Can I hijack your post and ask how many cups of coffee everyone drinks every day? I used to drink two cups of black coffee - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Recently though, I find that I need a 3rd cup of coffee in the evening. I don’t like the idea of being that dependent on caffeine, but at the same time, I feel like I can cut myself some slack if the majority is downing 3-4 cups to get through the day haha
I do better with alcohol. One can of Asahi beer every Friday night. At most another can on Saturday haha
I'm doing 3 a day but I have a rule that I can't have a drop of coffee after 3pm. I shoot for 2pm, if I can.
An espresso before a night out is an exception.
Not hijacking by the way! Caffeine use should be on this list, as should
  • number of steps a day
  • limiting time sitting
  • fasting regimens
  • food no-nos: red dye 40, high fructose corn syrup?
  • reading habits
Interesting to read the “rules” you set for yourself! I do feel better about my third cup of coffee.
I have been trying to have standing meetings this year because I read somewhere that when people stand up, they tend to cut to the chase and not waste time discussing unimportant things
If you can manage to cultivate a full bladder before the meeting, I imagine you'll be cutting to the chase in record time!
This is y drinking the third cup of coffee is useful!
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I agree with what you say about how we attach rituals to our coffee habits. Rituals comfort and relieve the stresses of the work day haha
Asahi is amazing 👏 love it