Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Day 29 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 740 sats on 15Jan2024! Running total: 22,838 sats!
138 sats \ 11 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
Rug pull started
Was waiting for this comment
I consider it to be an experiment though lol
recent is full of links about stuff I specifically mentioned in the description to not belong in ~crypto. Additionally, they are all from the same stacker even though most of them have no sats on them. 384 sats didn't hurt them I guess.
Wanted to see if 1k sats would have an impact.
I've read that you pay the satoshis if the subject is cryptography, I understand the idea (preventing spam) but if you notice you'll be giving 3 points to a stacker for a post that might be shit.
64 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
but if you notice you'll be giving 3 points to a stacker for a post that might be shit.
Wdym with this? It wasn't me and 3 - 384 is still net negative.
3 - 1000 is more net negative though.
maybe I should have waited until your edit timer ran out.
wouldn't it be better, as moderator, to delete the post?
No, why?
I don't mind if people value this stuff enough.
But I don't value it and I am the one who has to pay the rent for this territory. So if you want to post stuff I didn't create the territory for, fine, but you'll financially support me then at least.
If I simply outlaw it (there are no deletes), I would lose the signal in recent that maybe you should reconsider posting crypto news since you're probably just wasting your sats.
good point
16 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 16 Jan
Sats are the signal
Or in this case no sats
Would you look at that… Hit the big 💯 today
433 sats \ 4 replies \ @gmd 16 Jan
Discovered a new Chipotle arbitrage - if you order a guac on the side, rather than in your burrito, you get far more guac in total.
A little more extra work to spread onto your burrito and a small waste of plastic however...
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 17 Jan
IMHO This kind of shit is why Chipotle is successful. Ordering from them is a game. Even if I'm not trying to get more guac, every order is an iteration of the game "what's the best burrito/bowl for me."1


  1. Up until a few months ago I was a Chipotle virgin. Now that Pleb Lab is right next door to one, I get it.
I also have one next door and I have to stop myself otherwise I would eat it every day.
Helps to have online/app ordering so I don't have to talk to anyone, and bonus for having no pressure to tip unlike most places these days.
If I had a panda express next door I'd really be in trouble.
Not all heroes wear capes
Note I only get guac when I get enough points for a free reward. That shit's expensive lol
I've done nothing today so far. Also Austin is frozen.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 16 Jan
Wonder where all the homeless go when it gets that cold ...
I saw one in a ski onesie the other day walking around like an astronaut.
Most of them probably head to cold weather shelters, but I still see a few regulars out and about who probably have some warm bedding. Two of the camps I pass everyday also have sneaky trashcan fires going.
Okay you win
Hey Stackers, hope everyone is doing well!
Swim should write a post how Linus Torvalds was the original @DarthCoin.
If you believe in net neutrality, you might also believe that the segwit discount was a mistake.
deleted by author
Let's use email as an analogy.
The body of the email is the actual transaction data (version, input, output, locktime). The email signature is the signature, proof you are you and you own the utxos mentioned in the body. You can also add a P.S. and it count as a part of the signature.
If emails had a cost to send, and they used the segwit discount pricing structure, the signature would cost 75% less than the body.
Now imagine you run mailchimp. How would you structure the emails you blast out? Well, you'd probably max out the signature...
This would be a great @birdeye21 style ~earth post.
@birdeye21 have been quiet - where is the bird?
freeing up some mental space this week! but i am always still lurking, cant keep myself fully away!
I am counting my family as 1.
I think I would bring someone I love, so food and love, sounds nice.
I also remembered to take someone I loved. Food wasn't necessary because it said you'd have unlimited food. Assuming I was going to be alone and since it doesn't say we'd have to stay there all the time, I'd take a boat :) If I had to stay there all the time and alone, I'd take internet.
I'd bring a lovely human to spend time with me! then try to build somethings together.
If I find a pen in that house, then I would even write down everything I've learned, then sell my book for Bitcoin after one year return to the internet. 😂😂😂 and going to share what I did there for one year, much fun!
Good answer.
That's a good plan
Did I get the 50th comment? Quiet day…
51! is it because of the weather? it's quite cold in my area = good time to work:)
Good time to be inside scrolling SN!
SNOW DAY! Kicking around the mini soccer ball with my boy!
Nine degrees fahrenheit and seven inches of show! I thought this was the south!
Is the lightsats team in the saloon today? A few of my tips weren’t claimed and every single attempt to withdrawal the sats have failed! @lightsats help I need my sats!
Join us on February 10th for a hands-on workshop with Darina Oumanski, Co-founder and CEO of Slice.
Darina Oumanski will present on "Essentials for Setting Up a Company in Its First Year".
Well last week was crazy here. Looking forward to a quieter week, more learning and growing in the space. Oh and stacking sats daily of course!
Day 276 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 76 push-ups. (20 - 20 - 20 - 16)
Day 57 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 3 minutes
Awesome. Well done!
Have a good day everyone.
Nice NFT…. Lol
:) shaltcoins metadology
Good morning you stupendous ray of sunshine!!! Day is starting good and showing signs of a beautiful weather and attitude, let's show this gorgeous Tuesday what we're made of, I wish you all an amazing day, may it be filled with profit, success and joy in what you do. You're amazing and don't forget it, thanks for being and thanks fort taking the time to read my posts, appreciate it, so let's go out there and kick some bum, as always, be well and stay frosty!!!
Day 26 keeping the cowboy hat! Yeeeeehaw 🤠
Keep going!
Yee-Haw 🤠
<Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site>
I freely admit that I’m a book snob because I picked up this book from the book exchange corner on virtue of the fact that it’s a New York Times Bestseller. What’s more, it has been translated into Chinese.
Enrapturing vehicle fans with colourful illustrations, Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld tells the story of five vehicles, namely the crane truck, cement mixer, dump truck, bulldozer and excavator, doing their bit at the construction site and putting in a hard day’s worth of work. It reminds me of a certain song designed for national cohesion in my corner. The lines go like this: “Every creed and every race, has its role and has its place.”
Of course, my four-year-old toddler would struggle to understand stuff like cooperation and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. At this point in time, I would be grateful if he can recognise “Good night” within the title. However, this tale is written in the form of rhyming sentences, which could be useful in helping him develop an ear for sound. You know, rhymes like “road/load” and “day/play”. Why am I so laser-focused on this pair of words? That’s because Japanese, his first language, doesn’t have the “l” sound. Forgive me for being fixated on determining the value he needs to derive from this book.
The Chinese version, on the other hand, made me realise how hard it is to raise bilingual children. Chinese people have a habit of using four-character idioms or sayings because they express a well of wisdom (and make the speaker appear intelligent)! But while 天下无敌 (invincible) and 威风无比 (powerful) may still be accessible to children, how do you expect them to relate to complicated ones like 勤勤恳恳 (hardworking) and 气喘吁吁 (panting)? To be honest, I had to Google 气喘吁吁 to learn how to pronounce it. So, I learnt that the original version might be written for lower primary kids, but only secondary school teens would be able to appreciate the Chinese version. It’s weird. And it may be hard to find a story that appeals to a kid mentally and emotionally in both English and Chinese renditions.
Guess I would be keeping the English book and recycling the Chinese one.
Does the social fabric of your community seem fractured or dying out? I can't tell if I am just getting older or weirder, or if people are just less friendly and open than they were 15 years ago.
An acquaintance from South America told me that in his country people who can afford technology don't interact that much, but people in the poorer ghettos still "hang out" a lot.
In my area it seems like churches are closing or selling buildings, civic groups disbanding, meetups are less frequent, etc. What about yours?
Definitely fractured. Everyone seems to be glued to their mobile phones these days - and it’s not a trend restricted to the young. I see whole families looking at their chat channels or videos while having dinner - and not talking to one another. It’s sad
Happy tuesday. hope everyone's been getting on it so far this week. i'm doing a deep dive into batteries and off-grid power management. Thinking of specializing in that after I finish my apprenticeship
Happy “taco” Tuesday!
Too much war on the news. I try to stay positive about the future and it is not easy. I'm exhausted but let's keep going.
The old saying if it bleeds it leads still applies. Sometimes just need to turn it off, if something major happens someone will tell you. Check out ~A_bit_of_good_news saw some positive stories over there.
That territory is like therapy. At least we get some bits of good news :)
that's why I don't read the news - not only it's a waste of time knowing the things that are out of my control, but it's full of negativity and BS.
Yeah, I can understand. Normally I like to know what is going on in the world in all fields, but wars are so negative that sometimes I feel like you not wanting to read the news. That's how I feel recently.
got asked this question today - What in your opinion is the best app to buy bitcoins?
happy sharing my answer here too. 👀
There isn't such thing as the best, only trade-offs.
  • For privacy, Robosat is good for buying with usd, euro or any major Fiat; other Fiat can go to HODLHODL.
  • For convenience, exchanges are fine, just use LN to withdraw, then use Boltz to swap back to Onchain.
But the best for me is exchanging with people in person or earning it, but that requires work, and no APP for that.
‘earning it, but that requires work, and no APP for that.’
No haiku from you today? Haha
Haha not today.
we are the app for that
wait, there is actually one: SN 👀👀👀
There is. I wont bore anyone with my thoughts on time and Bitcoin, and Darth always said it better, but suffice to say if you work here for pennies today you won’t need to work tomorrow.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 16 Jan
For piracy
You mean privacy ?
I mean.. Im good with both :p
haha, typo, fixed:))
14 sats \ 1 reply \ @gd 16 Jan
On the hunt for a new fiat mine this week. 16+ years of software eng experience makes this a drag.
good luck out there. Just keep in mind that there are more companies today that need experienced employees than ever before.
Cold out here! -5c today. I’m heading in for a warm drink so no shots. Maybe later. And where is that snail?
Whisky shots warm you up well :)
Good call. Probably don’t want to be operating heavy machinery afterwards though…
If it's just one, it won't do any harm :)
Hmmmm. I’ll let the site manager know you said it was ok…
Cold and a snow storm in my world. I'm glad I don't need to venture out.
Stay wrapped up with your cat hat!
He's right here. I do enjoy a good snow storm, so I probably won't be able to resist taking a walk when we have full daylight here.
Wow! First message of the day is a long one. I have to grab my coffee before I start reading it.

Snapshot of History 📸 — Anti-Saloon League, Detroit

The Home vs. The Saloon

Protect the home from the saloon, or the saloon will destroy the home.
The ballots of freemen must defend the homes of freemen.
Use your ballot as a weapon to defend your home, just as the liquor men use their ballot to defend the saloon.
The liquor traffic must be suppressed, or it will suppress the home.
Your ballot is the constitutional defense of wife, and children, and home. Dare you use it to offend them, and defend the saloon?
The saloon is in politics. Why not put your home there? It has a better right to be there.
The liquor traffic is in the crisis of a death struggle for supremacy over the American home.
GOD is silently, but surely, sifting the American people into two classes—home defenders and saloon defenders; these two forces now confront each other in your county.
EVERY wretched home is made out of a possible happy one.
THE HOME OR THE SALOON — WHICH? Anti-Saloon League, Detroit.

The Anti-Saloon League, now known the American Council on Addiction and Alcohol Problems, is an organization of the temperance movement in the United States.
Founded in 1893 in Oberlin, Ohio, it was a key component of the Progressive Era, and was strongest in the South and rural North, drawing support from Protestant ministers and their congregations, especially Methodists, Baptists, Disciples and Congregationalists. It concentrated on legislation, and cared about how legislators had voted, not whether they drank or not. Established initially as an Ohio state society, its influence spread rapidly. In 1895, it became a national organization and quickly rose to become the most powerful prohibition lobby in America, overshadowing the older Woman's Christian Temperance Union and the Prohibition Party. Its triumph was nationwide prohibition locked into the Constitution with passage of the 18th Amendment in 1919. It was decisively defeated when Prohibition was repealed in 1933.