We all have an idea of what we are supposed to be doing based on what we've been told by parents, authorities, trusted spokespeople, or our own research. How much does that list actually vary? Let's post to find out.
Other questions/observations we may be interested in:
  • How much of this comes from the same source of information?
  • How convinced are we about these habits?
  • Where are we seeing conflicting information?
  • How dang stereotypical is your list? I feel mine is.
  • Is there a future SN guide to good living?
Here is a starter list: Sleep hygiene
  • Early morning sunlight
  • Afternoon sunlight
  • No blue light close to bedtime
  • 8 hours of sleep
  • A bit colder for sleep
Body Temperature
  • Cold plunge (2 mins)
  • Sauna (in conjunction with cold plunge)
  • Mediterranean Diet VS
  • Carnivore Diet
Alcohol and Tobacco
  • Abstain. None is a healthy amount VS
  • 2 drinks a week
I'm hitting about 10% of this list fairly well.
Can I hijack your post and ask how many cups of coffee everyone drinks every day? I used to drink two cups of black coffee - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Recently though, I find that I need a 3rd cup of coffee in the evening. I don’t like the idea of being that dependent on caffeine, but at the same time, I feel like I can cut myself some slack if the majority is downing 3-4 cups to get through the day haha
I do better with alcohol. One can of Asahi beer every Friday night. At most another can on Saturday haha
I'm doing 3 a day but I have a rule that I can't have a drop of coffee after 3pm. I shoot for 2pm, if I can.
An espresso before a night out is an exception.
Not hijacking by the way! Caffeine use should be on this list, as should
  • number of steps a day
  • limiting time sitting
  • fasting regimens
  • food no-nos: red dye 40, high fructose corn syrup?
  • reading habits
Interesting to read the β€œrules” you set for yourself! I do feel better about my third cup of coffee.
I have been trying to have standing meetings this year because I read somewhere that when people stand up, they tend to cut to the chase and not waste time discussing unimportant things
If you can manage to cultivate a full bladder before the meeting, I imagine you'll be cutting to the chase in record time!
This is y drinking the third cup of coffee is useful!
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I agree with what you say about how we attach rituals to our coffee habits. Rituals comfort and relieve the stresses of the work day haha
Asahi is amazing πŸ‘ love it
Sleep hygiene: terrible max 5hrs
Early morning sunlight: good! always up early for mines
Afternoon sunlight: generally good
No blue light close to bedtime: terrible, on my phone up to last second
8 hours of sleep: lol πŸ˜†
Cold plunge (2 mins): yes but don't have plunge use cold shower
Sauna (in conjunction with cold plunge): now you're talking my language, sauna every night without fail
Diet: average, could probably eat more fish veggies eggs
Mediterranean Diet VS Carnivore Diet?: MD for me
Alcohol: if I'm not mining, I have too much!!
Tobacco: zero
Wow are you from Finland, the land of a thousand lakes?
I think the blue light thingy is over-emphasised. I use my hp to the last second and never have any problems falling asleep haha
Same as πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Mining huh? Don't edge us like that, are you on one of the crews from Goldrush?!
I read it as either cryptomining or clearing landmines--both pretty cool!