a bit nuts as I’m the only coach
You will never be short of flowers and small stones if you have small children, no matter the time, the weather or the day, if you go for a walk and there are flowers, one of those will be for you. (my daughter likes to grab the ones that are already on the ground so she doesn't have to tear out the ones that are still alive)
It's adorable, my daughter does it too, she always brings pebbles, flowers or small tree branches whenever she comes home from school or when we go out to play in the park.
Love is a catastrophe. It's a crazy illness. Love ruins your life. But I am very sad when I am not in love. —Slavoj Žižek
Good morning gang!! Friday has arrived and the weekend is on the horizon, let's finish strong on this final week of May, it was a good one and I hope it was fruitful and filled with purpose. So let's end it with a big thank you for the experience and for making sure we always give our best, and move on to next week, take this weekend to relax, to enjoy your hard work, you deserve it, you're worthy my friend and I'm proud of you, for your effort, for your sacrifices, you're amazing!! May your Friday be spectacular and successful. Let's do this!!! Be well my friend and stay frosty!
Obviously, the fear of not being in the "cool" club.
Day 165 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 314 sats on 30May2024! Running total: 96,907 sats!
Good day Stackers ⚡🧡☕🌞
Stack Sats and stay humble
Received the feedback from my participants after presenting to them via Zoom this Monday. It comprised the good, bad and ugly.
Just wondering the zaps as a feedback mechanism. Generally, the more sats I receive on a post, the more confident I can feel that it has resonated with Stackers. Motivation 🆙.
Whereas the constructive criticism provided by the participants make very clear my areas of weaknesses. Both kinds of feedback are invaluable to my growth as a human being.
Day 32 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
267 sats \ 2 replies \ @zana 31 May
Finally it's Friday :) wink 😉. Happy day :)
No flowers today? Haha
Happy Friday! ⚡🧡
203 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 31 May

Postcode in Court:

The use of the postcode is acceptance of “residency”. Meaning you are the “corporate legal entity”, and therefore cannot “live” there.
If an employee within the court persists in trying to apply titles to you, inquire that they must define said title first.
If they continue further, they are now causing a conflict and contempt of court.
If you are currently auditing the court, this should be noted, as should all answers to questions and other issues.
Titles and Contempt: It's unlikely that simply asking the court to define a title they're using for you would be considered contempt. Contempt is a serious offense reserved for actions that disrupt the court or disrespect its authority.
Day 412 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Just everyone wants to be a snail! Snail is a lifestyle.🐌😅
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GM! Day 22 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Getting closer to the weekend!!
Haha, you guys are hilarious. Sneaking in to the saloon before I come in.
If noone hates you, you're doing something wrong.
When your enemies attack you with everything they think they have to make you suffer and spoil your goals... Crush them with a smile... And go on your way to glory.
Day 6 of my daily posting journey, after I ran out of food and had to trade my hat for supplies. previously: #556442 🤠⚡

like putting the head of Shitcoin Magazine for shitcoin advisor?